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What would you call this?


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First off... I am going to warn before hand this does have a religion based question. I am NOT in anyway trying to start a religious debate and ask that this remains clean and on topic that I could receive opinions and the mods not lock this thread up.

Now that we have that established... I have decided to write out something. Something that basically lays out my personal beliefs. But could also be used by others. For example, some of the greatest scientific debates have been done by people who are athiest. The problem is not all atheists agree on each others beliefs. Christianity though, has a common belief background... The bible. Islam the Koran. (or Muslim sorry if I'm wrong) anyway. I though I might try to give it a shot. I'm not sure what you would call this though. Would you call it a new religion? Would you call it a "bible" for athiests?

Again moderators. I'm not trying to start anything or cause problems. Simply trying to expand my writing skills by working on a project you could call it.

Thanks for anyones help and ideas just remember please keep it clean and play nice. Thank you

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Tripitaka is the religious text for Buddhist.

Huh, I like that word the best, just because it sounds cool.

If you want other words for "guide book," just hit up Thesaurus.com. I've found a lot of little-known, but fun words there for common things. A number of them have wound up in my little sci-fi/fantasy stories.

Edited by vger
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Statement of (personal) beliefs/ credo.

Manifesto has too many terrorist connotations.

Eh? No it doesn't. It's got political connotations for sure, but loads of people have written manifestos.

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this discussion is actually made futile by it's premisse

Honestly, this sentence is quite problematic and contradicts itselfe my friend:

"not all atheists agree on each others beliefs"

The term "believe" just does not sit right in the same sentence with "atheist"

1. atheists do not follow any set of believes - so to write "them" down is rubbish

2. a critical thinker follows the truth - no book can provide truth that does not change/evolve over time - so your book will be obsolete after the next "Science Review"

3. I - as an atheist - would never read that book.

If you really need a "common believe background" (there again that "word" - uigh@#) go to any library, move to science shelves an there you go..

My believe ends at the Kerbal Wiki - all other things I need to "know" - for KSP I make an exception..

..it's alpha.. :-P

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Coloration? Anyway, as has been stated your premise is fundementally flawed, atheist is to not believe theistic claims, that's it. No doctrine, no common background. It is just a lack of belief.

I just wanted to clear that up as this type of misconception is quite common.

Back on topic, perhaps a paper blog? I'm not good at naming things that's the best I've got.

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