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XKCD claims Kerbals better than College


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I would kill to get a look at one of his career savegames. Does Randall post here? It's always nice to meet one's celebrities...

I think it isn't unlikely he posts here, but if he does I don't think he will say who he is.

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He actually mentions KSP a third time in this panel: http://xkcd.com/1106/

However it is in the text, (hover over the panel) not the caption...

text reads:

"Title text: 20 balloons float away while I'm busy permanently tying one to a tree to deal with it for good. Unfortunately, that one balloon was 'land a rocket on the moon in Kerbal Space Program.'"

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XKCD claims Kerbals better than College[Q/quote]

...physics degree at teaching orbital mechanics. Which isn't surprising since an average physics curriculum has a lot of other stuff than just orbital mechanics to cover. I suspect it would be rather less the case if he'd studied astro physics instead.

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I was wondering how quickly this would pop up here - it was XKCD that first informed me of KSP… and now I'm using it to teach in my university physics labs. So… yeah, I have to agree with him. And I say that as a physicist :)

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Replace "took high school physics" with "didn't take high school physics"; "got physics degree" with "got BFA"; and "actual job at NASA" with "accepted to Nursing School" and that graph is about right for me.

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Replace "took high school physics" with "didn't take high school physics"; "got physics degree" with "got BFA"; and "actual job at NASA" with "accepted to Nursing School" and that graph is about right for me.

Your understanding of orbital mechanics increased during Nursing school?

Are you a Space Medic? AWESOME!


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