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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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Quick question. I'm loving this mod but me and the friend I tried it with were wondering one thing which you probably got asked a lot already, but are there any plans on making further compatibility with BD Armory. I understand that it would probably take a lot of time which the mod on its own wouldn't profit off, but the concept of building a fighting vehicle from scratch with KSP physics and using all your dogfighting (or tanking) skills against friends just seems too good to me. If you aren't planning on doing this, that's fine too. I'd like to know your answer nonetheless so we can stop wondering ;)


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've updated for 1.5.1 - I didn't put a great deal of testing into things as per usual, but I did fix the bug between the root part and centre of mass on the surface, that was introduced when I did a bit of code cleanup last time.

I've got a bit more time on my hands now, so I may be able to clean up DMP a bit more, but I'm not sure it's worth the effort when LMP exists :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, I accidently broke d-mp.org's pages when I updated to 1.6.0 and forgot to fix the download page, thinking that everyone was using either spacedock or curseforge. I've fixed it now, and updated to 1.6.1 (just a compatibility bump, there are no new parts so it's compatible with DMP 1.6.0 servers too). Fixed the forum link too so it shows the last page.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I assume you had already played on this server? @oofIforgettedtobreathe_xd
Did you change something in your client GameData directory? If you delete or change one of your keypair files "privatekey.txt" and "publickey.txt" this will happen. You must ask the server administrator for help to change your server profile to your new keypair.
If this server is new for you, this problem should not appear (if your keypair is valid).
I then have to guess and would say the nickname is already taken. Actually, I thought one is automatically renamed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Eld0r
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've decided to actually come back to DarkMultiPlayer and I've been having a fair bit of fun after working on it for a few days, current differences:
- Fix the rotation interpolator, this is by far the most obvious change, vessels should no longer "twitch".
- Create and use a UDP meshing library - vessel updates from the same subspace are now sent over UDP directly to other clients. This completely removes the server latency out of the vessel update equation.
- Fix vessels not showing up on the map correctly
- Stop HackyInAtmoLoader from saving vessels that are supposed to be destroyed, this caused lots of duplicates for part updates.

This is currently in the unstable branch, available though my build server or DMPUpdater-unstable (rename the normal DMPUpdater), but at this point I think I'm ready to release this, it is a MASSIVE improvement on current DMP

I've been testing it with a few people in my Discord/IRC , currently, DMP looks like this with  400ms lag to both the server and other clients (first flight interpolated mode, smoother but shows vessels 1 second delayed, second flight extrapolated, real time guessing where they actually are which allows you to fly wingtip to wingtip):


Edited by godarklight
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I'm getting an error while trying to join my own server saying  "non white-listed resource darkmultiplayer/plugins/UDPMeshLib.dll exists on client!" as if it weren't supposed to. But when I delete the file from the client dmp folder I don't get the interface window in the main menu. So I reacquired the file and got the window back, but I still get the error when trying to join my server. So I figured if its not white-listed ill just add it to the white-list, I went to mod controls in my dmp server file and added darkmultiplayer/plugins/UDPMeshLib.dll under resources, but I still get then error. 

I'm not sure how to fix this. Please help.


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  • 2 weeks later...


DMP v0.3.1.0 has been released!

- Modpack support
- Automatically detect safety bubbles for planet pack mods.
- Bugfix for a rare bug where settings fail to load, preventing the main menu window from loading.
- Vessel permissions support.


@babylon-7 I accidently derped that when I added in my new library, it looks like I've also fixed that when adding modpack support. In the future though if that happens (you are in whitelist mode), you can just add it to optional or required files in the mod-control.txt file. But now DMP should pick it up just fine in v0.3.1.0

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@Friznit I know LunaMultiPlayer takes that approach, I guess I'll have to have a look how they did things and actually play a shared science server to get a feel for how it should work. I'm currently enjoying my first run on a modded science server. Maybe it's easier to just update syncrio (or have a look how to pull it into DMP itself)


@DrawsomePonies Revert support does mean DMP leaks every incoming position message, but I think there's more than that going on. That won't be fixed until I get around to profiling it, but that's kinda more boring stuff :P

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  On 3/31/2019 at 6:34 AM, godarklight said:

@Friznit I know LunaMultiPlayer takes that approach, I guess I'll have to have a look how they did things and actually play a shared science server to get a feel for how it should work. I'm currently enjoying my first run on a modded science server. Maybe it's easier to just update syncrio (or have a look how to pull it into DMP itself)


I'll have another crack at Syncrio but it doesn't appear to have touched since 1.3.1  Other than being in the same universe and occasionally seeing other players rockets taking off, synchronising science gives a great shared sense of purpose for cooperative games.

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