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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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  On 5/17/2016 at 5:12 PM, EstebanLB said:

Quick question, do we need to point the scanner to the center of the orbited body? I'm new to KSP so I don't know if we need to to this even with the stock scaners


As far as I have been able to determine you do not need to point the scanner at the planet. However, I always do just to feel like I did my job.  If you come back to your sat after fast forwarding I always find my Sat not pointing at the planet.  I still get my nice pretty scans.  I really like this mod!

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  On 5/17/2016 at 5:20 PM, Lucky Spacer said:

As far as I have been able to determine you do not need to point the scanner at the planet. However, I always do just to feel like I did my job.  If you come back to your sat after fast forwarding I always find my Sat not pointing at the planet.  I still get my nice pretty scans.  I really like this mod!


Shouldn't this requeriment be added for increased realism?

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  On 5/22/2016 at 11:30 AM, cantab said:

Question: If the planet's terrain changes - which easily happens with mod planets - will the ScanSAT maps automagically update, or will they keep the old data?


I could be wrong, but given that SCANsat creates the maps on-the-fly every game load, I'd say it's very likely they will update automagically. I think the mod only stores map coverage in a save, not actual data.

/edit or did you mean deformable / in-game changing terrain? Not that I'm aware of any mod that does that, but I'd say in such a situation all bets are off...

Edited by MaxRebo
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Maybe somebody can help explain the resource settings a little bit more for me - I 'sorta' understand what each of the settings do, but not fully understand.   I've never used the stock scanners, so I'm not sure how SCANsat is different in how it functions, or how the settings affect the stock scanners. (always used SCANsat, since .90). 

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@sp1989 I think I know what causes this, SCANsat has a strange way of dealing with the science results pages.

@Sarxis Did you check the SCANsat wiki? It has a lot of information about stock scanning and more information than the KSPedia entry on SCANsat resource scanning.

@cantab SCANsat doesn't store any info on planetary terrain, only scanning coverage.

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  On 5/24/2016 at 2:08 PM, DMagic said:

@sp1989 I think I know what causes this, SCANsat has a strange way of dealing with the science results pages.

@Sarxis Did you check the SCANsat wiki? It has a lot of information about stock scanning and more information than the KSPedia entry on SCANsat resource scanning.

@cantab SCANsat doesn't store any info on planetary terrain, only scanning coverage.


Thank you!  I'll check the wiki.  :D

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I've been using this (v16.1) in my career game for a while now, and everything was going fine except for one little hiccup due to Sigma Dimensions.  However, I finally got to Laythe, and fully scanned it with all three scanners, which showed up just fine in the little map.  However, now, when I try to open the map of Laythe in the big map, the game instantly locks up.  No more frames render at all, and the only thing that's left to do is kill the KSP process.

I looked in the logs, and didn't see anything suspicious.  As the entire log file is > 3.5 MB, I grepped out anything with the word 'scan', and you can see it here.  Also, here's the tail of the log just before I tried to open the big map, after which it abruptly ends as the game has to be killed.

As I was still suspicious of problems relating to SD, I opened the SCANcolors.cfg, and found that Laythe had minHeightRange = -5.40432E+10 and maxHeightRange = 1.080864E+11.  I changed these in a text editor to more sane values (-100 and 2000), thinking that was the issue, but it still just freezes when I try to open the map of Laythe.  Any ideas? :huh:

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  On 6/3/2016 at 10:07 PM, CommanderShepherd said:

I feel like a complete noob saying this, but I don't know what you mean by the log files, I'm playing rss/rp0 and I installed everything off ckan



If KSP doesn't crash, start KSP and cause the problem. Quit KSP and find the output_log.txt (not the KSP.log) at the location below:

  • Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt -OR- KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which used)
    - In case you installed KSP into a Windows protected directory (C:\Users, C:\Program Files or C:\Windows\ and their subfolders) the output log file may be stored in the folder called C:\Users\[username]\Appdata, this folder is usually hidden so you should enable the view hidden folders option (more information). Note that for the demo you should find the output_log.txt file located in the KSP_Data folder.
    - Steam users should right click KSP in Steam, click on Properties, then in the Properties box, click Local Files, then Browse Local Files.
  • Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
  • Linux: The log is written to /home/user/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log

You can upload these files to any file sharing site (such as Dropbox, Pastebin or File2web). These sites will give you a link you can include in your posts to share your files.



Taken from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83213-please-read-before-posting-stock-support-bug-reporting-guide/

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In the kOS topic I asked a question about compatibility with SCANsat:

The conclusions are that you can automate SCANsat with kOS to do the following:

  • Start/stop scanning
  • Analyze data to get science (you get a popup)

Because of the way SCANsat is implemented, kOS cannot silently analyze and transmit data (without popup).

My question (feature request) is: is there an interest to make SCANsat behave like the stock science system, thereby making it compatible with kOS? Would that even be technically possible? I'd like to understand the issues, even if the answer is no.

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