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[1.0.4] ScienceAlert 1.8.9: Experiment availability feedback (July 13)


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don't know if working as intended, but it keeps reverting to default everytime I change ships or restart KSP.

All options such as "Not Maxxed" disappear, and it loads the default profile instead of mine (which I tried and saved).

Wasn't doing that in 0.24, so tought I'd leave a note here.

Thanks for the update in any case =)

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Hi, I've been loving science alert for a while now. I reinstalled ksp recently, along with science alert (the 0.25 version). It mostly works fine, but periodically it doesn't seem to trigger when it should. I've got the "display biome in experiment list" option checked off and I've discovered that when science alert is working fine it shows the current biome up there. However, when it's not working, it says "Data not found" instead of the current biome. Switching vessels, saving and reloading, or going back out to KSC and back to the spacecraft don't seem to reset it. It looks like it's not reading in the biome data. Has anyone else encountered this issue?

EDIT: After a while, it just went back to working on its own. Recognizes biomes, and experiments and everything. Then 10 minutes later, it stopped working again. Is it some kind of problem with whatever scripting engine KSP uses?

Edited by mkrco
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  mkrco said:
However, when it's not working, it says "Data not found" instead of the current biome. Switching vessels, saving and reloading, or going back out to KSC and back to the spacecraft don't seem to reset it. It looks like it's not reading in the biome data. Has anyone else encountered this issue?

If you have enabled SCANsat integration, ScienceAlert won't alert you about biome-dependent experiments if you don't have scan data for the area of the body you're orbiting. If you're seeing "Data not found" and you do NOT have SCANsat integration enabled then something is broken and I'd like to hear more :)

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Does it revert to default on a ship you've been flying or on new ships? Newly launched ships will start with the "default" profile; you can overwrite it with a modified version to start all ships off with your preferred settings.

If it's on a ship you've been flying (and didn't revert your safe on), I'd be interesting in your logs and/or any error/warnings that ScienceAlert displays in the Alt+F2 window. That might point me in the right direction

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  xEvilReeperx said:
If you have enabled SCANsat integration, ScienceAlert won't alert you about biome-dependent experiments if you don't have scan data for the area of the body you're orbiting. If you're seeing "Data not found" and you do NOT have SCANsat integration enabled then something is broken and I'd like to hear more :)

HA, that was it. I did have SCANSAT integration enabled. Turning it off fixed the problem.

However, I can confirm that in my current game I have 100% scanned the Mun with both the low-res altimeter, and biome scanner. When I turn on scansat integration I get no experiment notifications (data not found) in certain, seemingly random regions, when I turn off scansat integration then I do get notifications. If I land at one of the "data not found" regions, I still get "data not found" no matter how long I wait there. With the scansat integration it seems there are significant swathes of the Mun where it doesn't get the biome data even though the biome is definitely scanned. Is there an additional requirement I'm missing for this scansat integration?

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  mkrco said:
If I land at one of the "data not found" regions, I still get "data not found" no matter how long I wait there. With the scansat integration it seems there are significant swathes of the Mun where it doesn't get the biome data even though the biome is definitely scanned. Is there an additional requirement I'm missing for this scansat integration?

No, that's it. Thanks for the report, I'll check it out

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  xEvilReeperx said:
... Newly launched ships will start with the "default" profile; you can overwrite it with a modified version to start all ships off with your preferred settings.

That fixed it. Overwritting the default with my settings was the solution

Thank you.

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FYI, there seems to be an incompatibility between ScienceAlert and Extraplanetary Launchpads (EPL). See my post in that thread.

[LOG 12:06:26.700] Launchpad loaded!
[LOG 12:06:26.701] []: Ready to Launch - waiting to start physics...
[EXC 12:06:26.702] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ScienceAlert.ScienceAlertProfileManager.OnVesselCreate (.Vessel newVessel)
EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data)
Vessel.Initialize (Boolean fromShipAssembly)
ExLP.ExBuildControl.getBuildCost (.ConfigNode craft)
ExLP.ExBuildControl.LoadCraft (System.String filename, System.String flagname)
ExLP.ExBuildWindow.craftSelectComplete (System.String filename, System.String flagname)
CraftBrowser.drawList (Int32 id)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)

My guess (as a programmer but not a Kerbal modder) is that EPL is briefly creating the ship in order to figure out the tonnage (and hence the required RocketParts count) and that ScienceAlert is somehow freaking out because it's a non-standard ship in some way. It only affects trying to construct ships that have a command module; subassemblies without one are okay. taniwha might have more complete/correct info about what's going on here.

Edited by Wisq
Fixed a miswording.
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hey, the file version doesn't match with 1.8rc1:







BLOCK "StringFileInfo"


BLOCK "000004b0"


VALUE "FileDescription", "ScienceAlert"

VALUE "FileVersion", ""

VALUE "InternalName", "ScienceAlert.dll"

VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 2014"

VALUE "OriginalFilename", "ScienceAlert.dll"

VALUE "ProductName", "ScienceAlert"

VALUE "ProductVersion", ""

VALUE "Assembly Version", ""



BLOCK "VarFileInfo"


VALUE "Translation", 0x0000 0x04B0



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  Wisq said:
FYI, there seems to be an incompatibility between ScienceAlert and Extraplanetary Launchpads (EPL). See my post in that thread.

Thanks, should be no problem to fix

  FreeThinker said:
hey, the file version doesn't match with 1.8rc1

I noticed that immediately after releasing it :blush: already fixed in the next release

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Having a weird issue - the log indicates the game is seeing the the DLL and loading it, but the button (and thus anything to do with ScienceAlert) never shows up either on the stock toolbar or on Blizzy's toolbar.

Entering the scene, it gives this message, but never loads properly and On.Destruct() gives a NRE.

[LOG 14:49:03.001] ScienceAlert, Waiting on ProfileManager...

Here's the full log.



Edited by GavinZac
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  GavinZac said:
Entering the scene, it gives this message, but never loads properly and On.Destruct() gives a NRE.

[LOG 14:49:03.001] ScienceAlert, Waiting on ProfileManager...

Something's gone wrong when loading a ScenarioModule. This looks suspicious:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at TarsierSpaceTech.TSTProgressTracker.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in :0
at ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in :0
at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in :0
at ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host) [0x00000] in :0
at ScenarioRunner+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0

If this exception interrupted KSP before it created the ProfileManager, ScienceAlert will never start and you may have other problems related to ScenarioModules (asteroids not spawning, progress not being tracked, etc). Could you try removing that particular mod temporarily? If that doesn't fix it, let me know

  The Destroyer said:
Note: Never, ever, trust the "EVA report". I just did it, and the eva report must've vanished or something, because despite it saying he went on eva, hes nowhere (jeb). So much for a hardcore game.
Can you provide more detail? Are you saying you clicked EVA report and your crewman vanished into nothing? Anything suspicious in the log? As far as I know, the method I use to do this is exactly equivalent to clicking the EVA button in the interface
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  xEvilReeperx said:
Can you provide more detail? Are you saying you clicked EVA report and your crewman vanished into nothing? Anything suspicious in the log? As far as I know, the method I use to do this is exactly equivalent to clicking the EVA button in the interface

Not sure if this is what he's talking about, but when I start an EVA Jeb immediately starts sliding down the ladder (or sometimes up). I have to zoom up close on the hatch and correct his movement or he falls off and is gone, sometimes in under a second. I think it's a general inertia logic change and not specific to the plugin.

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  CeeJayMI said:
Not sure if this is what he's talking about, but when I start an EVA Jeb immediately starts sliding down the ladder (or sometimes up). I have to zoom up close on the hatch and correct his movement or he falls off and is gone, sometimes in under a second. I think it's a general inertia logic change and not specific to the plugin.

Yeah it's a general KSP thing. There's a reputed fix here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-0-25-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules

I haven't had the problem since I installed it, but then again I haven't done many EVAs.

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I have a bad habit of trying to EVA while accelerated (while under 1G accel of course, I'm not stupid ;)) and falling off, having to play Chase The Rocket - this might fix that. Thanks for the link Gavin!

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  GavinZac said:
Yeah it's a general KSP thing. There's a reputed fix here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-0-25-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules

I haven't had the problem since I installed it, but then again I haven't done many EVAs.

I know about the kerbals sliding off. I was doing my first orbit, nothing suspicious in the logs. I was frequently evaing in and out, for science. it was working fine, when suddenly, I clicked the EVA, and it said he went on EVA. But he was nowhere. The astronaut complex says "Killed in action" there was no puff of smoke or sound, either.

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I haven't been able to reproduce it so it might be some special factor. Can you tell me (as best you can remember) any details that might help? Specifically, which command pod the crew member got out of, which body the ship was orbiting and orbit altitude, and anything else that might be related (especially mods related to crew, like life support or crew management). If you happen to have the logs saved somewhere or can replicate the problem, that'd be great too!

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I have only had this happen once and I don't have a log of it (I forgot to capture) but... I got an eva alert in interkerbin space (on the way to minmus for the first time) and I clicked the EVA button. I was then shown a loading screen briefly and then my kerbal popped out a few hundred thousand kilometers from the ship he was in. I think either the ship or the kerbal jumped back to a previous trajectory. It was very weird.

I don't have enough data to blame any specific mod and I figured I would leave this here as a signpost to other people having the same issue.

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