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[1.0.4] ScienceAlert 1.8.9: Experiment availability feedback (July 13)


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If nothing else, perhaps the OP could compile the build he already has and allow those that want to use whatever he does have, even if it doesn't have all the final bells and whistles, to use it as is. 

Edited by Armor9
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it looks like the experiment polling process of this mod has to change.  
in a post 1.1 world you can't test every science experiment on every frame update -- it's way too laggy (or maybe I'm doing it wrong?).  

it's just not a simple update / recompile .. from what I can see.. someone please, prove me wrong :)

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?ts=1464871483 Allen Mrazek
Reduced garbage produced by KspResearchAndDevelopment somewhat. It's still a problem though
5 hours ago
?ts=1464871483 Allen Mrazek
Eliminated garbage produced by composite rules and RuleVesselHasOperableModuleScienceExperiment.Passes
6 hours ago
?ts=1464871483 Allen Mrazek
Eliminated 12b per call allocation by KspVessel.Body
7 hours ago
?ts=1464871483 Allen Mrazek
Eliminated garbage produced by ExperimentReportValueCalculator.GetOnboardReportsMatching
7 hours ago
?ts=1464871483 Allen Mrazek
Added eva experiment deployment trigger
15 hours ago
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  On 2/3/2016 at 3:17 PM, kaptain_kavern said:

In order to make it work for 1.0.5 :

don't forget to put the .cs file in the ScienceAlert folder too


Hi Folks, 

As you can see this is my first post and it relates to this mod.

As the mod is not available on CKAN I've downloaded version 1.8.9 of https://bitbucket.org/xEvilReeperx/ksp_sciencealert/downloads (which only contains a sound folder, a license.txt and a .dll file), Then replaced the ScienceAlert.dll in the Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ScienceAlert folder, overwriting the existing file with the file fromhttp://gamefaction.no/ScienceAlert-1.8.9-patch1.zip. Nothing has happened in game though (no icon expected during game play carrying out experiments etc - other mods "Mechjeb, Contracts + and "final frontier" working correctly) and i'm looking for some guidance.

I have also downloaded the "download repository" folder and i'm assuming that this is the core file and should be installed at the Kerbal Space Program's parent directory? (where the ksp.exe is located) overwriting folders and files as required - much like my install of "Mechjeb" (which works).

If that is the case then i don't understand the above quote which says "don't forget to put the .cs file in the ScienceAlert folder too" Which .cs file does this relate to? as there are 4/5 of them, do i remove these from download repository and paste them in the sciencealert folder or is it just one .cs file and if so which one?

Its taken me some time to get into this game and I'm really enjoying the career mode so far having just got my first Kerbin into a stationary orbit (not sure how to get him back yet though) and any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.


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  On 6/6/2016 at 5:52 AM, icmdead said:

Hi Folks, 

As you can see this is my first post and it relates to this mod.

As the mod is not available on CKAN I've downloaded version 1.8.9 of https://bitbucket.org/xEvilReeperx/ksp_sciencealert/downloads (which only contains a sound folder, a license.txt and a .dll file), Then replaced the ScienceAlert.dll in the Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ScienceAlert folder, overwriting the existing file with the file fromhttp://gamefaction.no/ScienceAlert-1.8.9-patch1.zip. Nothing has happened in game though (no icon expected during game play carrying out experiments etc - other mods "Mechjeb, Contracts + and "final frontier" working correctly) and i'm looking for some guidance.

I have also downloaded the "download repository" folder and i'm assuming that this is the core file and should be installed at the Kerbal Space Program's parent directory? (where the ksp.exe is located) overwriting folders and files as required - much like my install of "Mechjeb" (which works).

If that is the case then i don't understand the above quote which says "don't forget to put the .cs file in the ScienceAlert folder too" Which .cs file does this relate to? as there are 4/5 of them, do i remove these from download repository and paste them in the sciencealert folder or is it just one .cs file and if so which one?

Its taken me some time to get into this game and I'm really enjoying the career mode so far having just got my first Kerbin into a stationary orbit (not sure how to get him back yet though) and any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.



Are you using KSP 1.0.5?

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This addon is not updated for KSP 1.1.2 yet. The author is working on it but if you downloaded the source code it's probably in a state of development (meaning, not really working).

Since the main download link is still for KerbalStuff, which no longer exists, you're going to want to wait for the author to update the addon for KSP 1.1.2 and provide a download link to the released version. Then you won't really have to mess with figuring out what goes where, other than dumping a folder into GameData. But by that point, it should work on CKAN anyway, so you shouldn't have to worry about it.

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Thanks for the replies, as soon as i'd read " Are you using KSP 1.0.5" i released that the last update was for 1.0.4 and i'm running 1.1.2 which is a considerable difference.

Felt a bit stupid for having to post as i've always found a way around any mod i've came across in all the years i've been a gamer but i guess there's always a first. I've just done a clean install again as i'm going to try sticking to the CKAN  and as mentioned if this mod is updated to support the lastest version of the game it will no doubt find its way there. 

Now to find a way to get Jeb back from orbit without fuel...

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  On 6/6/2016 at 3:24 PM, icmdead said:

Now to find a way to get Jeb back from orbit without fuel...


I de-orbited Jeb to a safe (well, survivable anyway) landing on Mun once with nothing but his EVA jetpack. Poor dude bounced and rolled and skidded for miles when he hit the ground, but he pulled through OK. Rescuing him was another story, though...

-- If you're going to mod it heavily, I'd suggest copying the contents of your Steam install to another folder and using that for your modded install. You can point CKAN to your modded install and set it as default. Steam's automatic updates can leave you unable to play your saves if the update breaks your mods - and I believe an update to 1.1.3 may be in the pipeline.

Edited by UnanimousCoward
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If you're around Kerbin and have a parachute, you can always get out and push...  (Use the EVA jetpack to put the ship in a decaying orbit, then get back in and let the atmosphere and your parachutes do the rest.  You have unlimited EVA fuel - you just have to enter and exit to refuel the suit.)

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  On 6/6/2016 at 3:24 PM, icmdead said:

Felt a bit stupid for having to post as i've always found a way around any mod i've came across in all the years i've been a gamer but i guess there's always a first. I've just done a clean install again as i'm going to try sticking to the CKAN  and as mentioned if this mod is updated to support the lastest version of the game it will no doubt find its way there. 



The mod that's - IMO - as close to this as it gets is "[x] Science!", just lacking an audio notification and a fancy "shortcut popup" to do your experiments (you can do that with action groups though). But other than that if you're just interested in "what's available right now?" then [x] Science! can deliver that.

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  On 6/6/2016 at 4:54 PM, DStaal said:

If you're around Kerbin and have a parachute, you can always get out and push...You have unlimited EVA fuel - you just have to enter and exit to refuel the suit.)


I haven't had to do this in quite some time but I thought I remembered reading that this had been fixed and now your EVA mono would be recharged from your ship's reserves. Am I remembering something wrong?

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  On 6/7/2016 at 12:46 AM, patrioticparadox said:

I haven't had to do this in quite some time but I thought I remembered reading that this had been fixed and now your EVA mono would be recharged from your ship's reserves. Am I remembering something wrong?


Hmm.  I haven't done it in a bit myself - and I often don't keep close track of how much monoprop is being used.  So I could be wrong.

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  On 6/7/2016 at 12:46 AM, patrioticparadox said:

I haven't had to do this in quite some time but I thought I remembered reading that this had been fixed and now your EVA mono would be recharged from your ship's reserves. Am I remembering something wrong?


Nope, you're remembering correctly. You just forgot (or never heard) the part where they scrapped that idea. :)

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I don't want to put pressure or something but a few words from the author about the state of this wonderful mod will be greatly appreciated.

I don't ask a timeline or a finished mod but just some informations. The last words we got was months ago and was telling "the mod should be "working" in a few days" and then nothing. I'm pretty sure everyone using this mod will understand if you have problem IRL or else but the lack of informations make us imagine anything and a few words could solve this problem.


Should we wait until 1.2 or not ?    I come here nearly everyday since the last words from the author and as bad it is to put pressure on the author, it's not cool to let us all in expectation without even a little "I'm still working on it" or "I have this problem" or anything else.

If we know the problem, we could maybe even help you.



Edited by HaArLiNsH
grammar and mispelling
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As I said, it's not the put pressure on him, on the contrary I think, when thing don't go as planned (and again I don't judge here), it is better to say "Guys there is a problem, it will take more time" than say nothing. Because people don't know there is a problem (or the cause of it), they will start to put pressure on you. The more time you wait, the more pressure you will have. And not necessary by evil meanings but just by miscomprehension or misconception or the will to use your great work again and the lack of informations. And I'm sure he has unnecessary pressure because of this lack of information. Even by trying to discuss about this, I know I put some kind of pressure on him (sorry btw).

I can wait one year to have this mod again, that's not the problem. But I would prefer a word from the author saying so than this situation.


Take the time you need to make it, just tell us something and you will feel more relaxed on the situation. :) 



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  On 6/17/2016 at 10:55 AM, Red Iron Crown said:

@Everyone: I'm sure the author is aware that people are anxiously awaiting an update, and if they wanted help I'm sure they would ask. Please be patient and respectful with the author (as you should with anyone).


I certainly believe the posts we have been making are respectful and when the Modder says it should be out "in a few days" back in April and it is now June 17th we certainly HAVE been patient as well.  As we have patiently been waiting this mod to be updated I am respectfully requesting an update to its status. 

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