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Do you design your space stations before you construct them?

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I tend to design logical chunks, but my stations have no order to them. Sure, I've got Crew Habitation, Science Wing, Power Generation Station, Central Core, and Fuel Depot, but they go up in stages and get stuck together. After that, expansions are added as needed. I've built my share of additional docking rings, solar stacks, Interstellar Mod Nuclear Power Generation Units, Kethane Refinement Devices, and Deployable Service Modules (Space tugs, one-man-deorbital-units, flying-gas-cans).

As such, my stations always look like a mess.

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I pre-build my space stations and interplanetary ships in the VAB.

While I try to launch my - as of now not very big - interplanetary ships inside large fairings and/or large but slow lifters, my station prototypes are split into managable but preferably few modules.

That way I can tweak my part count and make sure the modules fit.

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Well, not exactly. I have a plan, and i have designed modules, but in space i just go on docking into random ports, which determines the final look.

Of course, i don't place power modules near docking module, because it could end up in destroyed solar panels, yet it's still mostly up to fate :)

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I do a little sketch to plan out what I want and how to break it into pieces for launch. I also do a bit of testing on anything important like the escape system(s) if it's a manned station.

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I don't do much planning on mine. I launch the bulk of it in one shot, and then if it needs something else, I bring up another section. I'll leave a fuel booster docked, and probably a lander or something. I just haven't found much use for my space stations, so they're mostly there for the fun of it. I currently have one at each of Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus.

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I usualy layout station designs in the SPH, though some bits are built in the VAB and some in the SPH, depending on what type of symmetry I need. Then I hack it into modules and ship it all to the VAB for launches.

I usually try for a design that can be assembled in a number of ways and also have new bits added later.


The main reason for laying the whole thing out is to be able to load it onto the runway and see how badly it cripples my framerate. The most frustrating thing is making a station and then finding you can't bring another craft near it without getting a crippling fps.

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The extent of my design normaly revolves around sending up a core that is little more than a largeish fuel tank with docking ports and the nessicary power and attitude control. The station grows organicly from there with one end of the core being reserved for new core extentions and any modules sent up attach to radial connections on an as needed basis.

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This station took a considerable amount of design ahead of time. I mocked half the wheel up in the VAB, then split it apart and reassembled in orbit. A total of 21 launches, if I recall correctly.


Here it is being mocked up in the VAB. It just barely fits.


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Interesting use of the new SRBs as a boom for a solar panel array. Cuts down on parts and probably wobble.

I assume they were empty on launch?

Yup, took the fuel out with the tweakables. I indeed picked them because they're the single longest part so I could make a satisfyingly expansive station without the part count skyrocketing.

They actually wobbled more than I'd hoped, my first launch failed because of it and I had to add a temporary strutting arrangement. In hindsight I should have put the struts to stay there, it's still not rock solid in orbit. I suspect having a reaction wheel between the radial attachment point and the SRB at the core end may account for the weakness.

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