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[1.7.2] KK Launchers - Delta, Atlas Pack

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affece: Several of us have experienced an issue with the engines and fairings not loading (possibly more, but this is what I notice) when RO is present, thus preventing the SpaceX rockets themselves from loading.  It likely has something to do with fuel type switching, but it is proving to be quite elusive.  It is possible that a .cfg file needs to be adjusted as noted above, but I am not very familiar with them, and would not likely be able to identify the exact problem or its solution if such a problem indeed exists in those files.

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I don't use any type of RO, I install from Space Dock, and I copy and paste from downloads folder to gamedata, then  extract file. I was looking through the folder and all the parts that I'm missing say CFG file in stead of file folder when checking their properties.


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  On 6/3/2018 at 8:59 PM, darkerdadorito said:

Are you planning to add Dragon Capsules to the pack? Also, do you plan on having the BFR's connect from end to end for refueling?



  On 5/28/2018 at 12:54 PM, sciencepanda said:

I modeled a dragon and dragon 2 a few years ago. I’m working on getting the cargo dragon working in game and should be ready for release soon, I hope. I’ll do the same with the Dragon 2 whenever I figure out where I put the files from the original model.



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No issues using the pack in rss ro. Only thing that needs major modification are the isp and thrust values for the merlin and merlin vac engines. Seems they aren't even half what is needed for rss to get to orbit and I fail to reach orbit every time with no payload... Based on all the released information on spacex rockets it should be quite easy to modify the cfg files... Only thing that might be tricky is the weight of the tanks and fuel capacities...ill have to play around with them based on spacex videos...



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Philaphlous: Have you changed anything since your most recent fresh install, such as the .cfg files associated with this mod?  What about changes to the .cfg files associated with RO itself, particularly Realism Overhaul/Engine_Configs/Merlin1_Config.cfg?

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  On 6/6/2018 at 11:46 PM, cgwhite4 said:

Philaphlous: Have you changed anything since your most recent fresh install, such as the .cfg files associated with this mod?  What about changes to the .cfg files associated with RO itself, particularly Realism Overhaul/Engine_Configs/Merlin1_Config.cfg?


Oh boy...am I doing more work than I need to be? Lol is that config in the rss overhaul? Or launchers pack mod? I just took the real numbers from spacex and input them into the configs for the engines and tanks. The big thing I see here that's wrong with the mod for rss is the tank capacity and weight. Dry weight of the tank is too light and wet weight is too light also. I've nearly tripled the tank capacity and that gets me right where the amounts should be. Correct burn time and I'm now working on matching the speed based on spacex launch vids. I'm getting awfully darn close to the real specs of the rocket for rss...

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Philaphlous: So you overrode the values in the .cfg files in this mod and changed the names of the fuels, and SpaceX rockets load just fine in the VAB?  If so, that would certainly imply that something is wrong on my end with whatever is doing the fuel type switching.  I thought the .cfg file in RO that I mentioned had something to do with it.  Have you had a look at that file?  Does anything look wrong with it?  If it is indeed supposed to interact with this mod, I wonder if it is somehow not doing so correctly.  It also sounds like the change you are making could serve as a workaround for the issue I am having if everything is working properly on your end.

Edit: replacing several lines of code in the file M1D+.cfg with corresponding lines from Realism Overhaul/Engine_Configs/Merlin1_Config.cfg, particularly those involving fuel, failed to remove M1D+ from the list of missing parts.

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  On 6/7/2018 at 9:44 PM, cgwhite4 said:

Philaphlous: So you overrode the values in the .cfg files in this mod and changed the names of the fuels, and SpaceX rockets load just fine in the VAB?  If so, that would certainly imply that something is wrong on my end with whatever is doing the fuel type switching.  I thought the .cfg file in RO that I mentioned had something to do with it.  Have you had a look at that file?  Does anything look wrong with it?  If it is indeed supposed to interact with this mod, I wonder if it is somehow not doing so correctly.  It also sounds like the change you are making could serve as a workaround for the issue I am having if everything is working properly on your end.

Edit: replacing several lines of code in the file M1D+.cfg with corresponding lines from Realism Overhaul/Engine_Configs/Merlin1_Config.cfg, particularly those involving fuel, failed to remove M1D+ from the list of missing parts.


It's not just the merlin engines that aren't configured correctly. I deleted the merlin engine config in the realism overhaul folder because it just didn't calculate the thrust values correctly. I'm doing it on my own with real values from semi accurate information on launches and vehicle information.


Granted I'm not at my pc...but the mass of the falcon 9 was way crazy off! I think fully loaded was showing around 118t which real weight should be around 557tons. I believe that's without payload...

Stage 1 should weigh around 441t and stage 2 around 102t. Dry weights should be 17t 1st stage and 4t 2nd stage. I'm still trying to get the fuel weights correct after installing the realfuels mod because the vehicle is way too light and burn times are a little short so I need to keep modding the fuel capacity. I'll confirm my thrust values but once I nail those two down I should be able to match the same acceleration and velocity values in the spacex videos to the rss ro mod. Heck you see a lot of YouTube videos showing something very similar to the real thing. I'm hoping to mod the config files to match exactly that. 

If all is correct after my modding I should have the same capacity restraints as the real rocket. Once that's all said and done I'll be able to have some rockin fun seeing what type of capability the falcon 9/heavy has in lunar and Mars payloads...

Seems like with all the mods installed the delta V stats are quite exact to real life. Pretty cool!

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@Philaphlous if you want, I can give you (and anyone else who wants them) my config files which should be fairly accurate. They’re separate part configs instead of modifying the original with a MM patch which is why I’ve never sent them in to Realism Overhaul. Also note that you have to calculate burn times based on when they throttle down for max-q and in the case of block 5, the constant 845kN they throttle to during the whole flight. It’s better to get the weight to volume ratio and then calculate how much kerosene and LOX you need from the weight than by burn time. 

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  On 6/8/2018 at 4:22 PM, ReventonHawx said:

@Philaphlous if you want, I can give you (and anyone else who wants them) my config files which should be fairly accurate. They’re separate part configs instead of modifying the original with a MM patch which is why I’ve never sent them in to Realism Overhaul. Also note that you have to calculate burn times based on when they throttle down for max-q and in the case of block 5, the constant 845kN they throttle to during the whole flight. It’s better to get the weight to volume ratio and then calculate how much kerosene and LOX you need from the weight than by burn time. 


Well silly me... I didn't realize realfuels converts the kerbal units to liters... So basically in my research I came across 2 different values for what the falcon 9 should have as far as liters of fuel. Sounds relatively accurate to me and I'll plug those in tomorrow and see if they work out. I typically set mechjeb to a constant acceleration rate rather than a full burn / throttle / full power / meco.... Not sure how accurate that is but I figured it'd work out to around the correct speed and time values. 

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I just checked the RO thread, and it looks like discussion of the problem I am having is now occurring there as well.  A post by Raidernick indicates that the root cause of the problem is outdated .cfg files for SpaceX rockets.  That being the case, the solution should be a good set of .cfg files for the SpaceX rockets.

ReventonHawx: I think your .cfg files might resolve the problem with engines and fairing not loading.

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These are the files I use. Managed to fix the fairing this evening without using an invisible sep motor like I used to. A bigger pain then I expected. The decouple force might still need some tweaking but I didn't have any issues with it in my testing. It also includes my own version of the block 5 textures which are just cleaned up versions of the Block 5 Mod in the OP. If someone wants to use the configs to make MM patches for RO, feel free, or I will get to it when I have some freetime again.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I also use the gridfins and legs from Kerbal Reusability Expansion. Think I included configs for the KK gridfins and legs but I don't tend to use them myself.

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ReventonHawx: Is there a specific location/directory I am supposed to put them in or anything else I need to know about them?  It looks like instead of fixing the existing parts/vessels in this mod, they will add equivalent parts with different names, but I do not see that happening either (no Merlins in the engine tab in the VAB).

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There are a few mods Ive got installed that aren't working correctly. However, I figured out the exact stats and performance numbers of the falcon 9. I now have the exact weight and fuel capacity numbers along with the correct burn times and I compared it with spacex launch videos and everything matches up. 


Pretty excited about it! Now I just need to add some additional mods and fix the ones I've got...


I wonder if the drag values or basic gravity turn isn't exactly what spacex is doing. Using a 60degree gravity turn i end up higher than each 30second interval I checked according to the videos and the trust values are around 80-85% at liftoff and rise to 98% at meco... There seems to be an enormous rise in acceleration the last 15 seconds of the first stage

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It should work when placed anywhere in the game data folder. Not sure why the engines wouldn’t show up. They work fine for me. They might not be categorized correctly to show up in the engine tab but I rarely use it, mainly use search.

I make my own part configs because I find it easier to do than have to juggle two config files. I’ll see if I can make some patch files in the next couple days.

@Philaphlous the Falcon 9 first stage flies a fairly vertical flight profile, especially for a LEO profile. Helps with recovery. Not sure I even pitch past 70 degrees. GEO launches do tend to have a more agressive  pitch down to give the second stage more horizontal velocity from the start. Sounds like you’re using the automated mechjeb launch tool? I tend to launch stuff by hand or using Smart A.S.S.

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  On 6/9/2018 at 7:04 PM, ReventonHawx said:

It should work when placed anywhere in the game data folder. Not sure why the engines wouldn’t show up. They work fine for me. They might not be categorized correctly to show up in the engine tab but I rarely use it, mainly use search.

I make my own part configs because I find it easier to do than have to juggle two config files. I’ll see if I can make some patch files in the next couple days.

@Philaphlous the Falcon 9 first stage flies a fairly vertical flight profile, especially for a LEO profile. Helps with recovery. Not sure I even pitch past 70 degrees. GEO launches do tend to have a more agressive  pitch down to give the second stage more horizontal velocity from the start. Sounds like you’re using the automated mechjeb launch tool? I tend to launch stuff by hand or using Smart A.S.S.


Yes. I use mechjeb for my launches. Yes I'm lazy.. But it's the closest I get to a realistic launch profile rather than these crazy pitches by hitting one of the keys. 


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User feedback from using this mod using the stock Falcon Heavy Stock craft and adding my own payload. Rocket looks cool, captures spacex pretty well. Using side boosters, I had to fiddle a bit turning the craft so it lined up with the flame bucket sitting parallel with the VAB and not rolling during launch so it flew with boosters pointed side to side and not up down. Chalk this up to my 'rookieness' I guess. Negatives are the booster separations are 'iffy'. Sometimes the separation is ok but other times boosters explode at separation. The top and bottom should be able to be adjusted separately, the bottom kicks off too much in relation to the top (and seems to kick off a split second before the top does, sending the top in before it goes back out again which looks kind of weird), causing collisions sometimes (even with adding sepratrons at the top). Payload Fairing separation force needs more kick (I want it to kick off like the Falcon Heavy did before the David Bowie song started playing). It barely clears the rocket, you have to be really careful when it's jettisoned as sometimes it just slides off the payload traveling down the rocket, and sometimes colliding. This is a pretty bad ass mod, appreciate your work. I fly it cause it looks cool. Forgetabout trying to land a booster. Well beyond my skill set, heh. I watch videos of people doing this and still don't have a clue how they are pulling it off. They might as well be playing the song, "can't touch this" da da da da...da da...da da, cause I sure can't. Pretty cool touch adding the refueler to the launch pad.

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The rss ro is freaking awesome now! I've got all the correct values for the rocket and correct weights now. I've been testing some payloads and it seems very accurate. Just launches a 8ton Sat to Leo and successfully returned the booster to the ksc landing zone 1. 


How do I get the drone ship out in the ocean? Lol I'd like to do that but haven't figured out how to do that yet. And how the heck do I know where to put it? Lol


Next step is to build a space station with the falcon 9 and falcon heavy to test their capabilities. Also planning on a moon and Mars mission. 

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  On 6/20/2018 at 2:04 PM, Philaphlous said:

The rss ro is freaking awesome now! I've got all the correct values for the rocket and correct weights now. I've been testing some payloads and it seems very accurate. Just launches a 8ton Sat to Leo and successfully returned the booster to the ksc landing zone 1. 


How do I get the drone ship out in the ocean? Lol I'd like to do that but haven't figured out how to do that yet. And how the heck do I know where to put it? Lol


Sounds great! I'm not using RO, so don't know if there are "official" configs for the rockets now or if you did them. If they are yours, would you like to merge them into RO so everyone can have them since many people ask? Best ask the RO devs about that. :)

Drone ship has build in command module & engine, so just "fly it out" to where you wanna have it. Might need to change mass & thrust of the drone ship though.

  On 6/12/2018 at 5:18 PM, MrPacmanCo said:

hi everyone i want to make more fairing texture for the falcon 9 and falcon heavy but i don't know what... someone ave an idea :/ ???


Create your own agency flag or something? ;)

  On 6/14/2018 at 8:09 AM, Eman2047 said:

Hello, I am just wondering if there any way for me to switch to the burnt textures during flight?


I'm sorry, but this is currently not possible any more. I switched to the stock texture changing module instead of the firespitter module, and the stock module currently does not allow to change textures in flight. :/

  On 6/19/2018 at 7:56 AM, MikeO89 said:

User feedback from using this mod using the stock Falcon Heavy Stock craft and adding my own payload. Rocket looks cool, captures spacex pretty well. Using side boosters, I had to fiddle a bit turning the craft so it lined up with the flame bucket sitting parallel with the VAB and not rolling during launch so it flew with boosters pointed side to side and not up down. Chalk this up to my 'rookieness' I guess. Negatives are the booster separations are 'iffy'. Sometimes the separation is ok but other times boosters explode at separation. The top and bottom should be able to be adjusted separately, the bottom kicks off too much in relation to the top (and seems to kick off a split second before the top does, sending the top in before it goes back out again which looks kind of weird), causing collisions sometimes (even with adding sepratrons at the top). Payload Fairing separation force needs more kick (I want it to kick off like the Falcon Heavy did before the David Bowie song started playing). It barely clears the rocket, you have to be really careful when it's jettisoned as sometimes it just slides off the payload traveling down the rocket, and sometimes colliding. This is a pretty bad ass mod, appreciate your work. I fly it cause it looks cool. Forgetabout trying to land a booster. Well beyond my skill set, heh. I watch videos of people doing this and still don't have a clue how they are pulling it off. They might as well be playing the song, "can't touch this" da da da da...da da...da da, cause I sure can't. Pretty cool touch adding the refueler to the launch pad.


Thanks for your in-depth feedback!

OK, making the fairings more "poppy" is noted. Never had much of an issue with the side booster sep though, I know they don't seperate too far away but I did not have the issue of them colliding with the centre core, will have a look at that again.

  On 6/19/2018 at 8:03 AM, Philip-Cz said:

What am I doing wrong? Always the same problem with Falcon Heavy https://imgur.com/a/sNEG2no


That's...interesting. @Jack5.exe You shouldn't even need to do this any more, thanks to autostrut. By default, autostrutting of the side boosters should be enabled, if not, make sure all of the side booster parts including the seperator have autostrut activated, then you shouldn't have any issues.

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