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The Open Part Mod - Week 2 Voting Started!

Choose the part you think should win:  

  1. 1. Choose the part you think should win:

    • Snjo
    • LandeTLS
    • tygoo7
    • Cpt. Kipard
    • Robotengineer
    • Nazari1382
    • darkside
    • Ven
    • Moon Goddess

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Cpt. Kipard










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Moon Goddess



Edited by StarVision
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GAH! So many good choices I don't know who to vote for! I think the only one I don't like is Capt. Kipard's only because I don't feel it fits the aesthetic. It seems to be kinda a hack job, almost like the original design didn't quite work out and so it was a replacement. I like Snjo's Brain Slug for it's cute-factor and the fact that it looks like the brain slug is riding the rocket. However, I don't feel like it's a part I would use more than a few times. I like Moon Goddess's the best since he/she was the only one to include a solar panel.

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  Taki117 said:
I like Moon Goddess's the best since he/she was the only one to include a solar panel.

I'm always surprised that my name doesn't make my gender clear LOL.

The solar panel wasn't in the original request, but I've a habit of attaching mechjeb console to stages for this exact same propose but I keep forgetting them and come back and the battery is dead, so I wanted to give it a way to stay alive. Playing with it last night after posting I find it has some real problems, textures not lining up and the solar panel rotates when it's not supposed to. But hey, it's my first publicly released part. And I even included icons for PartCatalog

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These projects have been tough to vote on.

I like Ven's design the best, I like tygoo7's too, but I think both are a bit big. I voted for Moon Goddess' though because I think hers does the best job of fulfilling the original purpose: a small, self contained probe core meant for recovering spent stages or collecting science drop-offs. The weak solar panel and small battery make it great for insuring that you'll be able to actually maintain control of the vessel for the short time needed without being too powerful.

My only suggestion would be maybe to lower the torque a bit (the part is, afterall, very small) and those orange connector pieces might need to be extended a bit to avoid problems with the shoddy fuel tank colliders; the same issue that came up during the last mod contest too.

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  Spanier said:
I would vote for Nertea, if I could. Why isn't his part in the poll?

I scanned through the Dev thread looking for entries, but the thing Nertea posted looked more like a Progress shot. There was no download or anything.

Edit: also thinking about it now, If anymore people participate next time we'll have to find another way to to a poll. As the Forum's only allow 10 choices.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Yeeaaah, Thhaaannks.

Just being brutally honest. I don't know what goes into making a part, so I don't know exactly how difficult it was, but to me it just seems like it's a box with a bit sticking out of the top, which to me doesn't seem that hard to do. I could be totally off base here, but that's just my assessment.

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Ven, nice very good stock-like feel. Nothing unnecessary, nicely minimalistic, doesn't look too fragile with naked-to-space components. Again nice!

Kip, like the look, nice and gritty, would look good on Duna as part of a rover digging around in the rust soil.

LandeTLS, good looking part.

Edited by StEligius
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Damn, this was hard to choose. I like Ven's part because it's minimalistic and fits nicely. Looks like a part I would use a lot.

But then again, tygoo7's one looks stock-a-like and I think it would be a nice replacement for the Mechjeb case.

Anyway, thanks to all participants!

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It really is just a box with a bit sticking out.

  Taki117 said:
Just being brutally honest. I don't know what goes into making a part....

Well if you're ignorant of it, then "honest" is not how I'd characterise your assessment that it's a "hack job". To each their own, and brutal criticism is absolutely fine by me, but try to make it constructive and coherent. That sentence about the "original design" was just weird and unhelpful. It's your subjective imagination; You should be more objective.

Anyway here's my criticism. I voted for Ven because while his textures weren't top quality they were good enough to fit with the stock textures. He also made the model look reasonable considering the purpose of the part. I would have voted for tygoo7 but his model has exposed batteries, which is an odd thing to have in space, and a functionless antenna. Ven's part doesn't have many extraneous bits.

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