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Now what to do next ?


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Try experimenting with mods, build a base on Mün using Kethane and KAS, build a ship using Kethane and interplanetary launchpads which can go to all planets in one tour?

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With the exception of Kerbin itself, fill the entire science tree without ever touching the science from the Kerbin system (Minmus and Mun (including orbital gains)). The game becomes a considerable challenge. I'm enjoying the effort. :)

The biome gains from both bodies is overpowered at this point in development, in my opinion.

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Try mods.

Do a free-return trajectory around Mun using only one burn from LKO to landing.

Land on Tylo and return.

Go into a circular polar orbit around Kerbol.

Park in orbit around a moon, EVA to the surface, and back up to the spacecraft.

Investigate the Munar Poles, the Great Canyon of Dres, or the Moholes.

Start a rock garden around KSC.

Land an asteroid somewhere other than the Kerbin system.

Fly a jet around Laythe.

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Filled the career tree, been to 95% of system, space station, built a boat that floats: what to do next ? (stock parts only)

Now do all of the above in one mission. :D (Excluding career tree of course.)

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Run out of challenges?


(Better than Starting Manned), but i think the author focussed too much on the S&M and not enough on the BT.

This gives you a much more realisting tech advancement pace, thus immensely higher difficulty.

No maxxing out the science tree on Kerbin and Mun biomes..

No pinwheeling around on those Made-In-Krypton SAS modules, you need to use RCS like the real world does.


Great fun, if you like a more real space program! (and don't mind a bit of frustration because your 1945's tech rocket just *wont* fly straight)

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Build a rover/car that can go 100+ m/s on kerbin. They can be pretty fun (check my recent streams for an example). Also land and return from Tylo, Eve, Laythe, and Duna for more challenge.

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I've been hitting a brick wall with regards to ideas recently as well.. except, I have pretty much every mod installed as well. Apart from RemoteTech2 (because I'm scared of the bugginess) and some Life Support mod (because that would just inconvenience me), I have pretty much every mod that people usually recommend. FAR, KW, EVE etc etc

My issue is a kind of catch-22.. To go anywhere interesting, I need to do launch after launch and I find that tedious. I can dock and build incredible things in orbit, I just find it tedious to launch again and again. So why not just Hyperedit the assembled craft into orbit? Because then.. why go anywhere? Why do anything if I can just Hyperedit there instead (after jettisoning the various stages it would've taken me to get there of course)? I play pretty much only in career (because I like Science) and I love the first few days of a new save - new toys to play with, new choices, everything) but once I've got enough to get out of the Kerbin system and back (e.g docking ports and nuclear engines), it just becomes the whole "launch, rdv, dock, repeat and then go somewhere" thing again.

I guess I could install Realism Overhaul or BTSM or something but I'll still run into the problem of once I unlock nuclear engines and docking ports, it's just launching for the sake of launching. All those mods are just a variation on the theme of the base game (not that I have a problem with the base game at all).

I'd love to try something on the plane side of things because I've never really done that and with the recent update of FAR, I find it hard to resist. But then I run into the problem of decent plane parts. The stock plane parts are laughably under-developed and as for mods, I'd love for someone to point me to a mod that has the range of B9, but isn't B9. It's like the go-to plane part mod but it's A, been broken for 2 versions now (yes I know there are fixes for it but...) and B, doesn't really look nice when use with other parts. I suppose part of my problem with B9 is thanks to KSP. First off, everything in B9 is Structural but also, the games part list I think should also be overhauled. Why would I want air intakes when I'm building a rocket? Why would I want fairings when I'm building a plane? Why would I want probe size parts when I'm building a massive lifter stage?

There are so many mods that should be made stock and I do recognise that Harv and the team only have so many hours in the day and I know I'm just one slightly drunk guy posting on a forum at midnight, so I'll admit I'm just rambling at this point and stop here.

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Take a Whackjob style challenge.

Start with an orange tank. Build a rocket that will get it into orbit. Now build a second rocket that will get the orange tank and the first rocket into orbit. See how many iterations you can manage before lag/frustration/molten CPU get the better of you.

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