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Whats your favorite docking port?


Favorite docking port  

  1. 1. Favorite docking port

    • Clampotron (normal)
    • Clampotron shielded (cool version of normal)
    • Clampotron jr (small)
    • Clampotron sr (big)

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Need Inline and Claw as poll answers.

The claw is the most useful and easiest to use. But the least appealing and not even a docking port.

Inline is just pretty cool haha. Useful for small SSTO's and spaceplanes.

Otherwise i go with the usual normal docking port. The Shielded one doesn't support the new Ejection system, so it only gets used in bigger Shuttle Systems now.(i don't have many or enough)

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Nice mess of a poll here. First, it mixes up sizes (Jr, normal, Sr) and features (shielded/unshielded), shows clear bias by marking one option as "cool" and completely misses another "uncool" option, the inline docking port (which deserves some love as it got nerfed with latest release).

Also there's no option for "no preference".

Really, I always use whatever goes with the design. If it is a small probe, I use Jr. If it is something large and bulky, I use Sr. for additional stability and strength. And if it is something in between I use the normal one, usually the unshielded variant because I don't care about looks too much.

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The regular Clampotron is standard for my crafts. I use both shielded and unshielded.

I don't really build anything in Jr size, and if I sued Sr size, I would need adaptors, and that would just complicate things.

Made the mistake of using an inline once...


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I don't really have a fav, which ever suits the scale of the design is the one used. But that said I find the Jr lends itself to more uses, partly cos I build a lot of smallish modules, but also because they are usful to put on a craft if you need to have a different point to control the craft from. For example all my VTOL craft get a Jr put on top of them, when landing I select it as the point of control which I find makes VTOL landing easier.

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Voted for standard, because it's the default size I use for everything not really specific. But my favorite variant would be the parachute version from SDHI, because now you can have a parachute and a docking port on top of a capsule.

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Voted for standard, because it's the default size I use for everything not really specific. But my favorite variant would be the parachute version from SDHI, because now you can have a parachute and a docking port on top of a capsule.

I like that part too... And it has integrated lights as well. But i threw it out, just to be as close to stock as possible. But i dont really have a favorite port... I use the one that suits the task and design best.

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i usually use the standard, but ive been thinking of making a jr port system with a small rcs/sas/commandchair unit for orbital assembly without probe bodies. just dock the chair to the station until a new station part gets up there, then drag it to the station with the chair.

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Sr is my most used, but each has a purpose.

Sr: When I am doing heavy duty construction and I need stability (most station modules; interplanetary ships; even some of my industrial freighters, tankers, and landers)

Standard: docking points for normal 'municipal' crafts such as crew ferries and landers

shielded: when aerodynamics "matter".

inline: when I need a port on a spaceplane mostly

jr: exclusively for probes. if it's manned, I use the standard because it can transfer crew (even though the feature is not implemented yet, it's a roleplay decision)

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The shielded and inline ports desperately need VAB tweakables to allow them to start open and make use of that hidden attach node. Whenever I've wanted to use them I've opted against it because I can't attach any other ports to them during construction.

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I don't have one that I use the most, it depends on what I what to do and the size of the ship. But the Sr. is my fav by far. Prior to its introduction you couldn't build big ships in orbit without having multiple normal sized ports and align them and hope all of them would clamp... Hated it. When the Sr was added... paradise. :D

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Asking me what my favorite docking port is is like asking me what my favorite rocket motor is, or what my favorite antenna is (using RT2). I use the one most suitable for the task. For 2.5m orbiting stations or large interplanetary ships assembled in space I use the 2.5m Sr docking port for stability. For 1.25m ships, probes and landers I use the 1.25m docking port. I never use the shielded port, it just adds an additional step required before docking can happen (and I have yet had a need to see if it makes a difference in FAR). And I have not had a need for an inline docking port where I can't just slap a regular docking port on the side.

Actually, my favorite docking ports are in Gaius' excellent Goodspeed Aerospace Parts mod, which have probe command, SAS & RCS thrusters built in.

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