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[0.23.5+] Science Library v1.2


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Science Library

version 1.2

Video creator: 7499275

There are two modules: Monitor and Library.


With Monitor you can see at every moment if you can do a new experiment. It is no cheat, because it does nothing but shows you the information.


Red for experiments, that are already done.

Yellow for experiments stored in the current vessel.

Green for new undone experiments.

"Earned" means, how many Science you can get/got from this experiment.

"Max" means maximal capacity of science for this experiment.

"Remains" means how many percent of this experiment you can still gain.

"OnShip" just shows if this experiment already deployed on this vessel.

"NextExp" means, how much science would you get if you deploy this experiment now.

As you can see, some experiments can't be done at once:

The last row "surfaceSample" has the maximal capacity of 16, but for your next experiment you can get only 12.


The Library shows you not only already done experiments, but also all remaining experiments.


Here you can see all possible experiments you can do in the game.

Link to Curse:



This plugin uses blizzy78 Toolbar Plugin (v1.7.3): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60863

Source on GitHub: https://github.com/SpiritOffice/KSPScienceLibrary

ScienceLibrary plugin is licensed under the GPLv3

Change Log:



- Settings window

- Every text color can be changed

- "Deploy" button to deploy experiments from Monitor window (can be switched on/off)

- Library window works also in VAB

- New experiments or biomes in Library can be shown/hidden

- Persistent Windows


- Fix “asteroidSample†science capacity!!!

- File version output on Library window


- Initial release

  SQUAD said:

SpiritOffice's Science Library lets you take the guesswork out of science. Use the monitor and library functions to see if new science can be attained, view the science you have and check how much other science you’ll need to complete your objectives. It’s simple and effective.

Edited by SpiritOffice
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I was a huge WOW modder and wrote many, many, many add-ons. Was banned numerous times for "wowProxy" and "wowAway" so I share a development kinship for mods.

This mod was annoying as hell when I first kicked it on. However, just now orbiting the moon at ~11 km, half-*** watching the wife play Thief and being Major Tom, I saw the screen began flashing orange and red ... I began to pay attentinon and holy ship ... it updates in real-time!! Just hover over "EVA Report" and when the science action pops ... grab it.

Very nice work guys! (still not a fan of the UI, sorry)

Request: Add buttons that will execute the right project/action. When you hit the 'MobileMaterialsLab@MunInSpaceLow' - have a 'Material Lab' icon that lights up. Click it ... done. No different than assigning an AG - but I use those to help control my crafts.

Just a thought ...

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  ioexcept said:
I was a huge WOW modder and wrote many, many, many add-ons. Was banned numerous times for "wowProxy" and "wowAway" so I share a development kinship for mods.

Offtopic but as a fellow WoW addon author I'd never heard of these and a google search turned up nothing relevent except for a github repo for a C++ wowproxy program. These sound more like external programs and things Blizzard would consider cheats than legitimate addons.

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  ioexcept said:
...I saw the screen began flashing orange and red ... I began to pay attentinon and holy ship ... it updates in real-time!! Just hover over "EVA Report" and when the science action pops ... grab it.

Even if you flying a ship, as soon as you have one kerbal in it, science monitor would show you "eva report", "surface sample" or "asteroid sample" if you are in range.

  ioexcept said:

Request: Add buttons that will execute the right project/action. When you hit the 'MobileMaterialsLab@MunInSpaceLow' - have a 'Material Lab' icon that lights up. Click it ... done. No different than assigning an AG - but I use those to help control my crafts.

If i add some buttons to deploy experiments it will be considered as cheat. But maybe i add some settings to show/hide such buttons.

  BrutalRIP said:
any way of changing the red writing to green? cannot see it properly on my tv not a problem with this mod its a general issue i have

I am planning to add some settings for monitor/library. Then i make the color changeable.

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way back in the day in AV when you could just stand in the cave (I know, I know, I know .... /vomit) and get free honor - GM's would message you to see if you were at the keyboard. Since I ran three boxes at the same time I needed a way to know if someone messaged one of my sponges. So I wrote WowProxy - it forwarded all messages to my main character that I was raiding with - then I could reply back to my alt, using meta-tags /r @<name> <message>, and have him reply to the GM ... I didn't see it as cheating, I was at the keyboard, it just happened to be on one keyboard that ran three boxes *shrugs* - WowAway was based on WowProxy - add messages to the queue /waway Hey there, sorry about the long wait I'm trying to feed my kids ... add a whole bunch of these, then when someone messaged you it would randomly pick a response and reply ... that one was truly cheating because I was at work ... they caught me because I did not write logic to make sure not to send the same response in X number of replies ... :(

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  • 5 weeks later...

Another great mod! One suggestion though. It would be nice to have checkboxes for each experiment that will be visible for each planet. eg. for Moho i would like to select the thermometer scan and the mystery goo and then the right screen would show me all the related experiments that can be done at this planet.

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  SpiritOffice said:

If i add some buttons to deploy experiments it will be considered as cheat. But maybe i add some settings to show/hide such buttons.

This is already possible in vanilla with action groups, the only change would be being able to do it on the fly.

Plus, is the functionality the same on an in-progress save?

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Awesome, was hoping for something like this to come along.

Two questions:

1. Is this compatible with Custom Biomes or with mods that add new experiments?

2. Can there be a Library option that hides biomes that don't have any experiments yet? I feel the option would add a nice element of immersion if you had to "discover" a biome (by attempting at least one experiment for it) before it got added to the to-do list.

Edited by Starstrider42
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A few suggestions:

1. As stated above, hiding biomes not yet discovered would be a nice addition to have. Maybe make it toggle-able, too.

2. A way to swap red/green text around for those who want it a certain way (also, it's not consistent, which annoys me).

3. Same as 1, but for experiments.

4. Some text parsing on the internal names, like "mysteryGoo" to "Mystery Goo". They all follow the same pattern (type@location) so it shouldn't be too hard.

5. If 4 gets added, some easy way to specify a name for an unknown internal name (like being able to say "phaseTest" is "Material Phasing Experiment").

Other than that, it looks pretty good. I'll probably end up using it regardless of the things I suggested, and I'll likely go fiddle with your source (I love open source things) to add what I want.

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  • 3 weeks later...

New version release.


Change Log:



- Settings window

- Every text color can be changed

- "Deploy" button to deploy experiments from Monitor window (can be switched on/off)

- Library window works also in VAB

- New experiments or biomes in Library can be shown/hidden

- Persistent Windows

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REQUEST: add some sortable or able to hide some info in Science Monitor. I collect TON of sciences, and I had to scroll up and down to check what am I missing.

Thanks for wonderful mods!

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  Schmonzo said:
could you also post the actual mod on github?

I don't understand why is it too complicated to click on download button in curse. But now i added a binary v1.2 release to github.


  MADTJ said:
REQUEST: add some sortable or able to hide some info in Science Monitor. I collect TON of sciences, and I had to scroll up and down to check what am I missing!

I had also such idea to group or sort science in monitor. But at this moment i don't know how to do it.

Some window to select "hidden" science or something else? Some filter for experiments that have too little remaining science? I can also just hide "OnShip" data at all.

I want to make a good UI, but it is too little feedback from the players.

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