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Payload Fairings

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Payload Fairings


Few mods cover the issue of aerodynamic fairings to keep sensitive and fragile equipment safe during the ascent stage.

Procedural Fairings and KW Rocketry do it the best, but they are only mods. It's final thing missing in KSP when it comes to building rockets and the current solution is to build large, polygonal structures made of metal panels. Hardly efficient or aesthetically pleasing.

What I ask is to make developing stock fairings or any a priority so us authentic stock builders no longer have to worry about using inadequate parts to protect our beloved payloads.

Thank you in advance, and I'll see you in orbit!


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I think we should add in a more realistic drag model first, then the fairings.

So there would be a point where we have better aerodynamics, but no fairings? What kind of logic is that? I agree with OP, we do need fairings.

However I'm sure this has been suggested a million times before.

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but they are only mods

As if that makes them and their developers less valuable. Yes, the mods exist due to the existence of Squad and KSP. No, KSP would never be as popular as it is now without all the hundreds of high quality mods around. I would have stopped playing KSP more than a year ago if it wasn't for the mods, and with it probably 2/3 of the current userbase.

So having payload fairings into stock KSP may seem an advantage. The only advantage I see is for the player who can boast he's only playing stock. Well, la dee da.

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As if that makes them and their developers less valuable. Yes, the mods exist due to the existence of Squad and KSP. No, KSP would never be as popular as it is now without all the hundreds of high quality mods around. I would have stopped playing KSP more than a year ago if it wasn't for the mods, and with it probably 2/3 of the current userbase.

So having payload fairings into stock KSP may seem an advantage. The only advantage I see is for the player who can boast he's only playing stock. Well, la dee da.

Or for those who like the stock art style, but Procedural Fairings does seem to cover that point pretty well. Anyway, whenever SQUAD gets around to implementing aerodynamics (I wouldn't call what we have now aerodynamics, it's "aerodynamics" at best) I agree that stock fairings are a necessity. But now, they're kinda pointless.

EDIT: Oh, and @OP, I'm sorry for your loss. You're missing out on a lot by not using mods addons.

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So there would be a point where we have better aerodynamics, but no fairings? What kind of logic is that? I agree with OP, we do need fairings.

However I'm sure this has been suggested a million times before.

I meant in one big update :wink:

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I suspect fairings and better aero will show up in the same update. Without better aero, fairings serve no purpose other than aesthetics and incur a mass and drag penalty. Without fairings, better aero will make anything oddly-shaped a hassle to get out of atmo.

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As if that makes them and their developers less valuable. Yes, the mods exist due to the existence of Squad and KSP. No, KSP would never be as popular as it is now without all the hundreds of high quality mods around. I would have stopped playing KSP more than a year ago if it wasn't for the mods, and with it probably 2/3 of the current userbase.

So having payload fairings into stock KSP may seem an advantage. The only advantage I see is for the player who can boast he's only playing stock. Well, la dee da.

Mods are great for things the devs haven't gotten to yet, or for things outside their stated scope, but you can't blame people for wanting certain features to eventually become stock.

You know, before docking, there were mods like ORDA. They did their best to give us a form of docking, but it in no way compares to what Squad was able to do when they finally tackled it. Complicated features just turn out so much better when they're fully integrated into the game and developed by the same team. Fairings may not be super complicated, but I think that when Squad finally gets around to it, they'll come up with something pretty great.

Mods are great, but IMO they'll always be a way to add variation to the main game. They should never be a substitute for it. KSP should always seek to stand on it's own (which it does, only time and resource constraints limit it). Some mods may come in to take the place of features that aren't yet added (again, like ORDA) but the eventual goal should always be to integrate them into the main game.

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As had been mentioned, Payload Fairings are on the what not to suggest list. This is because it has been suggested many many times before, and there is hardly anything more to say on the subject.

I would also like to remind everyone that if you think a thread should be closed, posting in that thread probably isn't the right thing to do. Use the report button or private message a moderator.

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