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How Do You Bring KSP To The Real World?


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For example, yesterday I asked my ELA teacher at school if we could listen to KSP music during class. Sure enough, my teacher listened to my request, and today the class listened to the sweet, sweet beats of the KSP soundtrack. Sure, 99% of my peers had no idea what Kerbal Space Program was, but there were a few students who got the reference.

So, how have you brought KSP to those around you?

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Talking rubbish in the pub mostly. Tonight we covered the concepts of open-source software -> commercial software encouraging mods, how Squad as a marketing company are doing pretty well as a software-house, why you need to click here to donate and other such stuff. Then we hit re-usable space programmes and why ecology is important.

Oddly enough, the odd people I talk to accept that one of my oddities is that I spend a lot of time on an odd space-simulator programme. ;-0 People are inspired by a) dinosaurs, B) pyramids, c) space - give 'em an excuse and they'll join in. [Tooks?]

[ETA: ex-wife 'phoned not long after I got KSP and asked what I'd been doing. Normally I then have 5s to respond before she talks at me for 40 minutes or so. On hearing that "I've learnt the importance of a Kerbin periapsis above 70km and the steps required to avoid the consequences of one below that which is, of course, to burn prograde at apoapsis" she was amused enough that I was able to make my excuses and cut short the call. Now, if only I'd reversed the polarity of the neutron flow ...]

Edited by Pecan
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^^ Agreed.

At work we're replacing a server called "Mars" with one that's smaller and lighter -- I'm trying to get it named "Duna" :D

That and for teaching my two-year-old about space, and what a planet is ... that she is on one, the moon is one, and that little red dot Mars is one ..

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I generally tell those that are gamers themselves - with all others I usually do not talk about games at all anyway.

  parameciumkid said:
the moon isn't a planet though...

It is hard to say nothing sometimes, I feel with you. :D

  Tortoise said:
I told my science teacher a few years ago to download KSP, since he taught us a lot about space.

The real story here is: What was his reaction? :)

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  Amaroq said:
^^ Agreed.

At work we're replacing a server called "Mars" with one that's smaller and lighter -- I'm trying to get it named "Duna" :D

That and for teaching my two-year-old about space, and what a planet is ... that she is on one, the moon is one, and that little red dot Mars is one ..

You told your child the moon is a planet? Psh, what, next you're gonna tell me you think Pluto is one too!

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  Amaroq said:
^^ Agreed.

At work we're replacing a server called "Mars" with one that's smaller and lighter -- I'm trying to get it named "Duna" :D

That and for teaching my two-year-old about space, and what a planet is ... that she is on one, the moon is one, and that little red dot Mars is one ..

I saw and recognised Mars yesterday.

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  astropapi1 said:
Well, first you have to use facts and heavy terminology to convince them that the moon landings weren't a hoax...

Sadly that is getting more and more common. Otherwise intelligent people just don't believe it is possible now or ever was.

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  • 5 months later...
How Do You Bring KSP To The Real World?

I don't. I bring The Real World to KSP because it needs it.

I do annoy my friends more with space-related stuff on the Facebook now, though.

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  regex said:
I don't. I bring The Real World to KSP because it needs it.

Shame to hear, regex. Spreading the word about KSP is always appreciated.

As for me, the "what do you do?" question is always an invitation to talk about KSP if I'm meeting someone at an event or get together. Usually it's followed by some sort of reaction that acknowledges that they have played/currently play it or want to know more about it. I'm always game to tell them more.

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  nadreck said:
Sadly that is getting more and more common. Otherwise intelligent people just don't believe it is possible now or ever was.

Has not run into anybody believing it, however I have run into multiple who believe 9/11 was done by the US government, and yes this is at least two order of magnitude harder.

First 9/11 would involve loads of random people you have no control over, the moon program could select the inner core, secondly an fake moon program could theoretical be done legally as an cold war propaganda stunt.

Any involvement in 9/11 would put you in jail for life or death penalty and everybody know. More fun its no motive who make any sense.

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My old thread is alive again? Well...um...thanks guys. XD

Anyways, I still talk about KSP a lot and almost always find a way to incorporate it into my school projects. Before, when I first made this thread, I knew no one who played KSP, and actually nowadays I have a few friends! What's amazing about it all is the fact that had it not been for KSP our friendships wouldn't have ever happened. Seriously, we all owe so much to KSP and Squad.

That got deep, didn't it?

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Working in industry, there are a lot of opportunities to proselytize KSP to my coworkers. For example, two days ago a customer was complaining about being asked to teach his friend's 12-year-old about rocket science. Needless to say, I made an argument that a simple, quick purchase and install of KSP would be a much more fun and educational approach than trying to teach the rocket equation to someone who doesn't know exponentials.

My favorite gimmick (if you could call it that), though, is to include Jebediah and the Up-Goer Five on the "questions" slide of my presentations. Never fails to provoke a question or two. The next step is usually to show them Build-Fly-Dream, after which most folks (fellow engineers, in particular) are usually sold.

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  TythosEternal said:
a customer was complaining about being asked to teach his friend's 12-year-old about rocket science. Needless to say, I made an argument that a simple, quick purchase and install of KSP would be a much more fun andâ€â€

Yeah, but he wants to learn rocket science.

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  Rowsdower said:
Shame to hear, regex. Spreading the word about KSP is always appreciated.

Oh, I'm not at all shy about spreading the word about how the devs ignore basic rocket math. :P

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