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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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Hi there, I hope I am bothering nobody with this, but I have the issue that my map (both small and Big) stay gray allthough my parameters are all correct. The map does record (the gray changes from dark to light gray), but I do not see anything. I used the Multitool and scanned all of kerbin. Any anomally is marked, but the map does not show. I would love help and I am deeply sorry if this was allready answered.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi there, I hope I am bothering nobody with this, but I have the issue that my map (both small and Big) stay gray allthough my parameters are all correct. The map does record (the gray changes from dark to light gray), but I do not see anything. I used the Multitool and scanned all of kerbin. Any anomally is marked, but the map does not show. I would love help and I am deeply sorry if this was allready answered.
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Quick question, will this effect a low end system as badly as ISA mapsat used to?

I usually got a 5-10 frame drop from the normal 15-20 I play at on this potato.

No not at all you could have scanners around every planet and still not use the ram ISA did (IMO).

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Has anyone else experienced, since v6 of SCANSat, not getting any science data from SCANSat? I can scan and map an entire body, but when I go to analyze that data and send it back as science data, it shows that there is no science to transmit.

Yes, I am using RemoteTech 2, but I do not believe that to be the cause. I have ensured that the connection to the KSC is live and functioning fine. Other science data transfers over the same connection without issue. Any thoughts? I've also found that on IVA, the RPM Asc/Desc screen doesn't always seem to render the mapped area very well. Maybe that's a clue?

EDIT: After perusing this thread I found that others are having similar issues regarding RPM and I believe I see why my RPM is not functioning as expected with SCANSat. However, the larger issue of getting science data (and also 'saved maps') from SCANSat persists.

Edited by DoomHawk
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Science data shouldn't be affected by either of those two mods, RPM and RemoteTech (transmission is another matter, but that wouldn't change the values shown in the experimental results window).

Check the debug window (alt + F2) the next time you try to collect science. It should have two lines related to the science value for the scanner type and the planet showing how much science is remaining and how much the current report should be worth.

The RPM issues are likely due to incompatible versions. For the latest version of RPM, v0.17, you should be using the SCANsatRPM included with that mod, not the one included here.

What problems are you having with 'saved maps'? Do you mean your scanning coverage is not being stored, that you have to re-scan a planet? That would be a much more severe problem.

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Science data shouldn't be affected by either of those two mods, RPM and RemoteTech (transmission is another matter, but that wouldn't change the values shown in the experimental results window).

Check the debug window (alt + F2) the next time you try to collect science. It should have two lines related to the science value for the scanner type and the planet showing how much science is remaining and how much the current report should be worth.

EDIT: Well, youâ€â€in an imgur albumâ€â€had a better screen shot to use as an example, so I stole it:

Just so that I make sure I'm clear before moving forward, what I'm referring to is this (not my screen shot, just using it as an example/template):


If using the image above as a guide, when I click 'Analyse Scan' for a SCANSat part (let's assume Lo-Res scanner, and that the body has been > 95% scanned), I would get the above, meaning it would show 0 Mits of data worth 0 science, transmittable for 0%. I am absolutely positive that it isn't only "Recovery: +0.0 Transmission +0.0" as that would indicate I've already collected that science. I have never collected SCANSat data in this save file, this has happened across multiple save files, and that interface shows me Data Size: 0 Mits

I was not aware of the debug window, that will come in handy for more than just this troubleshooting! I'm at work right now, so I cannot test this, but I will as soon as I'm home and I will let you know what I see in the debug window.

The RPM issues are likely due to incompatible versions. For the latest version of RPM, v0.17, you should be using the SCANsatRPM included with that mod, not the one included here.

My apologies, as mentioned in my edit, my 'complaint' about this issue appeared hasty. Again, I'll test when I'm home and report my findings.

What problems are you having with 'saved maps'? Do you mean your scanning coverage is not being stored, that you have to re-scan a planet? That would be a much more severe problem.

This, I believe, is directly related to the issue regarding getting 0 science data from the SCANSat. Since I never get science data from the sensor, I have nothing to transmit. Since I cannot transmit, I can scan a body and create the map, but I cannot 'save' the map. Example:

I send up Surveyor I to map Mun so I can choose a suitable landing site for Apollo I. Surveyor I completely maps Mun and is deorbited. (I believe due to the fact that I cannot transmit the science data) If I then send Apollo I (with the necessary SCANSat hardware) to Mun, when it enters Mun SOI, I will have no mapped area of Mun. Meaning, Mun will say 0% scanned, even though Surveyor I already scanned it to 100%.

Maybe it was an 'unintended feature', but previously (before the v6 and 0.23.5 updates for SCANSat and KSP respectively) I could do the above, and (seemingly since I could transmit the data back to KSC) if I sent another craft to the same body's orbit, I would be able to see the map of the body and where my craft currently was in orbit above the surface.

In this manner, as it runs right now in my KSP, if I want to have Mun (for instance) mapped 100% so I can choose a specific landing spot before attempting said landing, I must create a craft which is capable of scanning Mun 100% (basically capable of starting in a polar orbit, slowly transitioning to an equatorial orbit to ensure scanning of the entire surface), and THEN capable of landing on the Mun also.

TL;DR: If I want to use a map for landing, I have to either leave the vessel which did the mapping in orbit (assuming here, I haven't actually tested this, but I believe that I would see the map in this case), or I would need to map the body first with the vessel I will be landing, then land it. Used to be that once I had 'transmitted' that map back to KSC, every subsequently launched craft would see that map, provided it had the necessary hardware of course.

Phew, sorry if that seemed pedantic, but as a software engineer myself, I can't stand bug reports which are completely vague and devoid of any actually useful information/test results.

Edited by DoomHawk
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Map persistence is not at all reliant on data transmission. I can see how a lack of persistence might screw up science collection though.

This is a fairly significant problem. The first thing you should do is completely delete SCANsat, re-download it (you might also want to try the latest dev version, at the top of the release page on GitHub), and re-install it.

If it's still a problem the next thing to do would be to start a game, do some scanning, and save. Then open up your persistent.sfs file and search for SCANcontroller.

It should show up looking like:

name = SCANcontroller
scene = 7

With a lot of entries below that. Scroll down a bit to check for:

Name = Kerbin
Disabled = False
Map =

Followed by a whole bunch of gibberish. That's where the scanning data is stored and if it isn't there you have some very strange issues.

It's a bit hard to look at the string following "Map = " and say for sure whether a planet has actually been scanned, but a scanned planet should have a longer string than an unscanned one.

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Unfortunately, the Multispectral Scanner doesn't properly map the surface. You can kind of work around this for Kerbin, Mun and Minmus by opening the Big Map and setting it to Biome.

Doing this will let you see the surface, but it's only accessible in the Big Map, and you can't determine the elevation or slope of an area.

Still, it can make a decent temporary workaround.

The gray color change indicates that you have correctly scanned the surface, but not with a scanner capable of proper mapping.

You'll need to get a Low-Res (RADAR) or High-Res (SAR) scanner to scan the planet if you want to properly see the surface.


You scanned correctly, but you brought the wrong scanner.

I made the same mistake thinking the multispec scanner would replace the need for RADAR/SAR, but you actually still need them if you want to see the topography of the map.

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hi, sorry to bother you guys but i can't seem to find the SER antenna (the hi-res one), both in version 5 and now that i installed 6, it's neither in the tech tree nor in between the parts in the vab... did i do something wrong? all other stuff is there and works

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I wish the maptraq was retired (still there but hidden to not break existing .craft files etc (done by setting a negative category number)) but made redundant, make the background scanning/getting map data stuff partless.

I use the mm solution but it has it's drawbacks like the open map prompt in pod right click (redundant with toolbar) and the added start-up time of adding that module to all pods isn't insubstantial.

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I wish the maptraq was retired

Is there any consensus on this?

I fully agree with K3|Chris. I think there are some valid reasons for wanting to have a stand-alone SCANsat part, but I think the advantages of not having to deal with that far outweigh any of those. There is a need for a non-scanning SCANsat module in some cases (getting RPM to work without SCANsatRPM), but that doesn't need to be visible to the user in any meaningful way, the buttons can easily be removed.

With what sounds like a stock toolbar being available in the next update (does anyone know about this for sure?) I don't see any real reason to keep supporting non-toolbar versions of SCANsat. This removes the primary problem caused by removing the MapTraq, in my opinion.

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There is a toolbar in .24 but we don't know how easy it is to add buttons to it, squad says it's extendable by addons but we don't know to what degree yet, and it might have limitations "000_toolbar" doesn't have, for example it seems to be stuck to the top right corner and I doubt it has folders, secondary bars etc.

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There is a need for a non-scanning SCANsat module in some cases (getting RPM to work without SCANsatRPM), but that doesn't need to be visible to the user in any meaningful way, the buttons can easily be removed.

That sounds ideal. As K3 said, we don't know the extent of the moddability of the stock toolbar yet, best to wait and see. Also, blizzy has said he's part of the experimentals team and if he wasn't willing to develop Toolbar any more, he'd have said a while ago. I assume this means that the stock toolbar and blizzys Toolbar differ slightly so I say still support the Toolbar version until you find out if you can mod the toolbar or not.

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I think it should be good to include a note in the docs that if you install the mod and already have a career in progress, the parts that need technologies you have already discovered before installing the mod, won't be available unless you manually edit your (backed up) save file. Being relatively new to KSP and modding it this took me some time to find out adn I didn't find a direct reference to this. It would be a huge pain in the ass to start from scratch from a developed save.

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Nope. In sandbox all is good, but in career the parts for which I have the required tech are visible in the parts menu, but the buttons are disabled and I can't place them. If I edit my persistent.sfs and add the name of each part in the required technology (or any discovered technology for that matter) and load they become available. Same goes for any mod that adds parts in the teches.

It is kind of strange that the save file lists not only the technologies discovered so far, but also the available parts for each technology. A better approach for the core game would be to get the list of tech from the save and then pull the available parts for each tech.

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