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FIX: Dock / Undocking Bug in 0.23.5

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Help! My docking ports refuse to dock or undock!

KSP has suffered from docking and undocking problems for a while now. This thread by roscoe_jones outlines a fix but seems to not fix all of the problems with docking issues in 0.23.5. I think I have figured out a new method which seems to work on the more stubborn undocking problems in 0.23.5.

Also, for completeness, I've included instructions on how to fix the common "unable to dock" problem.

This thread has been added to the 0.24 Cross-Platform Problems thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92235

Keep a copy of your save files somewhere safe...


8 May 14 - Found shorter method to fix "undock bug"

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Docking Port Won't Undock

This fix is for those times when you try to split your ship by right-clicking on a docking port and "undock" but nothing happens. This is the same problem roscoe_jones posted a fix about. It seems this fix doesn't work as well for 0.23.5.

This fix will actually modify your ship so that it acts as if you built the entire thing in the VAB. My belief is that it then allows KSP to use different game logic to split the ship.

Super quick and dirty instructions.

This is about the quickest hack you can do that allows you to get your ships apart. It's a little messy, but seems to work.

1) Keep copies of all your files.

2) Go to your ship and DISABLE crossfeed on all the broken ports. Make sure all the working docking ports have crossfeed ON. Quicksave.

3) Edit the quicksave and find the ports with the disable crossfeed. You are looking for the section below:

[COLOR="#FF0000"]active = True[/COLOR]

4) Scroll UP and find out what dockUId this docking port is connected to. (Its docked partner.)

name = ModuleDockingNode
isEnabled = True
state = Ready
dockUId = [COLOR="#FF0000"]3458512135[/COLOR]
dockNodeIdx = 0

5) Search for the dockUId that you found in step 4. (It is the UID for the other docking port.)

name = dockingPort2
uid = [COLOR="#FF0000"]3458512135[/COLOR]
mid = 1011018771
[COLOR="#008000"]parent = 12[/COLOR]
srfN = None, -1
[COLOR="#FF8C00"]attN = None, -1[/COLOR]
attN = bottom, 206

6) Connect the docking port's node to the parent by changing the "attN" line.

name = dockingPort2
uid = [COLOR="#FF0000"]3458512135[/COLOR]
mid = 1011018771
[COLOR="#008000"]parent = 12[/COLOR]
srfN = None, -1
[COLOR="#FF8C00"]attN = top, 12[/COLOR]
attN = bottom, 206

7) Save the file and quickload.

8) To undock, find the docking port that gives the option "DECOUPLE". Do NOT select "Undock".

In-depth Instructions.

These instructions are a bit more in depth and will ensure the save file is "clean" when you're done. Use this if the above doesn't work.

1) Make a copy of your persistent.sfs and keep it safe.

2) Go to your broken docking port pair and disable crossfeed on one of the ports.

3) Edit the quicksave.sfs

4) Find the broken port in the save file by searching for the "EnableXFeed" that is active.

5) Gather the information for the broken docking ports.

- For the first port that is disabled crossfeed, we will call it "Port A." Get Port A's uid, part number, and dockUId numbers.

- Search for the matching docking port using the dockUId that you just wrote down. We will call that "Port B." Get Port B's part number and uid.

6) Go back Port A's uid. You'll need to modify the docking port to mach the section below.

name = dockingPort2
uid = [COLOR="#FF0000"]2225582713[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]// This is Port A's uid number. Don't do anything to this.[/COLOR]
mid = 173226788
parent = 10
srfN = None, -1
attN = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]None, -1[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]// Change this to "attN = top, (Insert Port B's part number)". So this should look something like "attN = top, 47"[/COLOR]
attN = bottom, 10
name = ModuleDockingNode
isEnabled = True
state = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]Docked (same vessel)[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]// Change this to "state = PreAttached"[/COLOR]
dockUId = [COLOR="#008000"]2734470680[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]// This is Port B's uid. Change this to "dockUId = 0"[/COLOR]
active = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]False[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]// Make sure this says "False"[/COLOR]
active = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]False[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]// Make sure this says "False"[/COLOR]
active = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]True[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]// Make sure this says "True"[/COLOR]

Just follow the notes in the code. You will also need to go to Port B and do the same steps. Except put Port A's part number in the attachment node ::: "attN = top, (Port A's part number)"

Do these steps for all the ports. Always make sure you are putting attaching Port B's part number onto Port A's attachment node, and Port A's part number onto Port B's attachment node.

7) Save the file and quickload.

1) Make a copy of your persistence.sfs file and keep it safe.

2) Identify the broken port by disabling crossfeed.

- Go in-game to your vessel with the broken ports.

- Right click on the two ports. One of them will give you the option "Disable Crossfeed". Select that to turn off crossfeed and make sure all other docking ports have crossfeed ON.

- Quicksave!

3) Open quicksave.sfs in a plain text editor like notepad.exe. Do not use WORD or some other processing software.

4) Find the broken port in the save file.

- Find your ship by using CTRL-F to search for the ship's name.

- Now CTRL-F to search for "DisableXFeed". You're actually going to be looking at the "EnableXFeed" block, but searching for "DisableXFeed" make it easier to find in notepad because you won't have to scroll down.

The section looks like this:

[COLOR="#FF0000"]active = True[/COLOR]
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Enable Crossfeed
guiName = Enable Crossfeed
category = Enable Crossfeed
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Disable Crossfeed
guiName = Disable Crossfeed
category = Disable Crossfeed
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True

5) Gather the docking port information. You need the uid and part number for both ports.

5a) Getting the uid and dockUId.

For this part, grab a piece of paper. You have to fix the ports in pairs, so you need two sets of information.

Your paper should looks like this:

uid: part #:
dockUId: top #:

uid: part #:
dockUId: top #:

Scroll up in the docking port that you found in step 4. The block should look like this (I've removed the irrelevant parts for clarity.):

name = dockingPort2
uid = [COLOR="#FF0000"]2225582713[/COLOR]
mid = 173226788
parent = 10
srfN = None, -1
attN = None, -1
attN = bottom, 10
name = ModuleDockingNode
isEnabled = True
state = Docked (same vessel)
dockUId = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]2734470680[/COLOR]
active = False
active = True
active = False

Grab the "uid" and "dockUId" from this docking port. Your table should now look like this.

uid: [COLOR="#FF0000"]2225582713[/COLOR] part #:
dockUId: [COLOR="#FF8C00"]2734470680[/COLOR] top #:

uid: part #:
dockUId: top #:

5b) Find the paired docking port.

Search for the paired docking port by searching for the "dockUId". In this case, search for 2734470680

Once you get to the paired docking port, you're SHOULD find the same information as the previous port, just swapped around.

name = dockingPort2
uid = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]2734470680[/COLOR]
mid = 173226788
parent = [COLOR="#800080"]11[/COLOR]
srfN = None, -1
attN = None, -1
attN = bottom, 48
name = ModuleDockingNode
isEnabled = True
state = Docked (same vessel)
dockUId = [COLOR="#FF0000"]2225582713[/COLOR]
active = False
active = True
active = False

The "parent" for this matching port is the first port you found. Write this number down as the "part #" for the first port, and the "top #" for the second port.

Your information table should now look like this:

uid: [COLOR="#FF0000"]2225582713[/COLOR] part #: [COLOR="#800080"]11[/COLOR]
dockUId: [COLOR="#FF8C00"]2734470680[/COLOR] top #:

uid: [COLOR="#FF8C00"]2734470680[/COLOR] part #:
dockUId: [COLOR="#FF0000"]2225582713[/COLOR] top #: [COLOR="#800080"]11[/COLOR]

5c) Find the part # for the second port.

Okay, so this is the one part of "figuring it out" that you need to do. There isn't a fool proof way of finding the part number for the second port (the one you're looking at right now).

You'll have to scroll up to the part before, and the part after the port you're looking at. You'll have to have some knowledge about how you put the craft together, what symmetry you used, etc...

Once you figure that out, put it in your table.

uid: [COLOR="#FF0000"]2225582713[/COLOR] part #: [COLOR="#800080"]11[/COLOR]
dockUId: [COLOR="#FF8C00"]2734470680[/COLOR] top #: 47

uid: [COLOR="#FF8C00"]2734470680[/COLOR] part #: 47
dockUId: [COLOR="#FF0000"]2225582713[/COLOR] top #: [COLOR="#800080"]11[/COLOR]

6) Fix the ports.

Here's how you use the information from the table above. I'll walk you through the process for fixing the first port. You don't have to fix all the ports at once, but as a minimum you need to fix them in pairs.

First Port table data:

[COLOR="#FF0000"]uid: 2225582713[/COLOR] part #: 11
dockUId: 2734470680 [COLOR="#008000"]top #: 47[/COLOR]

The two parts you need to fix your file are the uid and the top #. It might be easier to simply write down the "uid" and "top #" for the port you're working on so you don't get confused.

6a) CTRL-F your way to the first port's uid (in this case 2225582713)

You'll end up in the docking port's part section.

name = dockingPort2
uid = [COLOR="#FF0000"]2225582713[/COLOR]
mid = 173226788
parent = 10
srfN = None, -1
attN = [COLOR="#008000"]None, -1[/COLOR]
attN = bottom, 10
name = ModuleDockingNode
isEnabled = True
state = [COLOR="#008000"]Docked (same vessel)[/COLOR]
dockUId = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]2734470680[/COLOR]
active = [COLOR="#008000"]False[/COLOR]
active = [COLOR="#008000"]True[/COLOR]
active = [COLOR="#008000"]False[/COLOR]

The green and orange parts will need to change.

6b) Edit the part structure.

So here's how you actually fix this part, and this is for only one port. Remember, you have to do a pair.

uid - leave this completely alone

attN - you need to modify this so that it points at the matching docking port. That's the "top #" from the table. For uid 2225582713, the top # is 47. So it should look like "attN = top, 47" Make sure you edit the line that says "attN = None, -1" and not the one that says "attN = bottom, 10"

state - you need to change this to "PreAttached"

dockUId - this needs to be zeroed out. So quite litterally "dockUId = 0"

Undock - you need to make sure this says "active = False" if it says "True" then change it.

UndockSameVessel - you need to make sure this says "active = False" if it says "True" then change it.

Decouple - you need to make sure this says "active = True"

So this is what the structure will look like when you're done.

name = dockingPort2
uid = [COLOR="#FF0000"]2225582713[/COLOR]
mid = 173226788
parent = 10
srfN = None, -1
attN = [COLOR="#008000"]top, 47[/COLOR]
attN = bottom, 10
name = ModuleDockingNode
isEnabled = True
state = [COLOR="#008000"]PreAttached[/COLOR]
dockUId = [COLOR="#008000"]0[/COLOR]
active = [COLOR="#008000"]False[/COLOR]
active = [COLOR="#008000"]False[/COLOR]
active = [COLOR="#008000"]True[/COLOR]

6c) Repeat the above procedure (steps 4a & 4b) for all the docking ports.

7) Make a copy of your newly modified quicksave.sfs in case you mess up your quickload, and accidentally quicksave over it.

8) Quickload your game and undock. The option will actually say "decouple node" but you get the same effect.

9) Profit.

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Docking Ports Won't Connect

This fix is for craft that are NOT connected together, and when the docking ports touch they refuse to connect. This is typically because the state on one or both of the docking ports doesn't get reset correctly.

1) Make a copy of your persistence.sfs file and keep it safe.

2) Make sure your docking ports are several meters apart from each other and quicksave.

3) Open quicksave.sfs in a plain text editor like notepad.exe. Do not use WORD or some other processing software.

4a) Changing the Docking Port State

Find the "broken" or unresponsive docking ports so you can change the state. You may need to edit both the vessel's docking port and the target's docking port.

That section will look something like this.

name = ModuleDockingNode
isEnabled = True
[COLOR="#FF0000"] state = Disengage
dockUId = 0[/COLOR]
dockNodeIdx = 0
active = False

- The broken port may say a number of things, including Disengage or Acquire... Change the state line to read "state = Ready".

- If there is a number in "dockUId" make it zero. So it should look like this: "dockUId = 0".

The docking port's state could be a variety of things including "Disengage" or "docked (Dockee/er)". Make absolutely sure you are at the broken port. One way to verify that you are at an empty port is by checking the attachment nodes.

Scroll up a little and look for this:

srfN = None, -1
attN = None, -1
attN = bottom, 0

Make sure that on the "attN" lines, there is no "top" label. So you should NOT see "attN = top, XX". They can be "None" or "bottom".

4b) Delete the "DOCKEDVESSEL" info.

Scroll down to the end of the docking port PART structure. Just prior to the ACTIONGROUPS label, check for a "DOCKEDVESSEL" block.

actionGroup = None
actionGroup = None
vesselName = Docking Rover
vesselType = 3
rootUId = 3111877274
Stage = False, 0
Gear = True, 0

If there is a DOCKEDVESSEL block, delete everything from DOCKEDVESSEL to the closing bracket (all the highlighted parts above). Do not leave any extra blank lines.

5) Save the file and quickload. Try docking again. Remember, you may need to edit both the vessel's docking port and the target's docking port.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The quick and dirty worked for me - after getting the whole parent number right - and at least one of the ports involved was able to dock (and undock!) on another vessel later.

I would really like an addon that can show you the ID of a part in the game though ... but I am getting better at reading the save file. :D

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The quick and dirty worked for me - after getting the whole parent number right - and at least one of the ports involved was able to dock (and undock!) on another vessel later.

I would really like an addon that can show you the ID of a part in the game though ... but I am getting better at reading the save file. :D

Awesome :) Glad you got it fixed.

I think someone is working on a module for KER that will either dump out the craft structure or perhaps give part numbers. I'm not sure if that's done yet though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having what appears to be a unique wrinkle in this problem. I have a docking port that, in the VAB, I attached the long truss (trussPiece3x) to. I actually did this on both sides of a mk1 lander can.

I was able to detatch one side but not the other, and all the instructions for fixing this problem tell how to get two docking ports to realize they're docked. I don't have 2 docking ports, though, so nothing really applies. I tried to apply it anyway but it totally failed.

I have tweakableeverything installed (among lots of other mods) which seems to mean that EnableXFeed never has "active = True" set, but I was able to find the port affected because I found this code:

					name = ModuleTweakableDockingNode
					isEnabled = True
					StartOpened = False
					fuelCrossFeed = False
					acquireRange = 0.5
					acquireForce = 2

Here's a picture of what I see right before failing to disconnect:

[defunct site link removed by moderator]

And here's the vessel, cut from a quicksave:

[defunct site link removed by moderator]

Can anybody help with this? I'm about to hyperedit up a new lander can and delete the whole thing.

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I'm looking at it now. Might take me a little bit because I can't load up your save. Is that lander can your root part?

EDIT: I think it's not coming off because it thinks the truss is surface attached. Did you put these on with symmetry?

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Okay. I can't verify it, but try this.

You're looking for this docking port (please forgive the lack of code tags). Search for the uid.



name = dockingPort3

uid = 626288285

mid = 27095001

Scroll down to the attachment nodes and make them read as follows.

srfN = srfAttach, 0

attN = None, -1

attN = top, 4

Then scroll down a little and find the state...

state = Ready

And change this to "state = PreAttached"

Give that a try and see if it works. I was going to have you attach the truss nodes correctly, but I'm afraid the rotation/position numbers will be messed up. If this doesn't work, then we can try the truss nodes.

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Claw said:
I'm looking at it now. Might take me a little bit because I can't load up your save. Is that lander can your root part?

EDIT: I think it's not coming off because it thinks the truss is surface attached. Did you put these on with symmetry?

Thanks tons for helping. It's not a complete quicksave. I stripped the ship out of it.

I just realized now that I in fact did not just strip it out, I deleted that quicksave by creating that file I uploaded. Grrrr. I uploaded a persistent file that has the same problem wiht the same ship, though, to [defunct site link removed by moderator]

I also uploaded the craft file to [defunct site link removed by moderator]

I am about 95% sure that that lander can is the root part of the original ship, and am likewise sure it's the root part of the piece that's now left. However, loading the craft into the VAB can take some time (It's 437 parts and lots of them are docking ports which seems to cause no end of troubles). I'll reply when I can finally get it loaded to check the root part. Maybe you can get it from the craft file? I'm not very well versed on how those work.

EDIT 1: Yes, that can is the root part of the original ship. the two docking ports on either side were NOT put on with symmetry as I needed the two halves of the ship to have differences and I didn't want to lose one if I accidentally grabbed the other.

EDIT: I'm waiting for your edit to proceed :D

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Thanks tons for helping. It's not a complete quicksave. I stripped the ship out of it.


I am about 95% sure that that lander can is the root part of the original ship, and am likewise sure it's the root part of the piece that's now left.


EDIT 1: Yes, that can is the root part of the original ship. the two docking ports on either side were NOT put on with symmetry as I needed the two halves of the ship to have differences and I didn't want to lose one if I accidentally grabbed the other.

EDIT: I'm waiting for your edit to proceed :D

Yeah, no problem. :)

Thanks for stipping the file, that helps a lot. And I was asking about the lander can because that makes it a lot easier for me to find my way around in the file, but I think I got it sorted out.

Kinda funny that I can tell about the symmetry. :P I think when you put that truss piece on, it went on as a surface attachment. So that might be why the decoupling wasn't set up correctly. I'm hoping that fix I posted, though not elegant, will work. *keeps fingers crossed*

EDIT: Oh boy, and I hope you remembered to make a copy. I forgot to remind you... :(

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Okay. I can't verify it, but try this.


Give that a try and see if it works. I was going to have you attach the truss nodes correctly, but I'm afraid the rotation/position numbers will be messed up. If this doesn't work, then we can try the truss nodes.

When I make those 2 changes, the quickload won't load any more. The only thing it puts in KSP.log is:

[EXC 03:42:32.095] FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format

I've thought about editing the trusses to have a 1m/s impact tolerance and then just running a Kerbal into it :D

EDIT: I was editing the wrong "State = " line. I edited the correct one and it's different now, but still not fixed. "Decouple Node" is now not available so there is no option to try to disconnect. "Undock" is not there either, just Crossfeed and Control From Here

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Okay. Not sure if this will mess up the ship, but try to fix the truss nodes. It's the next part down. Make sure you do those other changes I posted too.

name = trussPiece3x

uid = 431467540

mid = 27095001

parent = 3

Find the nodes and change them to look like this...

srfN = None, -1

attN = bottom, 3

attN = top, 5

I'm going to guess the rotations will be all screwed up, but maybe it'll let you get it apart.

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Made that change, and no luck. Nothing's turned wrong but it didn't affect the right click options (Still just crossfeed disabled and control from here)

I went back and made sure all the changes are in place:

name = dockingPort3
uid = 626288285
mid = 27095001
parent = 0
position = -0.809750080108643,-0.0172100067138672,0
rotation = -0.7071068,0.7071068,0,0
mirror = 1,1,1
istg = 0
dstg = 0
sqor = 0
sidx = 2
attm = 1
srfN = srfAttach, 0
attN = None, -1
attN = top, 4
name = ModuleDockingNode
isEnabled = True
state = PreAttached
dockUId = 431467540
name = trussPiece3x
uid = 431467540
mid = 27095001
parent = 3
position = -2.42825746536255,-0.0187091827392578,0
rotation = -0.5000001,0.5000001,-0.5000001,-0.5000001
mirror = 1,1,1
istg = 0
dstg = 0
sqor = -1
sidx = -1
attm = 1
srfN = None, -1
attN = bottom, 3
attN = top, 5

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Sorry it's not working. It's hard to troubleshoot this when I can't load your save. Double check these things didn't change. I'll try to replicate your setup on mine in the mean time.

Make sure the docking port still says this:



active = True

guiActive = True

And set dockUId = 0

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Claw said:
Sorry it's not working. It's hard to troubleshoot this when I can't load your save.

Did you see this? I've got lots of mods but no part mods so I *think* it'll load.

5thHorseman said:
I uploaded a persistent file that has the same problem wiht the same ship, though, to [defunct site link removed by moderator]

I also uploaded the craft file to [defunct site link removed by moderator]

Claw said:
Make sure the docking port still says this:



active = True

guiActive = True

And set dockUId = 0

Those "active" lines were already set to that. I set dockUId = 0 with no effect.

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Did you see this? I've got lots of mods but no part mods so I *think* it'll load.

I'm sorry, it's not your mods that's stopping me. It's that I don't have a computer capable of loading that right now. I'm running a stripped down version on a very incapable computer at the moment. :(

I have to head out. Unless you want to wait, you might have to hyper up a new one. Or wack a kerbal...

I'm very sorry. :(

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Ahh wait. I figured it out. :) At least it worked on my test case.

On your truss segment, change the

attm = 1


attm = 0

That should do it! Hopefully you didn't leave already!!

Edit: If anything, you taught me how to fix one more docking problem. Sorry if I was too late to help you.

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Claw said:
Ahh wait. I figured it out. :) At least it worked on my test case.

On your truss segment, change the

attm = 1


attm = 0

That should do it! Hopefully you didn't leave already!!

Edit: If anything, you taught me how to fix one more docking problem. Sorry if I was too late to help you.

Nope, still here. I'm an all-nighter kind of guy :)

Sadly, though, that STILL didn't work. I still have no options to undock or decouple or anything else other than crossfeed or control from.

Just in case I'm missing something, I uploaded the new quicksave file to [defunct site link removed by moderator]

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5thHorseman said:

Just in case I'm missing something, I uploaded the new quicksave file to [defunct site link removed by moderator]

Well, sorry it didn't work for you. Thanks for posting some files. When I get my more capable computer back I'll take a look. I'm sure it'll be too late to help you out, but perhaps it will teach me a bit more so I can help in the future.



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You and me both.

Luckily I need to send a refueling mission out anyway, so I'll just leave this broken thing as is and bring a new lander can. I'm officially pretending it's a jammed decoupling mechanism that they don't have the tools to fix. :)

But in any case, thanks for trying to help. This was a doozy for how simple it appeared at the start!

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  • 2 months later...

With the technique set out in this thread I've freed several stuck ports on my space station, but unfortunately there are a couple that stubbornly refuse to undock.

I used the "disable crossfeed" method to identify the problem ports, but then when I used to dockUid to identify those ports they were connected to, I found that in there was no "attN = None" line to change to "attN = top" with the appropriate parent number.

I tried adding the "attN = top" line but this did nothing for me.

If anyone has to the time to take a look the quicksave file is here https://www.dropbox.com/s/dsg215xk8az6cj5/quicksave.sfs?dl=0

For anyone who can take a look, my returning Eeloo ship's crew, stuck in high Kerbin orbit waiting for refuelling thanks you :)

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Hey purpleivan,

I loaded up your quicksave and was able to undock the "Eeloo 1" lander from your "Heavy Lift 1" without any problems. So I'm not sure if that's the issue you are having or not.

That top docking port won't have an "attN = top" line because there isn't anything attached to the top of it. The other two ports look fine inside the savefile.

Can you provide a bit more clarification? Or maybe a picture of what part isn't working the way you expect?



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