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This is impossible.


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I knew what this thread was about before I opened it, and there is a rational explanation: He's not scared, he's just disappointed that you broke the craft (you did make something go BOOM, right?) which means that it won't be as good at getting him into space anymore.

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Maybe he's just upset that there's no IVA for the mk2 cockpit, so he can't see out. :)
Technically, there is, it's just boring. The Science Lab, on the other hand, truly has no IVA, which means you don't even see the Kerbal heads for Kerbals in the lab.
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He's just remembered he left the car in the 'short term' carpark and will be bankrupt by the time he gets back.

That made me think of this picture. He kinda looks like he just realized that he forgot to do something important that he should've done before he left.


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I thought he passed some gas in his Cockpit?

Long term missions are a demon

Oh, and Jeb's face is essentially mine throughout my first Duna mission.

Except he had my favorite Kerbal (Take a guess...) with him who said "SHUT UP MAN MISSION CONTROL'S TRAINED FOR THIS. Wait, you are trained for this right?

Oh dear"

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That made me think of this picture. He kinda looks like he just realized that he forgot to do something important that he should've done before he left.


His taxes maybe, didn't one of the Apollo astronauts get a pardon from the IRS while he was "out of the country?"

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Long term missions are a demon

Oh, and Jeb's face is essentially mine throughout my first Duna mission.

Except he had my favorite Kerbal (Take a guess...) with him who said "SHUT UP MAN MISSION CONTROL'S TRAINED FOR THIS. Wait, you are trained for this right?

Oh dear"

Hahaha! love that humor!

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