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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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Downloaded the regular (non-dev build) and tried it on 0.25 x64 and it crashed right after joining the first server and loading in all the ships. After that it crashed on starting the game every time. Just tonight I tried on a fresh install of 0.90 x64 with only KER installed, and same issue. Is this a known bug with x64 or am I doing something wrong? I can provide some logs if that would help. I'll try on 32-bit and see if that works in the mean time.

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@burz21: I'm not terribly familiar with the mods (As a modder I play a surprisingly stock game), but it should probably work. You'll have to be a little more specific than "error" though, Are the parts coming up in the banlist? Is there vessel sync errors?

?.Screenshots or log files can also help if it's a weird problem :).

@jkenny23: "Known problem" is a bit of an understatement - I don't disable on win x64 like many other modders as I feel like the players should have the choice to try it, but as far as I know, this sums it up pretty nicely.x64.png

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  godarklight said:
@burz21: I'm not terribly familiar with the mods (As a modder I play a surprisingly stock game), but it should probably work. You'll have to be a little more specific than "error" though, Are the parts coming up in the banlist? Is there vessel sync errors?
?.Screenshots or log files can also help if it's a weird problem :).

@jkenny23: "Known problem" is a bit of an understatement - I don't disable on win x64 like many other modders as I feel like the players should have the choice to try it, but as far as I know, this sums it up pretty nicely.http://godarklight.info.tm/x64.png

I will make use of that image from now on, haha.

@jkenny23: If you use so many mods that you cannot avoid win64, I highly discourage you from trying such massive modpack on multiplayer to start with.

Also, I am not sure if DMP works with universe replacer.

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There is this bug that duplicates a ship upon docking (when the target vessel is player controlled), physics are turned off for this duplocate ship unless you reload the scene which counts for a violent explosion of your vessel (because the duplicated vessel is at the exact same position). This has been reported in the issue tracker a long time ago. Is there a fix planned or is it something unfixable? (I guess its because both player controlled vessels update to a "docked" state but that is just my pseudo-knowledge)

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Hi godarklight.

I had a eureka moment to enable revert without causing any server or continuity issues in DMP.

Answer: provide a simulation mode button in the DMP GUI that runs the currently connected universe as a local copy, either by using the game's function to load the local copy, or suspend vessel updates and enable revert until simulation mode is ended.

This idea differs from simply loading the universe as just a savegame in that the DMP GUI remains connected to the universe chat, craft, and screenshot sharing fuctions during simulation mode so they can continue to chat and share designs and screenshots with others on the server while testing. It also differs in that this mode is switched on or off from the DMP GUI without having to back all the way out to the main game menu.

Also put a red "Simulator" notice in the corners of the screen, and update the DMP status of the user as "In the Simulator" so others on the server know their funny shared screenshots of crash landing into another's base is not really happening.

Finally, enable an option for admins to default users connecting to the server to start in simulation mode.


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Hello, thank you for your mod,

I meet a problem to play in multiplayer, in local network,it works, but when I wish to play via Hamachi it does not work any more.

I configured well Hamachi and my port is opened, he obtains an error by trying to join me. It is necessary to configure another option in the waiter to join me ?

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On WIndows you can go into Networking-> Network adapters-> hold alt and select from the menu-> extended-> extended (or how its called in english) and rearange your nics.put hamachi first here, and restart ksp / dmp server. dmp will now use the hamachi nic as primary nic for networking.if that doesnt fix it chack firewall and other stuff.but you know you dont need hamachi. you can just forward the port and connect via the inet.

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  inigma said:
Hi godarklight.

I had a eureka moment to enable revert without causing any server or continuity issues in DMP.

Answer: provide a simulation mode button in the DMP GUI that runs the currently connected universe as a local copy, either by using the game's function to load the local copy, or suspend vessel updates and enable revert until simulation mode is ended.

This idea differs from simply loading the universe as just a savegame in that the DMP GUI remains connected to the universe chat, craft, and screenshot sharing fuctions during simulation mode so they can continue to chat and share designs and screenshots with others on the server while testing. It also differs in that this mode is switched on or off from the DMP GUI without having to back all the way out to the main game menu.

Also put a red "Simulator" notice in the corners of the screen, and update the DMP status of the user as "In the Simulator" so others on the server know their funny shared screenshots of crash landing into another's base is not really happening.

Finally, enable an option for admins to default users connecting to the server to start in simulation mode.


You are suggesting turning the server into a client.

I don't code, but I know that this is not nearly as simple as it seems.

I expect official KSP MP to have something like this, or at least the option to have it.

But I am not sure if its worth for DMP servers to do that.

Also, this would require the full KSP to run, so it would be more like the "open to lan" on minecraft.

Maybe this could be done by simply setting one client as priority and then all the universe runs on it.

But then the client would have to be always controlling a vessel or something like that, and it would lag like hell, I think.

I guess this wouldn't be nearly as good as a proper solution as you suggest.

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  godarklight said:
@burz21: I'm not terribly familiar with the mods (As a modder I play a surprisingly stock game), but it should probably work. You'll have to be a little more specific than "error" though, Are the parts coming up in the banlist? Is there vessel sync errors?
?.Screenshots or log files can also help if it's a weird problem :).

Sorry about that I should have been more specific :blush:.

When launching a vehicle that has a part from Procedural Parts or using Realism Overhaul I get a message at the top saying that the Procedural Liquid Fuel Tank is banned as well as "RO.gx256" and the ship will not be saved. I just tried again to get a screenshot and a log for you and it appears to be working now. I will follow up on this if the problem comes back (unless you'd like me to try to reproduce it now to fix a potential issue), perhaps I can ask in the Realism Overhaul thread about that file.

Thank you for the assistance!

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  tetryds said:
You are suggesting turning the server into a client.

I don't code, but I know that this is not nearly as simple as it seems.

I expect official KSP MP to have something like this, or at least the option to have it.

But I am not sure if its worth for DMP servers to do that.

Also, this would require the full KSP to run, so it would be more like the "open to lan" on minecraft.

Maybe this could be done by simply setting one client as priority and then all the universe runs on it.

But then the client would have to be always controlling a vessel or something like that, and it would lag like hell, I think.

I guess this wouldn't be nearly as good as a proper solution as you suggest.

Essentially the question boils down to this:

When running a DMP savegame locally, is it possible to code DMP GUI to allow connecting to a server and only serve up chat, craft sharing, and screenshot sharing functions only?

In short, I'm proposing a button in DMP GUI that would only suspend vessel updates from the DMP client-server communication and sending a call to KSP to close the currently running DMP game, and load it instead as a localized savegame, but keeping the chat and craft sharing and screenshot sharing functions and communications with the original server intact. Clicking that button again would close the DMP savegame, and reload it and resync it, thus destroying any changes.

I don't imagine that vessels updates are integrated with those particular DMP functions so theoretically it might work if so. Adding the button to switch to "Simulator Mode" would only act as a disconnect button from the server's vessel updating function, without severing the chat, craft library, and screenshot communications. Whether it is forced to reload the DMP persistance as a localized savegame, or can run in a disconnected mode, are two options that make sense at that point. Clicking on that same button again would act as a reconnect button and thus would force DMP to resync vessels, thus destroying any changes that were temporarily made in the local DMP savegame persistence file.

gdl is this possible?

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  inigma said:
Essentially the question boils down to this:

When running a DMP savegame locally, is it possible to code DMP GUI to allow connecting to a server and only serve up chat, craft sharing, and screenshot sharing functions only?

In short, I'm proposing a button in DMP GUI that would only suspend vessel updates from the DMP client-server communication and sending a call to KSP to close the currently running DMP game, and load it instead as a localized savegame, but keeping the chat and craft sharing and screenshot sharing functions and communications with the original server intact.

I don't imagine that vessels updates are integrated with those particular DMP functions so theoretically it might work if so. Adding the button to switch to "Simulator Mode" would only act as a disconnect button from the server's vessel updating function, without severing the chat, craft library, and screenshot communications. Clicking on that same button again would act as a reconnect button forcing DMP to resync vessels, thus destroying any changes that were temporarily made in the local DMP savegame persistence file (aka while in Simulator Mode).

Ah, so you want to disable multiplayer function from DMP.

KMP was based off a mod that did this, only showed orbit, crafts and screenshots from other players, as well as chat.

But why would you want that?

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  tetryds said:
Ah, so you want to disable multiplayer function from DMP.

KMP was based off a mod that did this, only showed orbit, crafts and screenshots from other players.

But why would you want that?

Obviously, he wants to make DMP more like Kerbal Live Feed, where you just chat with people and send screenshots and that's it, no physical interaction with other players or the need to work with the sync feature.

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  longbyte1 said:
Obviously, he wants to make DMP more like Kerbal Live Feed, where you just chat with people and send screenshots and that's it, no physical interaction with other players or the need to work with the sync feature.

Only on a temporary basis. I run a server where people are asking for the revert function to come back since those that revert usually do because they are testing craft or find unexpected flaws. They want revert, but want to still be connected to the chat, craft library, and screenshot features of DMP while testing craft without affecting the server or cluttering it up with debris. This means manually reloading the DMP savegame is not working for them since it cuts them off from the server chat conversations, shared craft library, and screenshots. After testing, they want to sync up with the universe and launch their missions for real, since DMP has no revert.

In fact, this is already a "feature" of DMP - when you get accidentally disconnected you see "You have been disconnected from the server." error message but you are still able to play in the disconnected universe. On reconnect, any universe changes you may have made are simply overwritten by the DMP sync. I want to exploit this bug/error and instead of "Disconnected from the server" one sees "Simulator" and is still able to chat with server members, share crafts, and screenshots. :)

And of course have this feature initiated by a DMP GUI button. And admins able to set simulator mode as the default mode for users.

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Errr... Did everyone miss the post from 2 pages ago? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79111-DarkMultiPlayer-0-1-6-2-KSP-0-25-Alpha?p=1603155&viewfull=1#post1603155

We have proper revert support on the clients (you can sync back to a quicksave and have the updates replay out), but I've decided against it for syncing a past subspace on the server - There's just far too much information to store in any type of sane way.

I'm not so sure KLF still has a place when we have proper MP support - I could look into porting it to 0.90, but it's likely not all that helpful when we have DMP :-/

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How do.. NASA revert?

Reverting is senseless on DMP. Reverting is Cheating in general way.

(Do we want fire-and-forget? For that i would create an Facebook-Account.)

We here prefer to test vessels/operations in sandbox, to get successful launches and missions.

We here dont want to mess up our Universe with imprudent vessels/operations.

KSP is a Space Program Simulator, not a World War/Space War/Demolition Sim.

And we highly appreciate, if KSP/DMP would stay on its peaceful and cooperative way.

Otherwise i would start up Elite: Dangerous, EVE or... Star Citizen.

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  godarklight said:
Errr... Did everyone miss the post from 2 pages ago? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79111-DarkMultiPlayer-0-1-6-2-KSP-0-25-Alpha?p=1603155&viewfull=1#post1603155

We have proper revert support on the clients (you can sync back to a quicksave and have the updates replay out), but I've decided against it for syncing a past subspace on the server - There's just far too much information to store in any type of sane way.

I'm not so sure KLF still has a place when we have proper MP support - I could look into porting it to 0.90, but it's likely not all that helpful when we have DMP :-/

Is this easier than what I described? A simulator mode entered by clicking a button in the DMP GUI that simply reloads the universe as a local savegame while keeping chat, craft library, and screenshot sharing communications intact?

Leaving the simulator would simply reload the universe from the DMP server, overwriting all changes in the local DMP savegame as usual.

I would imagine such a feature would be compatible with any mode of server and use less memory.

Also this idea would allow for communicating one's simulator status in the DMP userlist, and allow admins the option to force everyone to start in a simulator mode when first joining the server.

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  Jansn said:
How do.. NASA revert?

Reverting is senseless on DMP. Reverting is Cheating in general way.

(Do we want fire-and-forget? For that i would create an Facebook-Account.)

We here prefer to test vessels/operations in sandbox, to get successful launches and missions.

We here dont want to mess up our Universe with imprudent vessels/operations.

How do.. KSP players simulate vessel flight characteristics?

How on Earth (or Kerbin) is switching to a sandbox save file less of a 'cheat' than doing *exactly the same flights* in your regular save an then reverting?

'You there' might want some kind of purist Ideal Multiplayer World, but 'we here' want to play the game KSP in multiplayer; a game which has these features like 'revert'. 'I' would prefer to be able to tinker with a vessel's design with a few test flights and send it through to my friend who's playing the same world as me, without having to jump to a separate sandbox save and manually transfer the .craft files to a different folder.

And we highly appreciate, if KSP/DMP would stay on its peaceful and cooperative way.

Otherwise i would start up Elite: Dangerous, EVE or... Star Citizen.

So why are you advocating making KSP less user-friendly and harder by taking away the revert feature? EVE is exactly the kind of game where you can lose everything from one mistake with no 'saves' - and that's what you're asking for.

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  godarklight said:
Errr... Did everyone miss the post from 2 pages ago? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79111-DarkMultiPlayer-0-1-6-2-KSP-0-25-Alpha?p=1603155&viewfull=1#post1603155

We have proper revert support on the clients (you can sync back to a quicksave and have the updates replay out), but I've decided against it for syncing a past subspace on the server - There's just far too much information to store in any type of sane way.

I'm not so sure KLF still has a place when we have proper MP support - I could look into porting it to 0.90, but it's likely not all that helpful when we have DMP :-/

That is really cool, godar, I know several people who would avoid using DMP simply because they were afraid of failures.

Thanks for this new supercool feature :)

I am not sure if KLF would be that important, I mean, people could just avoid interacting.

Unless porting it is really simple.

(I know about debris, but an admin could just nukeksc/dekessler, but orbiting debris doesn't even do anything at all).

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Hello everyone.

I've got a problem, I can't see my friends when we play on my private server.

We are all in the same timescape because the force-warp option is active,

and when we are all about 500m from the runway, we still can't see each other.

Thanks in advance for the help!


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Yo DMP'rs, having an issue: the Kethane ScanMask isn't saving on disconnect. I.e. if you scan a body and disconnect, the information you've gathered will be gone when you reconnect.

I've looked in the /scenarios/[playername] folder, and I'm not seeing a KethaneData.txt. That may be an issue with the 0.90 DMP, or it might be with the updated 0.90 Kethane.dll, dunno. I've tried manually placing a KethaneData.txt file from a 0.25 server in the 0.90 scenario folder, but this has had no effect.

EDIT: It is also not saving Kerbal Alarm Clock data, nor TAC Life support settings; both of which are SCENARIO items that come after ScenarioDiscoverableObjects; they are not being saved as .txt scenario files - as yet unsure why this is.

I notice that DiscoverableObjects was also a scenario in 0.25 which wasn't saved as a .txt, but alarm clock and similar came after it in 0.25 save files too and saved just fine over DMP.

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Hola, tengo un problema para instalar mods en mi servidor privado si alguien me puede responder por enviarme una foto de cómo debe ser configurado DMPModControl para un mod como KAS. Mi Inglés es un poco mal, pero creo que usted consigue :wink:

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@Jake_tyler: Replied via email, but I'll need to catch you on IRC, your universe worked completely fine for me (and holy moly 300 asteroids...)

EDIT: Actually - disabled mod control mode was broken, I've fixed it. That may have been your problem :)

@TurielD: As a result of DMP getting more meta, I assumed that scenarios were always tagged with KSPScenario for the new "Is this module allowed in this game type" filter. That is not the case with most mods, so I've reworked it. Try dev now.

@D4n13l: (Via google translate)

Puede configurar un DMPModControl.txt por entrar en la ventana del cliente "Options" y pulsar " Generar DMPModControl.txt " . Mueva ese archivo a DMPServer

@VITAS: No pagify :D

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