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[0.23.5] KSPStockTweaks: things that (supposedly) should have been stock


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By popular demand, in public domain.

Download link:

KSPStockTweaks v1.2

Included tweaks:

FlightDefFreeCam - sets the free camera as the default;

FlightDefPrecision - sets precise / caps lock controls as the default;

MapShowNavBall - shows navball on the map by default;

JoystickPrecision - makes precision toggle apply to control axes;

When precision controls are enabled with [Caps Lock], joystick axes are scaled down by a half. Which means that you get double the precision, with half the control range. For example, even when you tilt your joystick all the way up, pitch only goes to half the meter.

Edited by bawr
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These are nice tweaks, and much appreciated.

I used FlightDefFreeCam for a while but gave it up because I found I'd rather have my camera be in Chase mode by default.

Maybe that's because I'm doing mostly orbital rendezvous and no landings, or because I'm still not sure why there are 4 different camera modes and what they all do.

It would really be nice to have some little indicator somewhere showing what the current camera mode is.

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  • 3 years later...

Looks like we've got a missing author who hasn't been around in over 4 years, plus a broken link... this thread's not serving any useful purpose at this point.  Locking the thread to prevent further confusion.

@bawr, if by any chance you come back someday and would like to have your thread unlocked, we're happy to oblige.  Just let us know (reporting this post, with an appropriate note, is probably the easiest way to do so) and we'll unlock it for you.

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