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Community Mun Base

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Samonite, It seems like something in your save broke, because most of the landers fell over.

I swear I didn\'t touch them =P

It happened when I were near the base at the same time something exploded. I think it is related to the following bug:

'Landed vessels sometimes explode when approached by the player (as when landing near other landed ships)'

This has also happened when I loaded a landed ship in my own save file.

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Hmm mine looks ok, maybe wider landing legs help?

I think so. It looked like the landers where all dropped from about 10m.. Some of them fell over and something exploded.

Wider landing legs might be a temporary fix until the actual bug is fixed.

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On the other hand the lander in the background (the one far behind my lander lying down) was the one with the explosion and it has a wide landing gear S:|


We could maybe merge my lander into the previous save? But I think this is going to happen again.. When I look at page 2 in this thread it looks like this has happened at the base before.

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Tried flying, saw a couple landers exploding when I got close, ran out of RCS during final approach, had to manually steer the ship with the main engines (which I\'m not used to), managed to land 150m from the rest of you, decided it wasn\'t close enough, lifted off again, tried to get closer, freak out, ship goes upside down, i save it from the skin of my teeth, one engine hits the ground, stuff explodes, i eject the command pod, it crashes on the ground, bounces once and then blows up, and the uncontrolled and asymmetrical engine block made it a good fifteen kilometers from the landing site before exploding.

All in all not a bad experience.

Back to the design board, and I\'ll try putting a new and updated version on the Mun tomorow. In the meantime here\'s a little teaser, the Hephaistos Class Heavy Mun Payload Carrier ! (Notice how the command pod can lift off and land on its own, provided there is still RCS fuel of course).

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Did you drop anything in the vicinity of the base? Try it again but load a lander in the base before you land, that might fix it.

I did drop my second stage a bit outside the base but that was after the explosions. And I did load a lander before I landed just to check for dangerous landing spots.

I\'ll try again tomorrow. Its 0:30 here now =P

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I feel like I derp\'d pretty hard on my first rocket, any chance I can send another one up to try and land closer/not crash? If so, who\'s save file do I use?

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Thanks Sal - and the crew list at the top? Surely that\'s important? No?

To be perfectly honest I am not sure, there seems to be the same number of crew, just with randomly generated names, and nothing on any ship to say which crewman goes to which ship.

I am assuming that the first ship gets the first three crew, the second gets crewmen four to six and so on automatically.

I\'ll have a deeper look but right now I\'m flying a craft with an engine bug and I can\'t defocus.


My current crew are the eighth triplet in my persistence file, I am flying the seventh craft but there are remains of another I haven\'t looked at, so I may be right and each triplet of crew members are automatically assigned.

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I feel like I derp\'d pretty hard on my first rocket, any chance I can send another one up to try and land closer/not crash? If so, who\'s save file do I use?

You use the save file in the OP. We are trying to get rid of the bugs plaguing the base before we open it back up. Also, now that I think about it, this bug may have destroyed the Mun or Bust 10.

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Did you do anything differently that might help us understand how the bug is triggered?

From what I understand the bug is caused from a glitch that occurs when ships are loaded, and when they are, they are lloaded about 10m or so off the ground and crash.

But, I never switch away from my craft while flying, I only used the \'M\' key.

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From playing my own persistence file I have seen craft 10m below ground, which then pop up to sit comfortably on the surface, maybe this is the same but there is no code to lower ships gently to the ground.


trbinsc, doesn\'t this persistence file date back to 0.14x4?, maybe we should start again?

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I thought the ground mesh collided with the landed parts and made them explode. The parts didn\'t fall but it was a rendering issue that is exagerated by slopes.

Anyway, Harv has posted a partial relaese note for 0.14.1 - I think this problem will be address in the next week or so, unless I misunderstood Harv. :)

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Actually, this one is a new one from 0.14x6 and shouldn\'t have any problems. It\'s a bug with the loading system, it doesn\'t like when a ship comes in and lands next to it.

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I\'m currently putting a huge satellite into extremely low orbit around the mun, and hopefully you will be able to see it pass from the main base :D

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