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What was ksp like when it first came out


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Ive seen pictures before. But what was your first impression? Expierience? Mine isnt fair as I started playing in .23. Post only if you started playing when there was trees by the launch pad. Here's a link to a picture. search?q=ksp+.15&safe=off&client=safari&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=QnV3U6DBD5KVyATIp4L4Cg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg#facrc=_&imgrc=SjiaNoC-eg0rvM%253A%3BbbPSG1mvOyfcIM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fscreenshots.en.sftcdn.net%252Fen%252Fscrn%252F324000%252F324551%252Fkerbal-space-program-04-700x403.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fkerbal-space-program.en.softonic.com%252F%3B700%3B403

Edited by awsomejwags
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There's a link in the first post of this challenge where you can download older versions. Try some of them and be amazed at how far the game has come, and gain new understanding as to why some veteran players make the mistake of not including/deploying solar panels.

I started playing before there were trees, is that ok? :)

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Everything was SO MUCH BETTER. That isn't nostalgia, that's truth! All this crap we have now, making the game easier. Like manoeuvre nodes! Who asked for those?

Maneuver nodes are still useless if you don't know how to execute them.

Also, if you compare it to real life, you follow a checklist most of the time.

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Ive seen pictures before. But what was your first impression? Expierience? Mine isnt fair as I started playing in .23. Post only if you started playing when there was trees by the launch pad.

I found it pretty neat. It took me a while to figure out how to fly properly, but it was love at first sight.

Here are two pictures from the old VAB.



And here is a picture of a rocket on the old launch pad. Note the noticeable absence of trees.


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I remember the old day's!

Sometime I play the 0.13.3(the first version I tried, at the time I tried it, it was the current version) and I get amazed of how far KSP got.

Also, you don't need to go so far behind to see that: I played(very briefly) at the current demo(0.18.3) to show KSP to a friend and... check it out by yourself, you will be amazed!

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Everything was SO MUCH BETTER. That isn't nostalgia, that's truth! All this crap we have now, making the game easier. Like manoeuvre nodes! Who asked for those?

Trolling, right?

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Oh, Launch Tower, how many of my launches did you manage to destroy? I don't miss you at all, I still get angry just seeing you.

I just simply moved the whole rocket outside of launch pad. In most cases that worked just fine even with large launchers.

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When I 1st saw it, I thought: "oh, little green men launching space rockets? that's pretty funny... xD but this joke will probably get old pretty fast..."

Only when .21/.22 came out I realized that this is actually a super cool totally serious space simulator! o ___ O (stumbled upon a Scott Manley vid)

There's time acceleration now!? I've been waiting months for my Duna mission to arrive.

How was your Eeloo mission coming along...? x-]

Edited by Overfloater
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When I 1st saw it, I thought: "oh, little green men launching space rockets? that's pretty funny... xD but this joke will probably get old pretty fast..."

Only when .21/.22 came out I realized that this is actually a super cool totally serious space simulator! o ___ O (stumbled upon a Scott Manley vid)

How was your Eeloo mission coming along...? x-]

that was pretty close to my reaction when I first saw KSP reviewed on X-Play on G4. They panned the wobbly rockets. (of course whoever did the play-through for them built the tallest 1.25 meter rocket they could, which didn't help) Of course when a friend told me to actually try it when .22 came out, I jumped in with both feet and loved it.

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It was uhm interesting when I first started in 0.12/0.13 ...

due to the non prsistent universe Mun was always at the same position when you started your spaceship ...

this also meant that directly acceleration in the right angle towards Mun was the much easier/preferred methods to get to Mun instead of using transfer orbits

It was a great feeling, to se Kerbin rising above the Mun surface, when I managed my first Flyby to Mun ... an even greater feeling, when I first managed to land (that is, on Wings instead of landing legs (which hasn´t been invented yet) and still without any way to do an EVA

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Oh, those glorious days! New planets to explore, and no maneuver nodes, every journey is dangerous and exciting, every maneuver is non-simulable and irreversible, no launch window planner either.

And I miss these old tanks. New ones are so gray and boring.

Ah, and there was no massively overpowered or unuseful junk parts like orange tanks or SLS pieces. And no rover wheels, no probe bodies, no docking, no action groups - everything must be activated in staging sequence (non-changable once out of VAB, of course!). It pushed fantasy and ingenuity to the limits - docking 'grapples' out of landing struts, RCS and rocket rovers on landing gears, waterfoil boats with detachable 'rover' for the race to South Pole, intricate landers, etc.. People on the forums even made deathcubes, shooting decouplers, even monorail train!

Now everyone is building huge space stations and sends even bigger motherships to Minmus :huh:.

0.15.2 IIRC



Eve rocket and rover



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Been here since .14, and it seemed that every version I would finally master some skill, and then a new update would come out that would make that skill useless. I remember setting up a save in .17 just to practice rendezvous, and I was so happy when I finally got it. The next day, .18 came out.

Not that I'm complaining, though. I probably never would have tried it again if that kind of headache was part of the routine. Every change to KSP has been for the better.

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