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[0.90] TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (v1.50 - 2014-12-24 10:40 UTC)


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Seems the procedural parts tanks problem is still here - but, if it helps, it *seems* to happen only when a tweakscaled part is on top of a PP tank now, if that's not how it was before. So in a stack with a PP tank on the bottom, then TS part, then identical PP tank on the top sandwiching it, the TS part "falls" down into the PP tank below it on reload, but the PP tank on top of it seems to stay in the correct relationship...

That's what I've seen as well. Frankly, it confuses me. I need to look more closely at what PP does when scaling.

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How does rescaling wings work with FAR? And will it brake anything with them normally sized?

I have not looked closely enough at what FAR does to know how it and TweakScale interact. Stay tuned for updates on that.

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I would love to see SumDum tweakable so we can have service modules for 1 meter and 3 meter capsules.


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I would love to see SumDum tweakable so we can have service modules for 1 meter and 3 meter capsules.


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I may be getting too comfortable with reflection. I had the idea that instead of all this hour with IRescalable, I could just check if the PartModule has a function called TweakScale_Rescale, then call that. It would be expected to have this definition:

void TweakScale_Rescale(float relative, float absolute, int index)

I'm very uncertain if index should be included, as that would tie the PartModule implementation very closely to the .cfg and scaletype.


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Can you expand a bit on what you mean by index?

Also, heatDissipation should basically never change; AFAIK all parts (unless RF modifies them) have 0.12 for that, always. It's a ratio applied to how much of the delta between part.temperature and environmental temperature is applied to part.temperature each physics tic.

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Found a bug, fx doesn't seem to scale at all, and this really kinda ruins the nice parts, though i don't think much can be done about it, not that i remember at least.

Seems to scale for me...

I take back what I said earlier about problems with things only being on top of procedural tanks - also works when an engine is placed on the bottom of one. But the sandwich scenario does still involve only one of the two PP tanks being misplaced or the TS part being misplaced in respect to one PP tank or whatever is happening.

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Hi, I have this and KSO and the tweakscale dialogue doesn't show up when I right click on the KSO parts! What gives?

Which parts? I've not added all, since not all are the standard sizes and others I was simply unsure would make sense to be scalable. These parts have been added:

  • OA-D12 Docking Module
  • OA-850 Liquid Fuel Booster
  • Thrustmax External Fuel Tank
  • Omnimax 40T
  • TT-750
  • OA-D24 Docking Module
  • KSO Auxiliary Fuel Supply
  • ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light
  • ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light
  • ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light
  • ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light
  • ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light
  • ChemKorp Mystery Goo Light
  • Observation Module
  • Station Docking Module
  • Habitat
  • GreenLab
  • KerbalLab
  • Station Power Module
  • Station Service Tug
  • KSO Left Elevon
  • KSO Left Wing
  • Solar Panel Truss
  • Octagonal Truss
  • KSO Tail Plane
  • KSO Right Elevon
  • KSO Right Wing
  • OA-2C Coupling, Extension
  • OA-3C Coupling, T
  • OA-4C Coupling, 4 Way
  • OA-6C Coupling, 6 Way
  • Octagonal 6 Way Hub
  • Octagonal 6 Way Frame Hub
  • Square Truss Hub
  • Module Coupling Adapter
  • Standard, Solar Panel Array
  • Advanced, Large Solar Array
  • Single Solar Panel Pane
  • KSO Vertical Control Surface
  • Thrustmax 200

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I just want to say, 5m wide turbo jets are absolutely hilarious.

So many things are hilarious when scaled to hilarious sizes.

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Can you expand a bit on what you mean by index?

For non-freescale parts, you have a list of allowable scales. The index is which of these scales is currently chosen, from left to right, with the first having index 0.

Also, heatDissipation should basically never change; AFAIK all parts (unless RF modifies them) have 0.12 for that, always. It's a ratio applied to how much of the delta between part.temperature and environmental temperature is applied to part.temperature each physics tic.

Oops, that sounds bad. TBH, I just added it because it was in the list and planned to check more closely later. We all know what happens to things supposed to be done later...

So I uploaded 1.12, which fixes this and adds ÚÞáÃœÞá. No new actual features, though. Still scratching my head over the interactions with Procedural parts.

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Today's the big mod support day! I've worked my way through MechJeb, KAX, Spaceplane+, SXT, KAS, Firespitter, Better RoveMates, and SDHI Service Module System.

Download that here. (.cfgs only. Please download TweakScale off the first page.)

I have some problems with Taverio's Pizza and Aerospace, though. While TV-PP does add some parts, most of what it does is pretend to be TweakScale by adding a godawful amount of parts that are simply rescaled stock parts. What I'd do for my own install is just delete the extra parts TV-PP adds. I can't do that, because it'd break people ships. I could hide the parts. That would preserve the ships people have that use TV-PP parts, but it feels rude toward Taverius. Next two possibilities are to add free scaling to all parts TV-PP add, or only add it to stock parts and leave TV-PP parts alone (except the new parts, of course).

For the time being, I'll go with the latter. Please chime in with suggestions.

Next up: LLL.

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Which parts? I've not added all, since not all are the standard sizes and others I was simply unsure would make sense to be scalable. These parts have been added:


- - - Updated - - -

So many things are hilarious when scaled to hilarious sizes.

Oh, I was trying to rescale the cockpit/main fuselage/wings, that would explain that, I suppose. I'm impatient and can't wait for the official 2.5m shuttle so I was wanting to double the size of the existing one.

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Definitely not save game compatible. Invisible parts both mod and squad (in vab and in orbit) which leads to weirdness from dll's. It's probably a node thing OR a modulemanager thing because I went from a few hundred patches to almost a thousand. Could be conflicts there. Removing TweakScale fixes everything. No crashes and it didn't seem to harm the save. I'll get a log when I feel like risking my save again.... The kraken is scary.

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Definitely not save game compatible. Invisible parts both mod and squad (in vab and in orbit) which leads to weirdness from dll's. It's probably a node thing OR a modulemanager thing because I went from a few hundred patches to almost a thousand. Could be conflicts there. Removing TweakScale fixes everything. No crashes and it didn't seem to harm the save. I'll get a log when I feel like risking my save again.... The kraken is scary.

Please do. Also, you can of course make a backup of the 'saves' folder, in order not to actually risk your saves.

If you don't feel like risking your saves, please tell me which version of TweakScale you used before, and which you upgraded to (I assume 1.13, but just to be absolutely sure). Also, one or two mods with which you experience problems would be very nice. If you can even tell me one or two parts that misbehave, I will write your name on a piece of paper and kiss it.

...too much?

Edited by Biotronic
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I'll see what I can do. Not a lot of time at the moment, and it will take time to track down what disappears. Lots of pictures will come. I *think* the last time I really played before 1.13 was 1.09ish. Not sure. Offhand the parts involved came from LLL, Interstellar, Squad, and ScanSat. It's possible it's the modulemanager cfg fix for Interstellar nodes. Not too sure. Probably a project for tomorrow.

I know I can copy the save. It's just unnerving to see a 40 part satellite get stripped down to an unusable glitchy lump of structural parts that almost thinks it's still whole.

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So I created a test craft using 1.6, 1.9 and 1.12 and tried loading them with 1.13 installed. I see none of the behavior you describe when using stock (I'm running only stock on my quick-test KSP install, other mods added as needed, then quickly removed). It could be there is a more complex interaction - some mod causing problems only when TweakScale is installed, or TweakScale causing problems when combined with two other mods, e.g.

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I'll see what I can do. Not a lot of time at the moment, and it will take time to track down what disappears. Lots of pictures will come. I *think* the last time I really played before 1.13 was 1.09ish. Not sure. Offhand the parts involved came from LLL, Interstellar, Squad, and ScanSat. It's possible it's the modulemanager cfg fix for Interstellar nodes. Not too sure. Probably a project for tomorrow.

I know I can copy the save. It's just unnerving to see a 40 part satellite get stripped down to an unusable glitchy lump of structural parts that almost thinks it's still whole.

Great. I'll get right on testing the mods you mentioned.

FWIW, I'd say LLL integration may be the most likely here,seeing as SCANsat support has never been added and KSPI support has been included since 1.0.

Edited by Biotronic
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I'm seeing the same "disappearing weirdness" as well;


The docking port is a space station and I can't normally see through the Mun.

EDIT; Replaced the dll's in the Tweak Scale dir with 1.10 ver's and all is back as it should.


I have 91 items in my GameData folder so I'm not sure where the interaction is or if a save would be of any help.

Edited by smurphy34
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I've managed to make KSP log these exceptions whenever I load my test ship. That's something, maybe:

ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KConfigDocumentationGenerator.GenerateAssemblyDocumentation (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KConfigDocumentationGenerator.Generate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KConfigDocumentationGenerator.OnLevelWasLoaded (Int32 level) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

No indication of what is causing it, though. Also, it's 02:17 local time here, and I got an important meeting at 10:30 tomorrow. So I guess I'll look more closely at it after that.

...ooh, a new one:

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetTransform ()

at UnityEngine.Component.get_transform () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SpaceCenterCamera2.UpdateTransformOverview () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SpaceCenterCamera2.UpdateTransform () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SpaceCenterCamera2.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at TimeWarp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Still no idea. G'night.

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In the interests of helping you narrow down the problem (save game compatibility; ships are missing parts and connectivity, etc...) here's some more info:

Last version I was using was 1.11. All was well.

I went to 1.13 and the first ship I loaded in the VAB came up missing some payload parts and the entire boost section. The first thing I did was grab a procedural fairing that was just sitting there in its undeployed form and drag it to the sidebar upon which the game acted as if I had just thrown away the root part.

I didn't risk loading anything flying. I backed out, reverted to 1.11 and as far as I can tell, everything is back to normal.

To correlate with BigD145's mod set, I am not using LLL or Interstellar, but I am using SCANsat, although none of those parts were on the vehicle in question. I know that's a little thin, but maybe you can do a differential comparison on the last two point versions?

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