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[1.12.x] Custom Asteroids 1.9.0 - January 24


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6 hours ago, Starstrider42 said:

A quick update: real life is once again rearing it's ugly head, and I expect to be too busy to do much KSP modding for the next few months. I'll continue to provide support via this thread, and I'll recompile Custom Asteroids for new KSP versions as necessary, but I probably won't be able to work on any improvements until this fall.

Thanks for the update. Deal with real life as necessary, I hope it's not too ugly. Thank you for your work so far on granting us control over the potatoroids.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Vysionone said:

How do I add stock Kerbin intercepts along with the other custom asteroids?

They're already included in CustomAsteroids/config/Stockalike.cfg. Did you mean you want more of them to show up? Then try creating a .cfg file elsewhere in GameData (e.g., a personal directory) that looks something like:

@AsteroidSets:FINAL {
    @INTERCEPT[armAsteroids] {
        @spawnRate = 0.1

That would up the discovery rate from 1/25 Earth days to 1/10 Earth days.

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7 minutes ago, Starstrider42 said:

They're already included in CustomAsteroids/config/Stockalike.cfg. Did you mean you want more of them to show up? Then try creating a .cfg file elsewhere in GameData (e.g., a personal directory) that looks something like:

@AsteroidSets:FINAL {
    @INTERCEPT[armAsteroids] {
        @spawnRate = 0.1

That would up the discovery rate from 1/25 Earth days to 1/10 Earth days.

Thank you for your help! I didn't know that they spawned normal asteroids, too. The closest thing I've found were Near-Kerbin asteroids!

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Ok looking for some clarification on the "doesn't interact with kopernicus" part in the op. 

Was looking into trying the outer planets mod, which requires kopernicus. They outer planets mod says this is a recommended mod. So if this doesn't interact with kopernicus, then it won't interact with outer planets since outer planets uses kopernicus to run. 

So im a tad bit thrown off by this. Why would they recommended this and what happens with all 3 of these mods installed together?

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So, now that we have new "Magic Boulders" integrated into the asteroid system... Does that mean there is a parameter for Magic Boulders an MB colors now, and does this mod know about these elements? When it spawns, is there a random chance for the spawned potatoroid being one of the magical variety, or are all space racks this thing makes of the bland all grey variety?

Just curious. Thanks

Edited by richfiles
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On 6/29/2016 at 4:17 AM, Hevak said:

Ok looking for some clarification on the "doesn't interact with kopernicus" part in the op. 

Was looking into trying the outer planets mod, which requires kopernicus. They outer planets mod says this is a recommended mod. So if this doesn't interact with kopernicus, then it won't interact with outer planets since outer planets uses kopernicus to run. 

So im a tad bit thrown off by this. Why would they recommended this and what happens with all 3 of these mods installed together?

They "don't interact" in the sense that Kopernicus does its own thing, and Custom Asteroids does its own thing. So if you have all three mods installed, you will get lots of asteroids appearing near Kerbin (from Kopernicus), plus a small number of asteroids throughout the solar system (from Custom Asteroids/OPM).


21 hours ago, richfiles said:

So, now that we have new "Magic Boulders" integrated into the asteroid system... Does that mean there is a parameter for Magic Boulders an MB colors now, and does this mod know about these elements? When it spawns, is there a random chance for the spawned potatoroid being one of the magical variety, or are all space racks this thing makes of the bland all grey variety?

Just curious. Thanks

Well, as of KSP 1.1.3, there are no "bland all grey" asteroids: the new textures really look quite nice IMO. :P

I haven't had the time to look into it too much, but it looks like the Magic Boulder state is randomly assigned by ModuleAsteroid, which means that the other asteroid types will also have a slight chance of getting MB'd. I don't see a way to control the color, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been perusing my KSP.log file trying to find places where I can tweak things to improve loading time, and I noticed that when Extraplanetary Launchpads is installed - CustomAsteroids has a patch that touches just about every single part in the game.


What's it doing?



[LOG 14:15:27.967] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to AtomicAge/Parts/KANDL/KANDL/nuclearEngineKANDL
[LOG 14:15:27.969] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to AtomicAge/Parts/LANTR/LANTR/nuclearEngineLANTR
[LOG 14:15:27.970] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to AtomicAge/Parts/Lightbulb/LightBulb/nuclearEngineLightbulb
[LOG 14:15:27.971] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to AtomicAge/Parts/Radiators/Radial/radiatorRadialLarge
[LOG 14:15:27.973] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to AtomicAge/Parts/Radiators/Radial/radiatorRadialMedium
[LOG 14:15:27.974] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to AtomicAge/Parts/Radiators/Radial/radiatorRadialSmall
[LOG 14:15:27.975] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to AtomicAge/Parts/Turbojet/TurboJet/NuclearJetEngine
[LOG 14:15:27.976] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to BahaSP/Parts/125vectorjet/part/bd125vectorjet
[LOG 14:15:27.978] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to BahaSP/Parts/critterCrawler/part/critterCrawler
[LOG 14:15:27.979] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to BahaSP/Parts/miniJet/part/bdMiniJet
[LOG 14:15:27.981] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to BahaSP/Parts/retractableEngine/part/bahaRetractEngine
[LOG 14:15:27.982] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to BahaSP/Parts/retRCSBlock/part/RetRCSBlock
[LOG 14:15:27.983] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to BahaSP/Parts/retRCSBlock/curved/partCurved/RetRCSBlockC
[LOG 14:15:27.984] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to BahaSP/Parts/spotlightTurret/part/bdSpotlightTurret
[LOG 14:15:27.985] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to BahaSP/Parts/sRadialEngine/part/bahaSRadialEngine
[LOG 14:15:27.987] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to BahaSP/Parts/trrEngine/part/bahaTrrEngine
[LOG 14:15:27.989] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to ContractPacks/AnomalySurveyor/Monolith/part/mega_monolith
[LOG 14:15:27.990] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to CryoEngines/Parts/Engine/cryoengine-125/cryoengine-125-1/cryoengine-125-1
[LOG 14:15:27.991] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to CryoEngines/Parts/Engine/cryoengine-125/cryoengine-125-2/cryoengine-125-2
[LOG 14:15:27.993] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to CryoEngines/Parts/Engine/cryoengine-25/cryoengine-25-1/cryoengine-25-1
[LOG 14:15:27.994] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to CryoEngines/Parts/Engine/cryoengine-25/cryoengine-25-2/cryoengine-25-2
[LOG 14:15:27.996] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to CryoEngines/Parts/Engine/cryoengine-375/cryoengine-375-1/cryoengine-375-1
[LOG 14:15:27.997] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to CryoEngines/Parts/Engine/cryoengine-375/cryoengine-375-2/cryoengine-375-2
[LOG 14:15:27.999] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to CryoTanks/Parts/HydrogenTanks/hydrogen-10/hydrogen-10-1/hydrogen-10-1
[LOG 14:15:28.000] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to CryoTanks/Parts/HydrogenTanks/hydrogen-125/hydrogen-125-1/hydrogen-125-1
[LOG 14:15:28.001] [ModuleManager] Applying node CustomAsteroids/Parts/ELcompatibility_MM/@PART:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleAsteroidResource]:HAS[#resourceName[MetallicOre]]]:AFTER[Launchpad] to CryoTanks/Parts/HydrogenTanks/hydrogen-125/hydrogen-125-2/hydrogen-125-2


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Oops! Sorry for the lag; I'll make that patch more efficient. :blush:

As for what it's doing, it's ensuring that MetallicOre and MetalOre are treated identically in installs that have both. It has no effect on any part that doesn't have ModuleAsteroidResource, so the only problem is during MM compilation.

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1 hour ago, Starstrider42 said:

Oops! Sorry for the lag; I'll make that patch more efficient. :blush:

As for what it's doing, it's ensuring that MetallicOre and MetalOre are treated identically in installs that have both. It has no effect on any part that doesn't have ModuleAsteroidResource, so the only problem is during MM compilation.


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Hi. Just getting around to trying this and a few other mods.  What is the standard setup folder all about? Do I need it? If so do I just put it into gamedata folder, or inside the custom asteroids folder that's inside the gamedata in your zip package?


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On 7/22/2016 at 7:51 AM, Hevak said:

Hi. Just getting around to trying this and a few other mods.  What is the standard setup folder all about? Do I need it? If so do I just put it into gamedata folder, or inside the custom asteroids folder that's inside the gamedata in your zip package?


Standard Setup contains recommended configs for stock games; a few users asked for them to be separated from the rest of the mod.

The contents of Standard Setup/ should go into GameData/CustomAsteroids. You can find more detailed instructions in the INSTALL.txt file at the root of the zip.

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10 hours ago, Starstrider42 said:

Standard Setup contains recommended configs for stock games; a few users asked for them to be separated from the rest of the mod.

The contents of Standard Setup/ should go into GameData/CustomAsteroids. You can find more detailed instructions in the INSTALL.txt file at the root of the zip.

Thanks for the response.  I'm not quite stock so I won't be need that folder. :)  

thanks for all the work on the mod. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/23/2016 at 3:33 PM, Geschosskopf said:


 At some point, would you please make the error messages more explicit?  I keep getting one saying "couldn't create asteroid because 1st parameter is greater than 2nd parameter", but it doesn't say which parameter is wrong.  It would be nice if it told me so I could fix it :wink:

Sorry for the delayed reply. I'll fix it, but I thought I'd taken care of that sort of thing already. If you still have it, could you send me the config that caused the error? That would make it easier to hunt down...

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6 hours ago, Starstrider42 said:

Sorry for the delayed reply. I'll fix it, but I thought I'd taken care of that sort of thing already. If you still have it, could you send me the config that caused the error? That would make it easier to hunt down...

Hey, no problem.

Anyway, I have another question....  IIRC, you said once that asteroid size class and mass are defined by stock systems and CA has no control over that, right?

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Correct. The existence of five size classes, A-E, appears to be hardcoded into KSP. I do plan to make the fraction of asteroids of each size customizable at a later date, but my original plans to have F or larger sizes are pretty much dead.

You can sort of fiddle with mass by setting ModuleAsteroid.minRadiusMultiplier (default 0.75) and ModuleAsteroid.maxRadiusMultiplier (default 1.25), as Asteroid Recycling Technologies does. I chose not to do this for any of the CA asteroid types because that would mean the actual asteroid sizes no longer matched what the tracking station description said.

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3 hours ago, SpaceCommunism said:

Hey someone told me about this mod when I was asking if there were any mods with comets. I couldn't find anything detailing if comets are implemented and I presume they are not. Seems like it has been suggested and I am wondering about it.


11 hours ago, String Witch said:

Comets are present

The details are: They do not have trails, nor do they look different to normal asteroids, but they do have the sort of orbit you would expect from a comet, and they do largely consist of ice (if you have relevant mods to exploit that). There are two types: periodic comets which go a bit further out that Eeloo, and long periodic comets which go much further away.

The picture in this thread's original post shows a number of comets, if you can pick them out.

Is there something else you wanted to know?

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All right, now I'm extremely confused... I assume that Asteroid Day overwrites this mod to use it's own system, or do they work side-by-side?


Seemingly Side-By-Side! :cool: Sweet!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/19/2016 at 11:58 AM, Andem said:

All right, now I'm extremely confused... I assume that Asteroid Day overwrites this mod to use it's own system, or do they work side-by-side?


Seemingly Side-By-Side! :cool: Sweet!

Thanks for the report. I'd heard of Asteroid Day but didn't realize it had its own spawner. *Sigh* I guess this will make the eventual problem of getting all these mods to play well together even harder...

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12 minutes ago, sDaZe said:

Does anyone have a config i can look at and learn from for rss? I wanna add asteroids around Saturn's rings, thanks! 

AFAIK RSS is no longer supporting Custom Asteroids :(, but you can find an unfinished RSS config at https://github.com/Starstrider42/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/GameData/RealSolarSystem/Compatibility/CustomAsteroids.cfg.

As for Saturn's rings, I believe Outer Planets Mod has some configs for ring moonlets.

Edited by Starstrider42
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I'm running a pretty heavily modded game at the moment, full USI suite, OPM, another system based on kopernicus, bunch of other stuff, but I've been getting an error sometimes on switching between the tracking station and the center scenes.  Not sure if it's a Custom Asteroids issue or one of the mods, but I thought I'd post it and ask.  Here's a pic:  ST5BT1L.jpg


I've got asteroids in kerbin orbits as well as the trans jool ones so they're definitely showing up otherwise. That error was just a bit wonky.  Thanks.

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