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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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  FinnishGameBox said:
I got 200x200 obit around Moho and I got biome scanner thing but when I set "big map" to "biomes" map renders to static :/ Did I do something wrong?

I believe you are too high up. The multispectral should be at 75000 for optimal performance.

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modstatistics, is effing up my game. i hope future versions do not incclude it.

i dislike the core of modstatistics and what it does, but thats aside the point. its crashing my game, and effing up EVAs.

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  BobsYerUncle said:
its crashing my game, and effing up EVAs.

Could you post a log file? I don't believe ModStats interacts with kerbalEVA at all so if it is, I'd like to see how. For my own curiosity, mind you. Also, you can disable it pretty easily (as long as Gamedata\ModStatistics\settings.cfg contains the line "disabled = true", the plugin won't run and can be deleted).

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  BobsYerUncle said:
modstatistics, is effing up my game. i hope future versions do not incclude it.

i dislike the core of modstatistics and what it does, but thats aside the point. its crashing my game, and effing up EVAs.

It happens to be that we at S.C.A.N. voted to exclude ModStatistics from future releases.

However, I am very skeptical that it is ModStatistics that is crashing your game (and doubly skeptical that it is effing up your EVAs).

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  Kartoffelkuchen said:
Is it possible to scan Asteroids with it?


1. Asteroids are Vessels and not mainBody-ies. (and this SCANsat will not even recognize them)

2. Asteroids do not contain anything that SCANsat regards as scannable: no anomalies, no terrain height map, and no biome map.

We may, in the far future, introduce something for SCANsat to do with asteroids, but we don't even have any such plans yet.

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SSSssssshhh. Anomalies are secret!

No, you won't get science or any other game benefit from them but they are cool 'Easter Eggs' that the devs have put into the game from time to time. There are plenty on Kerbin itself so you can visit them fairly quickly and easily - I particularly recommend the two on the continent West of KSC and the one near the North pole. Discover the mystery. Bring a camera :-)

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  Weltraumpony said:
hi Guys,

one Beginners Question. what the Anomalys good for ? Can i catch/find/explore them and can get Science for this ?

thx im advance

greetings Weltraumpony

The L-Tech science mod coupled with VDS Hullcam will give you a boost in science return if you take a photo of an anomaly

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I seem to have lost the ability to see the range (min/max operational altitudes) for the different scanners when you right click the parts to find out more properties. Did something change or is my mod installation bugged? thanks

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I'd like to commend you guys for the way you've handled the deprecation of the Maptraq, making it an experimental part makes it clear which craft files need to have it removed. Clever thinking.

IMHO, this ought to be mod standard practice now it's possible.

And we can use the BTDT it for "eyebrows" instead.


Edited by Tw1
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This mod is a great idea. I had just started using it when I got called away to travel for work. It adds some extra purpose to launching something into orbit, and it makes a great way to survey a surface before landing. Appreciate the work!

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I tried to update Scansat for 024.0 but it didn't work I never got the satellite screen so I was force to reinstall the old version and that one works but it doesn't show flags on the map, thank you guys for your help

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Hey guys, glad to see this is still being worked on :)


How exactly does the anomaly sensor work? Does it require predetermined coordinates on your end, or will it actually detect static models placed on the planet? Kerbin-Side adds a ton of new landmarks to Kerbin, and I'm wondering if the anomaly sensor can be used to find them.

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