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Confess your KSP sins

Red Iron Crown

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i post my honest opinions knowing i will most likely receive negative feedback. sorry fellow forumers.

I believe I am guilty of this as well, although I do not count it as a sin. Brutally honest maybe, but not a sin by any means. :cool:

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Hmmm I see more KER cluttering more screen shots, yet that mod gets no hate? Just a thought is all.

I hate it when KER clutters up the flight scene too, make no mistake. But it doesn't get on my nerves quite as much since it hogs around a quarter to a third of the screen real estate, whereas MechJeb consistently robs almost all of it in shots featuring it.

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I made a trip to Eve and sorely underestimated the gravity. I took an SSTO jet to the surface and didn't have enough fuel to get back out... the sin? Using [Alt+F12] to get back into orbit, and in career mode too.

The shame...

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I made a trip to Eve and sorely underestimated the gravity. I took an SSTO jet to the surface and didn't have enough fuel to get back out... the sin? Using [Alt+F12] to get back into orbit, and in career mode too.

The shame...

It's ok, Jeb forgives those who repent. Go forth and cheat no more!

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This is my worst - when I run out of electricity on a ship by accident, I just go into the quicksave file and add enough to let me open the solar panels. I feel bad for it, but I'm not willing to relaunch just because of one small mistake...

Oh, and turning off gravity when my rovers fall over. I never leave enough room for a mechanism to push the rover the right way up again, so it's either leave it to its doom or cheat my way out of the problem.

Why must I be so sinful?!? :D

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A trick I shamelessly stole (that's a sin, right?) to avoid electrical problems:

Something that always works for me ( i make that mistake a LOT) use your main battery and have a small backup battery. Disable the current flow in the backup battery. If your main runs out of power the ship will go dead... but you can still re-open the backup battery`s current flow, giving you a full, albeit small, battery to get things deployed/oriented.
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I started my 0.23.5 career just today, and as i was trying to rush through the rahter boring first tiers of the tech tree, i discovered a real problem career brings to me:

I am impatient as hell - idk how many vessels i lost by timewarping to much, getting distracted, not clicking the right timewarp-arrow in time or something else. My first mission to minmus was going to be a success on the first try, i just got bored watching the map screen while doing 34 m/s on the encounter, warped, and smashed my ship into the surface of the huge Mentos.

Also, being over-ethusiastic: When said Minmus mission finally succeeded, my lander fell over and came to a rest on its side, and instead of aborting the mission and send a ship to rescue the science, i tried to start the vessel by scratching over the surface, eventually making everything go BOOM and waste all the time spent.

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A trick I shamelessly stole (that's a sin, right?) to avoid electrical problems:

I do something similar, but with fuel on orbital/transfer stages. I add small reserve tanks that are shut off in the VAB during construction, plus a probe core and a couple of RTGs. It's enough to de-orbit the stage when I'm done with it.

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I was playing with TAC life support and Deadly reentry once, and I almost let one guy die in orbit around the mun. I went to go save him, then switched him with bill and pushed it into a free return, but I had to accellerate really fast to get there before bill ran out of life support. He died of G forces. :(

I also built a crappy FTL ship using interstellar, but it didn't work once I got it into orbit, and I couldn't get it back down. I just left the poor kerbals up there and deleted the file...

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I do something similar, but with fuel on orbital/transfer stages. I add small reserve tanks that are shut off in the VAB during construction, plus a probe core and a couple of RTGs. It's enough to de-orbit the stage when I'm done with it.

That's a similar trick, but with a different flavor. You're planning to use that tank as part of the mission, it's meant to be used. The backup battery is there in case I screw up, if the mission goes according to plan I will never use it.

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I too, suffer from impatience.

In literally every mission, I pop the parachutes at less than one hundred metres altitude. Those poor kerbals pull somewhere around 19 g's as they go from 150 m/s to 7 m/s in under a second!!!

And yes, I do feel bad about it. But it sure beats waiting for the capsule to slowly drift down and land!


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A pair of weeks ago i started a station... the core module was manned, then i sent two unmanned fuel-o-plenty modules... the manned module was settled by Jeb, when i noticed it: "oh noes, Jeb is locked up there, in the sky, i have to bring him back down!!", so i sent a rocket to the station, but i forgot to leave Bill on kerbin... i swapped Bill and Jeb. Bill is returned yesterday, 16 in-game-years after!!

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I liberally use Quicksaving and Revert - in career mode If I'm prototyping designs, I feel better about Reverting, because in my head it's not an actual launch, it's a computer model used in the design process. But I'm willing to use things like Q-save and Revert to save missions when they meet catastrophic problems that would scrub the mission and/or result in a fatality. So despite the fact I have made fatal mistakes, I've not actually technically ever lost a Kerbonaut. My only excuse is that I don't have much time to play, and I'd rather spend it doing interesting things rather than starting missions from scratch. Although I feel I'm missing out on part of the experience by avoiding failure >:

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I use quicksave and quickload too much. I know I'm not the only one but still.

I've never sent a Kerbal farther than Minmus. Though right now I'm building infrastructure for fueling stations using the Kethane mod. I'm still having trouble building a surface base.

I use rockets exclusively. I can't control spaceplanes. I've never even got to orbit with a stock design. Once I have access to my joystick I wanna try working with them though.

I once accidentally made it impossible to reverse a crash when I quicksaved instead of quickloaded. I went back there and planted a flag in memorial, and then I saw those Kerbals back at the Astronaut Complex... and I deleted the flag.

I'm super tempted to install MechJeb. Mainly because I suck at landing, and putting stuff into orbit gets kinda tedious after a while.

I've been doing a lot of unmanned stuff lately and right now 13 of my 15 Kerbals are just waiting for a mission at the Astronaut Complex. The mission I'm currently trying to do is too risky to put Kerbals on it.

I use two rocket designs for 90% of my missions. I have one for medium loads and one for heavy loads, and most of the time I just stick the payload on top of one of those. Sometimes I'll add to that part, but not often.

Edited by Blind Dead McJones
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I confess to not being able to use Hohmann transfers and I make all my interplanetary missions by going into solar orbit and then burning to get an intercept from there. Uses a lot more fuel so I compensate by building bigger ships.

I do get frustrated at the slow acceleration when using efficient but underpowered ships with nuke engines to go to distant destinations like Jool.

I also use F5/F9 to get the right descent to a planet or moon and still consider the mission a success !

And this one is not really a KSP sin, but my answer to most launch problems is...MORE BOOSTERS ! Love them "trash cans of boom". Though every now and then they become "trash cans of doom" !

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