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[0.90] TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (v1.50 - 2014-12-24 10:40 UTC)


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Any news on a fix?

I'll take a look at it but the fix is you have to scale by a different number due to the scale & rescaleFactor relationship. I had this problem with my Infernal Robotic parts that wouldn't scale correctly.

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Just as I suspected. The scaling is incorrect and needs to be figured out. The rocket motor on the left is a standard VR1 engine WITHOUT tweakscale applied to it (I renamed the engine so it wouldn't be affected) and the one on the right is a TweakScaled version of the VR1. Notice the size difference. In other words I don't think it's a bug specifically, it just needs to be factored correctly in order for the scaling to work right.


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Just as I suspected. The scaling is incorrect and needs to be figured out. The rocket motor on the left is a standard VR1 engine WITHOUT tweakscale applied to it (I renamed the engine so it wouldn't be affected) and the one on the right is a TweakScaled version of the VR1. Notice the size difference. In other words I don't think it's a bug specifically, it just needs to be factored correctly in order for the scaling to work right.


check the attach nodes and you will find out why this has been considered as a bug.

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Not sure if this helps or not but if I make the scale all 1's in the model references for the VR1 rocket they match up with the nonTweakScaled version:

// --- asset parameters ---



model = KWRocketry/Parts/Engines/1mVestaVR1/KW_1mEngine_VestaVR1_M

scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0


scale = 0.1



model = KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KWDecouplerShroud/KW_Auto_1mVestaShroud

scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0



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Further findings. Decouplers:

  • 1.25m Stack Decoupler: scale = 1.0,1.0,1.0 for it's MODEL reference
  • 2.5m Stack Decoupler: scale = 2.0,2.0,2.0
  • 3.75m Stack Decoupler: scale = 3.0,3.0,3.0

Image shows the fixed models and tanks of that scale accordingly:


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Now that I went back and read this thread(I knew there was some weird issues with using scale, rescaleFactor AND using MODEL scale references) I think Biotronic's solution would be to multiply the scale values by 1.25 and everything should scale correctly IF using MODEL references.

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Now that I went back and read this thread(I knew there was some weird issues with using scale, rescaleFactor AND using MODEL scale references) I think Biotronic's solution would be to multiply the scale values by 1.25 and everything should scale correctly IF using MODEL references.

Gods, yes! This has been bugging me so much, and I haven't had a sensible clue how to fix it, and then you just come here and say something sensible. Thanks!

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Actually, the best fix is to wait for K&W to release the next, fixed version of KW which will enforce rescaleFactor = 1.0 :)

Since having it non-1.0 and using MODEL nodes leads to size changing on revert.

Well Biotronic can now at least check for it in case any other people use weird rescaling of the MODEL nodes. :)

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Oh, there definitely needs to be support for scale in MODEL nodes. And it's probably best to support scale-in-MODEL-node+rescaleFactor-not-1.0 stuff. I'm just saying there's *other* reasons why the latter is dangerous.

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Strange, I thought this would already have been asked... I'm trying to add this functionality automatically to all parts in order to include any mod parts. I started off with the basic:






name = TweakScale

type = free



But as expected, it wasn't adapted for engines and fuel tanks (bugged out). I tried "type = stack" expecting the contrary and that was what happened. It was pretty obvious I had to group them in categories. Problem is, there are two different type of categories:

Sub categories: Pods, Propulsion, Control, Structural, Aero, Utility, and Science

Or, more likely, file categories: Command, Electrical, Engine, FuelTank, Science, Structural, Utility, Wheel

I tried a few different ways but nothing worked. I know how to attribute it to parts that have a same module but I need simpler for now.

So to sum up my question:

What's the code to attribute a module to all parts of a category?

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Strange, I thought this would already have been asked... I'm trying to add this functionality automatically to all parts in order to include any mod parts. I started off with the basic:






name = TweakScale

type = free



But as expected, it wasn't adapted for engines and fuel tanks (bugged out). I tried "type = stack" expecting the contrary and that was what happened. It was pretty obvious I had to group them in categories. Problem is, there are two different type of categories:

Sub categories: Pods, Propulsion, Control, Structural, Aero, Utility, and Science

Or, more likely, file categories: Command, Electrical, Engine, FuelTank, Science, Structural, Utility, Wheel

I tried a few different ways but nothing worked. I know how to attribute it to parts that have a same module but I need simpler for now.

So to sum up my question:

What's the code to attribute a module to all parts of a category?





name = ...



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There seems to be some kind of problem with interaction between TweakScaled and procedural parts - not sure if it's just some strange mix of the mods I am using, but when I place a tweakscaled part in a stack connected to a procedural part (like a tank), on reloading the craft in the VAB or coming back to a save game, the position of the elements is off - one is somewhat inside the other. It looks pretty close to where the procedural part would have been if the tweakscaled thing were its original size...

Anyone else experience this? Does not appear to happen with Tweakscale-Tweakscale part interaction, or with a PP part connected to either another PP or something not TweakScaled.

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