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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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  casper88 said:
Dmagic, could you make universal storage parts for the scansat scanners; like you have made your orbital science parts in US bays?? :) cheers

i've wanted that in the past too, i think someone replied "why would you want that?" as if it was some outlandish thing.

i ended up making some rescaled cfgs that let them fit in 2 of the bays

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yeh did think of that, even with the weld mod to make them "one" part..but i just felt like once extended they didn't look right with the things glitching through the walls of the bay....hopefully Dmagic will answer the call and make some nice proper animated ones :)

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  casper88 said:
Dmagic, could you make universal storage parts for the scansat scanners; like you have made your orbital science parts in US bays?? :) cheers

No, but someone else can. Now might not be the best time for it though, since Universal Storage is undergoing a major redesign of how the cores work.

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14.2 might not be working correctly under KSP 1.0.5. There are some issues with setting up the waypoint overlays for FinePrint contracts (these shouldn't break anything, you just probably won't see any waypoint overlays) and for handling the science transmission aspects of the scanner parts.

Both of these issues have been fixed, but I'll need more time to test them out before releasing anything.

Basic scanning functions seem unaffected.

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Hello DMagic,

I just want to report a "problem" with ScanSAT 14.2. The two followings screenshots shows the "Big Map". I marked three spot where there are some missing icons. I tried re-downloading the archive to be sure but still. Look also at the second picture which list the content of the Scansat Icons folder. I have seen some screen shot on this thread that show the "close window X" and the "Anomalies" marker correctly. But I do not see them:



I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for this amazing and "Must Have®" mod. :)

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  Galenmacil said:
Hello DMagic,

I just want to report a "problem" with ScanSAT 14.2. The two followings screenshots shows the "Big Map". I marked three spot where there are some missing icons. I tried re-downloading the archive to be sure but still. Look also at the second picture which list the content of the Scansat Icons folder. I have seen some screen shot on this thread that show the "close window X" and the "Anomalies" marker correctly. But I do not see them:

I noticed the same thing the other day.

What operating system are you using? I only noticed after updating to Windows 10, but it didn't happen on another Windows 10 computer.

I'm not exactly sure what's causing it, those aren't icons, they are just different text symbols. For the anomaly markers you can select a different icon in the settings menu, but there's nothing you can do about the close icon.

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Version 14.3 is out; get it on Kerbal Stuff

It has been updated for KSP 1.0.5 and should be working as before; this version is not compatible with old versions of KSP.

A new help tooltip function has been added to several windows (settings, resource settings, color control); activate it by clicking on the ? icon in the top right. Tooltips will then appear giving detailed descriptions of what each option does.

The text for each help tooltip is included in a config file in the SCANsat/Resources folder. You can add additional config nodes to this file with translations in different languages, and mark the different language packs as the active collection. I'll explain more about how this works later. But the idea is to eventually replace all hard-coded strings (at least where possible) with user-editable text files like this.

There have also been several minor bug fixes and changes, see the change log below.

Change Log:

Version 14.3 - 2015-11-10
- Update for KSP 1.0.5

- In-Game Help Function
- Help section for Settings window, Resource Settings window, and Color Selection window
- Activate help mode with the question mark button in the top right

- Localization project
- All help function strings are included in a config file
- Local translations can be added to this file to replace the English text

- Misc and Bug Fixes
- Fix bug while switching vessels from the small map vessel list
- Fix planetary overlay tooltips while in the tracking station
- Fix a potential loading error
- Fix bug generating terrain height maps on planets with PQS errors; prevents endless NRE spam
- Fix some problems with the background terrain height map generator
- Power usage works correctly up to 10000X time warp, instead of 1000X
- Remove debug log messages during planetary overlay map generation
- Change the default anomaly marker and close box icons to standard text

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There's one thing I've never really understood how to do, ever since starting to follow SCANsat from back in the day when it was the new competitor to ISA MapSat ... How do I determine on my maps where the smoothest flattest places are for landings / bases ? I've looked at the Slope map, I even exported it and blew it up bigger so my old eyes could see it...

Could anyone offer a screenshot drawing of how to pick out the flat spots on the slope map? (or another view if that's easier?)

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so far the update is working fine for me, eagerly awaiting update for the orbital sciences mod now so my sattelites 100% function.

but ive encountered a problem that i'm not sure is scansat related or not.

my stock survey scanner wont perform the orbital survey, it will scan, but no survey and therefore no overlays.

anyone else?

- - - Updated - - -

  rottielover said:
There's one thing I've never really understood how to do, ever since starting to follow SCANsat from back in the day when it was the new competitor to ISA MapSat ... How do I determine on my maps where the smoothest flattest places are for landings / bases ? I've looked at the Slope map, I even exported it and blew it up bigger so my old eyes could see it...

Could anyone offer a screenshot drawing of how to pick out the flat spots on the slope map? (or another view if that's easier?)

toggle the legend when viewing the slopes, it will tell you what the slope % is for each associated color band

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  rottielover said:
There's one thing I've never really understood how to do, ever since starting to follow SCANsat from back in the day when it was the new competitor to ISA MapSat ... How do I determine on my maps where the smoothest flattest places are for landings / bases ? I've looked at the Slope map, I even exported it and blew it up bigger so my old eyes could see it...

There isn't really a great way. The slope map is borderline useless because the data it provides is so inaccurate.

The only way to really find a good spot is to use the zoom map to get very close. Keep zooming in with the zoom icon or by right-clicking on the map. Note that zooming in using the slope map doesn't help, the more you zoom in, the more all slope data flattens out... only zoom in using high resolution terrain data. When you mouse-over the map there will also be a slope percentage readout at the bottom of the window; again, this is only really valuable at very high zoom level.

The instruments window also shows a very accurate slope calculation using a grid 5m around your current position. This is most useful below 1000m or so.

  BobsYerUncle said:
so far the update is working fine for me, eagerly awaiting update for the orbital sciences mod now so my sattelites 100% function.

but ive encountered a problem that i'm not sure is scansat related or not.

my stock survey scanner wont perform the orbital survey, it will scan, but no survey and therefore no overlays.

anyone else?



toggle the legend when viewing the slopes, it will tell you what the slope % is for each associated color band

Nope. There is no legend for the slope map because it doesn't show anything resembling an actual slope percentage or angle. :D

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  rottielover said:
There's one thing I've never really understood how to do, ever since starting to follow SCANsat from back in the day when it was the new competitor to ISA MapSat ... How do I determine on my maps where the smoothest flattest places are for landings / bases ? I've looked at the Slope map, I even exported it and blew it up bigger so my old eyes could see it...

Could anyone offer a screenshot drawing of how to pick out the flat spots on the slope map? (or another view if that's easier?)

I tend to use my Altimetry map with discrete color levels to make something which resembles a contour map.


A contour map is useful to determinant the slops by jugding how close the contours are. Sadly there is a limit to have many different height level the map shows. I feature I would like so see is a better contour resolution on the zoomed map as is uses the same height resolution as the big map. Preferable a discrete number of levels adjusted for min- and max height from the zoomed map section. But I guess that would require alot more calculations => slower map


Edited by Prime flux
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I pulled up the resources map and when I look over the map for ore it says "Ore: No scanner" not sure exactly what that means but I have an m700 and a narrow band in orbit around the mun and they both have completed their scans. Can anyone tell me why its giving me that message and not the percentages?

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In real life, I use a lot of multispectral satellite imagery (Landsat to be precise) ... I've been toying with the idea of exporting the resource maps generated with Scansat and using the multiband software I use for rough maps when I need 2 or 3 specific resources at the same spot for an MKS base...

Then it dawned on me that instead of fiddling with exports, conversions, band attributions and the like, I could, maybe, respectfully :), present you DMagic with a feature request:

Would it be possible to include color band association to resource scans? So this way we could, for example, associate water with blue, ore with red, substrate with green, so that we can generate false color maps in-game of the most interesting spots to start an agricultural base? If the user wants to start a manufacturing base, then the user could associate metalore with red and minerals with blue... you get the idea. Some checkbox or radiobuttons to associate resources either with a colorband or to all bands (as is the current case) using false color ramps.

I've tried using the Color Selection wheel to that end, but when I click a color nothing happens... so I wondered if this is a bug or if it is some option I overlooked...

Edited by Cairan
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  jbakes said:
I pulled up the resources map and when I look over the map for ore it says "Ore: No scanner" not sure exactly what that means but I have an m700 and a narrow band in orbit around the mun and they both have completed their scans. Can anyone tell me why its giving me that message and not the percentages?


  Prime flux said:
I feature I would like so see is a better contour resolution on the zoomed map as is uses the same height resolution as the big map. Preferable a discrete number of levels adjusted for min- and max height from the zoomed map section. But I guess that would require alot more calculations => slower map

This is something I have thought about but never got around to. It's actually not very difficult to get a reasonable approximation of the min and max altitude for the terrain displayed in the zoom map. With that information it would be simple to adjust the color scale to fit only the range shown in that area.

  Cairan said:
Would it be possible to include color band association to resource scans? So this way we could, for example, associate water with blue, ore with red, substrate with green, so that we can generate false color maps in-game of the most interesting spots to start an agricultural base? If the user wants to start a manufacturing base, then the user could associate metalore with red and minerals with blue... you get the idea. Some checkbox or radiobuttons to associate resources either with a colorband or to all bands (as is the current case) using false color ramps.

I've tried using the Color Selection wheel to that end, but when I click a color nothing happens... so I wondered if this is a bug or if it is some option I overlooked...

You mean combine all resource overlays into one? With each resource given a specific color range? That's an interesting idea. I'm not sure how feasible it is for performance reasons, but it's something I can look into.

The color selection wheel just allows you to define the high and low ends of the color spectrum for any given resource, with resource values between the limits smoothly interpolating between the two colors.

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  Thegamer211 said:
So I tried to update to 1.0.5 version with CKAN and this happened


Does this means I will not be able to scan Asclepius?

EDIT: Asclepius disappeared from CKAN!?

You have to click on "Filter" and select "All" instead of "Compatible".

Also keep in mind that Kopernicus and planet packs aren't updated for KSP 1.0.5. They work, but if you encounter a bug, you won't get support for them.

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If you look at the part description in the VAB it will say, or scroll down on the first post of this thread to Parts. They are all listed. Ideal altitudes: RADAR anything over 5 km, Multi is 250 km, SAR is 750 km.

Edited by Aethon
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