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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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Also it seems to be totaly random if you can use 64bit with or without random crashes. This made developing for 64bit a big pain, noone knew if its crashing because its a bug or just bad luck. Just wait for 1.1...

I want a KSPRC download thats 10Gb of crisp textures :D

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I just came back to this game, with my new, and wanted to try out this mod to make the game look better. But I noticed TextureReplacer was out of date in this mod pack, so I wanted to update that, but than I got no clouds anymore and some other improvements. Should I just keep using the old version of TextureReplacer or is there something I'm missing.

(I tried looking back, but I couldn't find anything about it)

Edited by Flowtje
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7 hours ago, Flowtje said:

I just came back to this game, with my new, and wanted to try out this mod to make the game look better. But I noticed TextureReplacer was out of date in this mod pack, so I wanted to update that, but than I got no clouds anymore and some other improvements. Should I just keep using the old version of TextureReplacer or is there something I'm missing.

(I tried looking back, but I couldn't find anything about it)

yep. you can keep the original texture replacer. That's why you dont have clouds,becouse in default (from textrepl) you have some textures for snow,particles,etc, and when you upgrade the texture replacer, you replace the 'engine" of that,and you need to copy Default and EnvMap folders and paste to new Texture replacer, and with cfg.s there. Just whait to show you for all how i manage to to awesome graphicks and best fps. i think,today.

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15 hours ago, Farix said:

Because most mod developers won't support 64 bit.

  • It says that..yep..on loading screen.. but for me is doesn.t matter becouse i think i have luck becouse i use mods,that probably have no bugs with 64 biti :)). My list from GameData here : and by the way ! it is a lot of mods...
  • FilterExtension and cfg - a new arange tolbarr from VAC
  • Toolbar - to show icons from mods
  • Arkas ( a planet)
  • BoulderCO - folder with clouds/atm cfg,etc
  • CameraTools - that videos with beautifull recording from distance/flyby,etc
  • Community resourcePack/Techtree - it fills techtree with empty new research 
  • Crewportraits 
  • CrossFeedEnabler - enable easy to transfer fuel between tanks
  • DistantObject - show points of planets with names when you are in space.
  • EngineLight - beautifull lighting on craft/ship from engine
  • EVE  - config for atm/clouds/etc
  • FieldExperience - experience on the go, just save/load and you are 2 or 3 level.
  • InterstellarFuelSwitch
  • Kas - parts
  • Kis -parts
  • KerbalEnginer - you know what can do
  • Kerbaltek -hyper edit-you go where ever you want to go (i dont use this) i used for test new mods.
  • Kopernicus/Expansion
  • KerbolPlus(new version) - a lots of planets
  • KSP-AVC -a checkér for new versions
  • KWrocketry/community - new rokets
  • MastCam - a cam that enable with one click- like that on gasstations :)
  • Near future - Electric
  • Near future-props
  • Near future-solar
  • Near future -Propulsion
  • Near future - construction
  • Near future - space craft
  • Part Commander - a very usefull icon with easy acces your parts on ship
  • PlanetShine
  • Portraitstats - it show on face kerbal what are they (engineer/pilot,science)
  • Qickscroll - yep quickscroll your inventory from parts VAC
  • RcsSounds- you hear them now :)
  • Saru Pack - beautifull planet
  • Scatterer - makes distant fog and BEAUTIFULL water !! (the new version)
  • Stage recovery - yeee we now, how BAD it was to recover parts !
  • SurfaceLigths - 5 new lights that you can place on your craft to light you
  • Texture replacer - the new one have F@@ING awesome land texture !
  • Thermometer - show you temperature of parts
  • ThrottleControlledAvionics - when GODDAME ship DONT WANT to go straight !
  • TweakScale - it's kind of ..cheating? :( in the first missions yes,but when you are lvl 3/4 rescale everithing is not anymore cheating
  • UbioWelding - o god... save me from a lot of fps drop becouse of more parts
  • VenStockRevamp - new texture for stock parts and more
  • Warp plugin
  • WaypointManager- to activate the "target from missions" to show you distance/heading.etc now with decimal !
  •  HOW I PUT HERE A DOCUMENT ? How to insert ? media is not working for my acount.. dunno why. Nevermind, i found a super recorder. I start now to make a video :)  just whait guys. i hope i will make until 6 hours from now cheers !
Edited by Istrati
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3 minutes ago, Speadge said:

so all this just to tell that kopernicus 0.5 brings more FPS?
And please learn to edit posts :(

In the first place " more fps " is not "just" more. Is from 37 to 60 and in space from 40 to 110... so is not "just".. you think is not enought ? and bytheway is not finish yet. i work now to discover again how to add (what version) of planetshine and distant object to game to not drop fps. "and pleeeease" i made this conversation exactly for this ! to improve fps and graphic.. a lot of players dont know how to instal and tweaking this so.. stay on you'r opinion. becouse if you know allready this thing's a looot of players,dont know even how to make these tweakings. 

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i said "just to tell", not "just more fps".

its nice that you want to help ppl. but it would also be nice to add somewhere the facts that improved YOUR performance just to check them over instead of making big videos including 64bit workaround.
Sure, many ppl dont know it - but I assume most of the readers here are more interested in facts and dont want to spend this many time in scrolling and checking your videos fore some neat info.

So it might just be a good addition to write down the core facts of your videos in here and link (not embed) videos for further reference.
So for your last 2 videos (and 20 posts): Kopernicus 0.5 increased your FPS. Thanks for the info.

Edited by Speadge
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1 hour ago, Speadge said:

i said "just to tell", not "just more fps".

its nice that you want to help ppl. but it would also be nice to add somewhere the facts that improved YOUR performance just to check them over instead of making big videos including 64bit workaround.
Sure, many ppl dont know it - but I assume most of the readers here are more interested in facts and dont want to spend this many time in scrolling and checking your videos fore some neat info.

So it might just be a good addition to write doen the core facts of your videos in here and link (not embed) videos for further reference.
So for your last 2 videos (and 20 posts): Kopernicus 0.5 increased your FPS. Thanks for the info.

welcome :)).. you got that information, great. Now let others people to get other informations :)  like how to instal ksp+ksprc and have great fps. ( people that comes here that what they want) and few want just a tiny piece of information like you do,becouse you know already a lot of stuf. And yes... you right that for others with low spec on pc they will have lower fps,but i dont have GIGA MEGA PC anyway :). i have i5 3570 and gtx 660. And i guarante that "my performance improvement" it work too on others pc. Tomorrow i will do the finall Part.

Edited by Istrati
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2 hours ago, Istrati said:

 you right that for others with low spec on pc they will have lower fps,but i dont have GIGA MEGA PC anyway :). i have i5 3570 and gtx 660. And i guarante that "my performance improvement" it work too on others pc.

you know that this is nothing i mentioned anywhere? Somehow you are reading things i never have written.

I just asked you to summarize your findings in words and link the videos, so people dont have to watch the whole video for the important parts. But im afraid you wont get the upside of this...

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15 minutes ago, Speadge said:

you know that this is nothing i mentioned anywhere? Somehow you are reading things i never have written.

I just asked you to summarize your findings in words and link the videos, so people dont have to watch the whole video for the important parts. But im afraid you wont get the upside of this...

^^ This.

I'll just wait out Proot's fixes tbh. TL;DR posts about higher fps and stuff. You'd reckon that - if it was that simple - @Proot would already have had a fix easy and done.

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10 hours ago, Istrati said:

ok..i think i "quit", no time for this anyway 

Dude! Don't quit! I know many people (myself included) that really want to make KSP look as good as possible, without losing FPS, and your videos provide a perfect guide to people new to the visual mods sections on how to make KSP look great. What I suggest you do (if you do wanna continue) is to make your own page in the KSP Fan Works section. That way, you have a lot more control over the topic, and people will be less (arguably unnecessarily) grumpy because your videos will have there own section. Ignore the haters. Just keep searching for the higher FPS. Teach us! :) 

Edited by MrMeeb
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