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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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I seem to be having some issues starting DMPServer.exe on my linux box. It worked perfectly fine on my windows desktop but when I tried to run it in linux I just got a crash and a stack trace.

/DMPServer$ mono DMPServer.exe

[10:31:42][DEBUG] : Loading settings

[10:31:42][DEBUG] : Saving settings

[10:31:42][DEBUG] : System.IO compression works: True, test time: 7 ms.

[10:31:42][DEBUG] : Loading plugins!

[10:31:42][DEBUG] : Done!

[10:31:42][iNFO] : Starting DMPServer v0.2.0.2, protocol 33

[10:31:42][iNFO] : Loading universe...

[10:31:42][iNFO] : Done!

[10:31:42][iNFO] : Starting SUBSPACE server on port 27015...

[10:31:42][DEBUG] : Creating new subspace lock file

[10:31:42][ERROR] : Fatal error thrown, exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at DarkMultiPlayerServer.DMPPluginHandler.CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve (System.Object sender, System.ResolveEventArgs args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.AppDomain.DoAssemblyResolve (System.String name, Boolean refonly) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DarkMultiPlayerServer.Dekessler.CheckTimer () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DarkMultiPlayerServer.ClientHandler.ThreadMain () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

[10:31:42][iNFO] : Shutting down - Crashed!


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I keep getting an "actively refused connection". My two computers are connected by LAN cable, and my Minecraft LAN connection between the two computers is working fine, but I can't get the client to connect to the server on KSP (the host connects just fine).

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@MightyN0ob: Thanks, but this is likely a side effect due to how I try and spawn vessels in the atmosphere when they are close. KSP kills vessels that are flying more than 2.5km away, so what I do is I temporarily set them to "landed", and then hope KSP figures out that they actually should be flying - at which point they start working again. I've got an idea of how to "fix" this (keep them landed and move them every frame referencing the last DMP update), but I haven't coded that yet. It's called HackyInAtmoLoad for a reason hehe.

So just try, try and try again till it eventually loads? Or is there possibly another way, Like flying far out, then coming back in? :P

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So i created a little batch file that people with windows OS may find useful. It will create a backup and time stamp it and place a back up folder in your DMPSERVER folder. Just make sure your path to the folder looks like this "C:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\kerbal space program\DMPSERVER".

Place the following text into windows notepad and save as DMPBackup.bat, Then save where ever you like and set as task in taskmanager to run every hour.


@echo off

for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a"

set "YY=%dt:~2,2%" & set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%" & set "MM=%dt:~4,2%" & set "DD=%dt:~6,2%"

set "HH=%dt:~8,2%" & set "Min=%dt:~10,2%" & set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%"

set "datestamp=%MM%-%DD%-%YYYY%_%HH%-%MIN%%"

robocopy "C:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\kerbal space program\DMPSERVER\Universe" "C:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\kerbal space program\DMPSERVER\backup\backup_%datestamp%" /e /eta



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Would you be able to relay your signal through your friends satellites for example?

Yes, it works. DMP does not bind Vessels to specific Players.

Just place your Relays and connect to them.

(But re/connecting need to arrange with other players ("owner" of relays))

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Okay thanks, looking forward trying that mod out.

Is there any special recommendations for docking to other players vessels in order to avoid dmp related "mishaps" - eg. Is it advisable to EVA from your station while the other player docks?

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Okay thanks, looking forward trying that mod out.

Is there any special recommendations for docking to other players vessels in order to avoid dmp related "mishaps" - eg. Is it advisable to EVA from your station while the other player docks?

It would be better if one vessel is being piloted and the other one is not.

EVA'ing is a good idea, I did not think about that before, try it out then tell us :)

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It would be better if one vessel is being piloted and the other one is not.

EVA'ing is a good idea, I did not think about that before, try it out then tell us :)

I don't know quite much about docking in DMP (I don't even know how to rendezvous on KSP), but I think that, when someone is going to dock with your vessel, you spectate them when they dock. If you do anything with your vessel, it will bug out and docking will not be possible. (that's when me and @godarklight where trying it out, I've accidentaly messed it up by throttling my vessel, even though it had no fuel.)

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We seem to be getting a lot of questions about networking in general - I'll have to make a tutorial specific to setting up DMPServer and how port forwarding (and by extension TCP/IP and NAT) actually work... I guess it will be a fun little side project :).

Player-player docking hasn't changed in a while, but KSP looks like it has. I'll need to make dockings a little more deterministic so we don't go creating duplicates. Spectating a docking is also kraken bait I believe...

@RockyTV: Dockings have kind of always been a little hit and miss.

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Got to try this mod out last weekend. Had 4 of us playing on a local server. Had issues seeing and syncing with each other, though. Finally had to change subspace type for us to all be able to interact. After that was sorted, we had a great time! Great work on this!

Quick question. I've read a few places where KAS and DMP don't play nice with each other. Something to do with how the vessels become "docked" using attached pipes, etc. Has this been resolved? Would love to add KAS to our game, but don't want to risk blowing everything up when transferring fuel or some other resource.

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@BibbitZ/TheBerserkingOtaku: Welcome to the forums!

The default subspace mode is likely the one you'll want to use, as it lets you warp whenever you like, players from the past can sync up when they are ready.

KAS is just a normal docking, and docking is a little hit and miss at times, but I can't really say for sure - you'll have to test that one yourself (and cross your fingers :D)

DMPServer doesn't care what address you connect from, so yes it should run over hamachi. However, to this day nobody has gotten back to me exactly *how* to do this, I suspect connecting to the hamachi address from the other players side should be enough. I *doubt* you'll have to set the bind address in DMPServerSettings.txt, but that's always there if you need to.

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Is it possible to run a server with Hamachi? If so, how?

Get on the same hamachi room.

Pick the hamachi IP of the host.

Pick the port on the server cfg (if you don't touch it its 6759).

Put those on the connection tab, on the main menu of the game (if connecting to a friend use hamachi IP, if it's yourself localhost should do it).


@BibbitZ: If you make sure there is no player controlling a vessel nearby nor spectating you, you are 100% free of risk.

Edited by tetryds
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The default subspace mode is likely the one you'll want to use, as it lets you warp whenever you like, players from the past can sync up when they are ready.

We had issues with the default setting in not being able to sync or see anyone's ships, so we switched to MCW_LOWEST. For whatever reason, it worked MUCH better. We were able to all bring pieces of a space station up and get it all connected.

I'll be trying out KAS very soon then! Thanks for the reply!

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Hey guys,

Love the mod. Im actually playing with my friends now, didn't think that would happen for a long time yet, if ever.....

Anyway, a few noob questions is I may. I havent been ably to find answers in anything ive been able to read online

Q1 I am admining a server and i am trying to use the commands in the wiki. I type them in the console and they say they are "transmitting" and then they appear in the chat. Is there something special I have to do with them to mark them as a command.

Q2. How do I make someone an admin, and what does being an admin mean. I know you can issue commands from chat but is that all, or is there more to it?

Q3. How do you spectate a ship. Do i simply select it in the tracking station and hit the fly button while someone else is flying it? Something else?

Thanks in advance.

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