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Confess your KSP sins

Red Iron Crown

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Today I launched an overly wobbly craft (with very long payload). Without testing its stability (I tested the launcher on lifting payload of this mass, but that was shorter payload and it already had control issues on the last stage because of going a bit banana). With 7 level 3 Kerbals on board. With only 3 of them having a means to land in case of launch failure (Jeb, Bill and Bob were sitting in the lander). At some points it looked like it's going to fall apart, but they got to orbit in the end. But if it fell apart, it would end in 7 Kerbals on suborbial trajectory in a tin can that has TWR about 0.5

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On my first ever game, I accidently sent Jeb into a solar orbit and then decoupled everything except the capsule.

I... I... I can't dock. I can rendezvous but I can't dock.

Sounds like a job for The Claw!

In other news, I've taken to building my rockets on a slant so's I can just SAS-prograde from the start, despite knowing that no sane designer would angle a Saturn V prior to takeoff :)

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Last night, I murdered 12 Kerbals.

They were on the way to Pol to establish a new base. As they approached Jool, I realized the ship was missing an antenna (which is required to satisfy the contract). Since I couldn't revert the mission, I terminated the mission thereby killing 12 Kerbals.

Let this be a lesson to all Kerbals.

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I spend 5% of my KSP time doing anything game-related, the rest of the time I'll stare at my creation hovering over EVE-enhanced Kerbin.

I've played for two+ years and made it to Duna. Once. On a flyby.

Over the two+ years since I've bought KSP, I've acquired around 40 other PC games on Steam Sales. I have played mostly none of them at all. There is only KSP.

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Forgive me Jebediah, for I have sinned...:blush:

I use MechJeb when I dock in space. Having a seven month old kitten and a four year old daughter does not give me the best frame of mind to dock. I know that MechJeb is not the most efficient way to dock two spacecraft, but it does work, especially when "daddy duties" call me away from the game.

I also have only had a few *successful* landings at the center. The way I see it, anytime I can land a spaceplane and it survives, that is a successful mission!

I also use the quicksave and quickload feature... especially when trying to master a new skill. I also use the revert option so to avoid extremely catastrophic events.

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Nothing. I play Career Hardcore on Vanilla and manually pilot everything, and I make sure that Jeb NEVER EVER dies.

......But I get way behind on college coursework because I spend way to much time researching the science on wikipedia/etc. so that I can actually do everything manually...

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