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[DEV][0.24.x][Jul 24] SCANsat v7.0rc4 -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed!

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Love this mod. I'm so glad your keeping up with it and making it usable with Kethane. You have my thanks along with all who play Kerbal Space Program, I'm sure. Keep up the good work and let us all know when the current build is usable. Until then I'll be using version 6.

It's not usable? It should be usable.

It may not be pretty in terms of GUI, but it should work fine.

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How is the overlay supposed to be displayed? I enabled it, but it's not showing on the map, selecting and deselecting reloads the map, but it does not change

Following the instructions on the first page? Have the right scanners? Have them enabled?

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Should I be using 7RC3 or 6.1? I have had 7RC3 installed until I noticed today that 6.1 was uploaded (and I see on the same day as 7RC3!).

Tried looking at the changelogs, seems this branch adds kethane/ors support that the other doesnt have yet?

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Should I be using 7RC3 or 6.1? I have had 7RC3 installed until I noticed today that 6.1 was uploaded (and I see on the same day as 7RC3!).

Tried looking at the changelogs, seems this branch adds kethane/ors support that the other doesnt have yet?

That's pretty much it. If you want to scan for any resources (ORS, Kethane, Interstellar, etc) then you'll want v7. I would use v7 anyway, as it will be updated more frequently.

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New update released on GitHub - The MapTraq be-gone edition :cool:

- Update for KSP 0.24.1

- Fix RPM issues when SCANsat module is not properly attached to IVA part

- MapTraq now deprecated

- The part still exists but cannot be accessed from the editor

- Background scanning active during Space Center and Tracking Station scenes

- Background scanning no longer requires active SCANsat part during Flight scene

- Added Karbonite support

- Science can be gathered from planets with no surface

- Reduced science return for planets with no terrain or no biomes

The MapTraq will remain on any currently active vessels, you just can't access it in the R&D center or the VAB/SPH. All of it's functionality has been replaced. The toolbar icons will remain visible during the flight scene, even with no SCANsat parts on your vessel. Background scanning will function in any scene where time passes: flight, map, space center, tracking station.

If you are using RPM the IVA maps should continue to function even if Module Manager errors, or other issues, prevent loading of the SCANsat module on the IVA part.

dlrk: if you can try to re-break your ORS maps I would like to know if this update fixes or changes anything. There is a small change in the ORS overlays that might prevent breakage when ORS can't access the map textures, but I couldn't replicate your error.

Karbonite can now be scanned and displayed on ORS overlays using SCANsat scanners.

Use this SCANsat module config to scan for only Karbonite, or ask about combination scanner types. Substitute in whatever parameters you want for altitude and FOV settings.

name = SCANsat
sensorType = 262144
fov = 4
min_alt = 5000
max_alt = 750000
best_alt = 100000
scanName = Karbonite Scan
power = 0.5

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If this version doesn't have any crippling bugs it will likely become v8 in the main release thread; so test extra hard. :kiss:

We'll wait until KSP stops updating for more than 2 days, and until Kethane updates to ensure better compatibility for resource overlays, but otherwise I think it's mostly ok.

I'm thinking that contracts will require lots of testing and iterating, so they'll have to wait for the next dev version.

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Getting a crash with use in Alcor pod with raster prop monitor. I try to read the logs to understand but I don't know exactly, could be interference with another mod.

I am using the 7.0rc4 in KSPx64 0.24.2(sandbox), with 0.18 raster prop.

KSP.log, Output_Log

Should I report this to the raster prop monitor page instead?

Edited by JonBar
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Getting a crash with use in Alcor pod with raster prop monitor. I try to read the logs to understand but I don't know exactly, could be interference with another mod.

I am using the 7.0rc4 in KSPx64 0.24.2(sandbox), with 0.18 raster prop.

KSP.log, Output_Log

Should I report this to the raster prop monitor page instead?

I have extracted what I consider to be the relevant information from your output_log.log:

> cat output_log.txt | grep -i SCANsat | uniq -c | tail -n 22

1 JSISCANsatRPM: Active on page 0
9 [SCANsatRPM] SCANsat module not attached to this IVA, check for Module Manager problems and make sure the RPMMapTraq.cfg file is in the SCANsat/MMconfigs folder
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading 2 known vessels
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Sun
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Kerbin
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Mun
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Minmus
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Moho
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Eve
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Duna
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Ike
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Jool
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Laythe
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Vall
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Bop
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Tylo
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Gilly
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Pol
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Dres
1 SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Eeloo
1 JSISCANsatRPM: Active on page 14
1 (0x0000000048413EAE) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): SCANsat.JSISCANsatRPM:OnUpdate () + 0x13e (0000000048413D70 0000000048413FF0) [0000000003DC4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0

and the stack trace

========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================

(0x0000000103E10004) ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x0000000048413EAE) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): SCANsat.JSISCANsatRPM:OnUpdate () + 0x13e (0000000048413D70 0000000048413FF0) [0000000003DC4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x00000000484024DA) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): InternalProp:OnUpdate () + 0x8a (0000000048402450 00000000484025D8) [0000000003DC4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x00000000484023F1) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): InternalModel:OnUpdate () + 0x51 (00000000484023A0 0000000048402420) [0000000003DC4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x000000004840236B) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): Part:InternalOnUpdate () + 0x5b (0000000048402310 0000000048402375) [0000000003DC4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x000000004846A325) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): Part:Update () + 0x145 (000000004846A1E0 000000004846A32F) [0000000003DC4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x00000000042572DB) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) + 0x6b (0000000004257270 000000000425734A) [0000000003DC4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x000007FED76136CA) (mono): (filename not available): mono_set_defaults + 0x2b8e
(0x00000000FFFFFFFF) ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x0000000003DC4D48) ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

Edited by technogeeky
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Getting a crash with use in Alcor pod with raster prop monitor.

Everyone who has encountered this bug has command pods that aren't loading the SCANsat module for whatever reason. I have no idea why this is still breaking things, and I can't replicate it. It only seems to happen on x64, and I haven't seen consistent behavior in exactly how it is crashing.

But I can at least use a more reliable Module Manager config to make sure that the SCANsat module gets added to all parts where it is needed.

Can anyone see any issues with this? It should be adding it to everything that has an IVA associated with it and only when RPM is present. It seems to work in some quick tests, so hopefully it at least prevents SCANsatRPM from getting to whatever point it is that causes problems.

name = SCANsat
sensorType = 0
fov = 0
min_alt = 0
max_alt = 0
best_alt = 0
scanName = Eyeball Scan
power = 0.05

Should I report this to the raster prop monitor page instead?

I don't think this is an RPM issue, at least not directly.

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Thank you both for the quick reply, much appreciated. I wondered if it was something to do with the MM config not taking hold for some reason, and that stack trace stuff is beyond me. If I could help I would, but you guys are doing a great job either way.

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I added a feature request on the issue page for the addition of contracts for SCANsat.

I'm thinking I might add a request for integration with KSP's new integrated toolbar, but I figured it wasn't a high enough priority.

Edited by Ruedii
additional note.
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There is definitely either an issue with the latest SCANsat with Kethane and EPL or an issue with my understanding of it.

To reproduce:

Start a new savegame with Karbonite, Kethane, EPL, SCANsat, ModuleManager and include the Kethane_Scanners.cfg and EPL_Scanners.cfg from SCANSAT.

Launch a probe into a semi-polar low-altitude orbit with the SCAN RADAR, Multi-spectral, SAR, Kethane S210 and EPL BG-MGN.

Once in orbit, select "Start SAR Scan", "Start RADAR Scan", "Start Multi-spectral Scan", "Start Kethane Scan" and "Start Ore Scan"

Go to the space center, tracking center and fast-forward a hundred or so days, go back to the satellite and go to scansat settings, enable kethane (or ore) overlay, go to bigmap and gray.

The result is uc?id=0B8a1K8EUgZmVOUJabVpLeVEtWE0&export=download

The output_log.txt (cleaned up) is at:


This jumps out at me:

Non platform assembly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SCANsat\Plugins\SCANsatKethane.dll (this message is harmless)
AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'SCANsatKethane': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Additional information about this exception:
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'SCANsatKethane.SCANsatKethane' from assembly 'SCANsatKethane, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'SCANsatKethane.SCANStarter' from assembly 'SCANsatKethane, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

The raw output_log, .craft file, etc is out at: https://5fd220d54a159ba15d94943a8ba24dbe7f2f80c7.googledrive.com/host/0B8a1K8EUgZmVMnNaWWs4bXdDZEk/

A thought occurs that I was using a custom compiled kethane.dll with the latest fixed issue with the converters, let me switch to default and I will edit this post.

EDIT: disregard it had something to do with how I compiled the kethane.dll I am guessing as the default works with the scanning :-p

Edited by elfindreams
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A thought occurs that I was using a custom compiled kethane.dll with the latest fixed issue with the converters, let me switch to default and I will edit this post.

EDIT: disregard it had something to do with how I compiled the kethane.dll I am guessing as the default works with the scanning :-p

SCANsatKethane is very sensitive to changes in the Kethane assembly; if it doesn't fail to load entirely (which is the case here) it runs an explicit check on Kethane's version number and stops if it doesn't match the hard-coded acceptable version number. This doesn't affect the base SCANsat program, it just means that the Kethane overlays won't work.

Is there a trick to getting the resource overlay for ORS to work? Some particular scanner?

Yes, you need the appropriate scanner part and Module Manager to attache the SCANsat module to that part. The scanning parts are included in the various resource mods.

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OK I apparently have a dumb.

After realizing that my recompile of kethane.dll was causing an issue and reverting to the normal. I restarted a new savegame. I was able to (once i got to the technology level required) scan for Kethane and Ore using the SCANsat functions just fine (I can pull up a bigmap with Kethane or Ore overlays and see what I expect to see).

However it does not seem to be cross-pollinating with the built-in Kethane Overlay (my Kethane overlay looks like nothing has been scanned even though I have a ~98% scan on bigmap (just missing a few degrees at the poles)).

Is this a PEPKAC issue, an expectations issue or a possible bug I should start to try and track down?

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