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Stockalike RF Engine Configs v3.2.6 [01/20/19][RF v12]


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Sounds like a great plan. In the mean time we are happy to live with a linear isp curve as well. In that case than, were is the missed number? Is it the tech level? What value is used for calculating?

If you use the actual configs and only change the name, it works fine, but the Engines are immense overpowered...

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The engines will be OP compared to stock, because the thrust is much higher than stock values (in addition to the weight difference). The multipliers are the most important number though. The initial Isp values don't mean anything once the RF modules do their thing. If you want, you can mess around with the webapp (http://bit.ly/rfstockalike). Find your engine and then adjust as needed.

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I know the web app. I will look into it deeper because without further backround knowledge it was hard to understand. A small how to would be nice 😉 I thought it is enough to change some names and number in the existing configs, because the SpaceY enginges are already implemented and have just new namens

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Raptor, I made you a show off what I tried.


If my math is wrong please correct me.

Otherwise I will use the web app If I get to a point when I understand what Iam doing there ;)

Ok, I see what's up. The numbers you place in the top of the config for Isp do not get multiplied. Those engines are modeled to use the full flow staged combustion cycle, which boosts Isp compared to the same engine without (oversimplification, but hey). The Isps that get used in-game are defined within the RF settings files. The ones at the top of the config are more for your information and as a backup in case something goofs. So, it's working "correctly".

Also, the only stat I ever brought over from a stock/mod engine was the initial thrust value. Everything else was modified to fit a real-world scale, based on that thrust value. Mass is reduced to match a certain TWR, Isp gets changed to match an engine of similar use case (Launch, Orbital, Upper Stage, etc.), and fuels are changed to real ones. If you try and use stock Isp values and stock mass values, it'll get all kinds of odd with regards to balance. I'd do the useRealisticMass = false (which you can change in the RealFuels settings config file) if you want to play on stock-sized Kerbin.

If you want to mess with that engine, you can go here: http://ksp.joshuawagneronline.com/engine/spacey-k1-kiwi-engine/ There's nothing truly complicated (at least I thought I explained everything ok on page!), so you can just mess with numbers and settings to see the changed results on the right. If you'd like, I can try to write a quick guide if it's not clear from the app. :)

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I personally would actually prefer a "large planets but small distances" config


Many scale-ups keep the surface gravity constant, so the planet mass scales with the square of the planet length scale.

If in addition you keep the orbital periods at original values, then the orbit SMA scales with the two-thirds power of the planet length scale. For 6.4x planet sizes, this would be about 3.4x space size.

Keep the original rotation periods too and you preserve resonances (tidal locking) so planet expansions intended for stock would fit right in. A lazy man's scale-up might be:

  • Grab your planet models/textures/PQS/<other hard stuff> from a scale X that you like (and that has suitable license terms).
  • Scale planet lengths by X, masses by X2 and space lengths by X2/3.
  • Keep stock periods, both day and year.
  • Keep stock atmospheres too, unless the scale-up is very large.

We'll see how easy "scale space lengths by X2/3" is as the first few Kopernicus-based scale mods come out from people much more expert than me.

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Hey guys! What are the procedures for adding support for a mod? I messed around with the web app and have a config file for the engines, but I honestly don't know what I was doing.

Well, what do you want to accomplish? Once you have a config in the webapp, you can copy the right-hand column and paste that into a .cfg file and Module Manager will alter the engine to work with Real Fuels as you defined. (Which it looks like you have set up already) There's not really anything else to do for a standard RF install.

I've hopefully set up the webapp to give you cues as to what is reasonable, so you come out with properly balanced engines. :wink: But, if there was a certain mod you wanted to integrate (or if you're writing one), post about it here and we shall see. Can't guarantee anything, but I'd be happy to look into it.

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Can you give some suggestions on how to use that webapp to properly create a configuration file? I'd like to go through, select the engines I've added in, and then create a config for each (kind of like how I could with the old XLS file) but I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at or how to do that.

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Well, what do you want to accomplish? Once you have a config in the webapp, you can copy the right-hand column and paste that into a .cfg file and Module Manager will alter the engine to work with Real Fuels as you defined. (Which it looks like you have set up already) There's not really anything else to do for a standard RF install.

I've hopefully set up the webapp to give you cues as to what is reasonable, so you come out with properly balanced engines. :wink: But, if there was a certain mod you wanted to integrate (or if you're writing one), post about it here and we shall see. Can't guarantee anything, but I'd be happy to look into it.

Well, I was trying to write a config for Nertea's cryo engines pack. This is how far I got:

@PART[cryoengine-125-1]:FOR[RealFuels_StockEngines] //VL-1 'Volcano' Cryogenic Rocket Engine

@mass = 1
@cost = 923
%entryCost = 4615
@maxTemp = 2400

@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@maxThrust = 206
@heatProduction = 206
@key,0 = 0 394
@key,1 = 1 468
!PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
!PROPELLANT[LqdHydrogen] {}
!PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {}
!PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {}
name = LqdHydrogen
ratio = 87.503020
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980

name = ModuleEngineConfigs
type = ModuleEnginesRF
techLevel = 3
origTechLevel = 3
engineType = L
origMass = 1
configuration = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
modded = false

name = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 206
heatProduction = 206
name = LqdHydrogen
ratio = 87.50301965942076
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980340579242
IspSL = 1.6783
IspV = 1.2700
throttle = 0
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 2.75

name = LqdMethane+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 264
heatProduction = 206
name = LqdMethane
ratio = 53.82321738305951
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 46.17678261694049
IspSL = 1.3297
IspV = 1.0300
throttle = 0
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 2.75

!MODULE[ModuleEngineIgnitor] {}
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 2.75


@PART[blank_engine]:FOR[RealFuels_StockEngines] //Ct10 'Chelyabinsk' Cryogenic Rocket Engine

@mass = 0.8
@cost = 442
%entryCost = 2210
@maxTemp = 1450
@description = A venerable upper stage engine, efficiently burning liquid hydrogen and oxidizer. Nozzle extends when activated for better stowage. Not great for takeoff.

@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@maxThrust = 41
@heatProduction = 83
@key,0 = 0 549
@key,1 = 1 130
!PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
!PROPELLANT[LqdHydrogen] {}
!PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {}
!PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {}
name = LqdHydrogen
ratio = 87.503020
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980

name = ModuleEngineConfigs
type = ModuleEnginesRF
techLevel = 4
origTechLevel = 4
engineType = O
origMass = 0.8
configuration = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
modded = false

name = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 41
heatProduction = 83
name = LqdHydrogen
ratio = 87.50301965942076
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980340579242
IspSL = 1.0751
IspV = 1.5812
throttle = 0
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 24
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 0.55

name = LqdMethane+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 53
heatProduction = 83
name = LqdMethane
ratio = 53.82321738305951
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 46.17678261694049
IspSL = 0.8518
IspV = 1.2824
throttle = 0
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 24
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 0.55

!MODULE[ModuleEngineIgnitor] {}
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 24
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 0.55


@PART[cryoengine-375-1]:FOR[RealFuels_StockEngines] //Blank Engine

@mass = 13.25
@cost = 14980
%entryCost = 74900
@maxTemp = 2400
@description = The largest hydrogen-fuelled engine available we have available in stock. We can't even order bigger ones, they just roll their eyes and sigh.

@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@maxThrust = 1988
@heatProduction = 203
@key,0 = 0 466
@key,1 = 1 463
!PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
!PROPELLANT[LqdHydrogen] {}
!PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {}
!PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {}
name = LqdHydrogen
ratio = 87.503020
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980

name = ModuleEngineConfigs
type = ModuleEnginesRF
techLevel = 6
origTechLevel = 6
engineType = L
origMass = 13.25
configuration = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
modded = false

name = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 1988
heatProduction = 203
name = LqdHydrogen
ratio = 87.50301965942076
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980340579242
IspSL = 1.5470
IspV = 1.4046
throttle = 0
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 26.5

name = LqdMethane+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 2544
heatProduction = 203
name = LqdMethane
ratio = 53.82321738305951
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 46.17678261694049
IspSL = 1.2257
IspV = 1.1392
throttle = 0
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 26.5

!MODULE[ModuleEngineIgnitor] {}
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 26.5


@PART[cryoengine-375-2]:FOR[RealFuels_StockEngines] //Ct65 'Yucatan' Cryogenic Rocket Engine

@mass = 8.95
@cost = 8970
%entryCost = 44850
@maxTemp = 2012
@description = A powerful and economic upper stage engine, the Ct65 should really not be used anywhere near populated areas, zoos or, particularly, exhibits of large reptiles, lest they become extinct.

@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@maxThrust = 1088
@heatProduction = 145
@key,0 = 0 519
@key,1 = 1 286
!PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
!PROPELLANT[LqdHydrogen] {}
!PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {}
!PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {}
name = LqdHydrogen
ratio = 87.503020
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980

name = ModuleEngineConfigs
type = ModuleEnginesRF
techLevel = 6
origTechLevel = 6
engineType = U
origMass = 8.95
configuration = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
modded = false

name = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 1088
heatProduction = 145
name = LqdHydrogen
ratio = 87.50301965942076
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980340579242
IspSL = 1.3624
IspV = 1.4834
throttle = 0
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 14.5

name = LqdMethane+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 1392
heatProduction = 145
name = LqdMethane
ratio = 53.82321738305951
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 46.17678261694049
IspSL = 1.0794
IspV = 1.2030
throttle = 0
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 14.5

!MODULE[ModuleEngineIgnitor] {}
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 14.5


@PART[cryoengine-25-1]:FOR[RealFuels_StockEngines] //KS-01 'Odin' Cryogenic Rocket Engine

@mass = 7.25
@cost = 6322
%entryCost = 31610
@maxTemp = 2400
@description = A mild, well-balanced engine that has a somewhat chequered service record. Hence the manufacturer's discount.
!PROPELLANT[LqdHydrogen] {}
@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@maxThrust = 788
@heatProduction = 229
@key,0 = 0 451
@key,1 = 1 540
!PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
!PROPELLANT[LqdHydrogen] {}
!PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {}
!PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {}
ratio = 87.503020
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980

name = ModuleEngineConfigs
type = ModuleEnginesRF
techLevel = 6
origTechLevel = 6
engineType = L
origMass = 7.25
configuration = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
modded = false

name = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 788
heatProduction = 229
name = LqdHydrogen
ratio = 87.50301965942076
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980340579242
IspSL = 1.8044
IspV = 1.3576
throttle = 0.6
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 10.5

name = LqdMethane+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 1008
heatProduction = 229
name = LqdMethane
ratio = 100
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 0
IspSL = 1.4296
IspV = 1.1011
throttle = 0.6
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 10.5

!MODULE[ModuleEngineIgnitor] {}
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 1
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 10.5


@PART[cryoengine-25-2]:FOR[RealFuels_StockEngines] //CT2X 'Tunguska' Cryogenic Rocket Engine

@mass = 3.45
@cost = 1390
%entryCost = 6950
@maxTemp = 1865
@description = The 'X' on the end refers to the 'Xtra' efficiency this engine advertises. KADB is very excited that we might be making use of it, because they spent a lot of R&D money on it only to have the rocket they were building it for cancelled.

@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@maxThrust = 206
@heatProduction = 130
@key,0 = 0 473
@key,1 = 1 246
!PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
!PROPELLANT[LqdHydrogen] {}
!PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {}
!PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {}
name = LqdHydrogen
ratio = 87.503020
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980

name = ModuleEngineConfigs
type = ModuleEnginesRF
techLevel = 5
origTechLevel = 5
engineType = U+
origMass = 3.45
configuration = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
modded = false

name = LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 206
heatProduction = 130
name = LqdHydrogen
ratio = 87.50301965942076
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 12.496980340579242
IspSL = 1.9500
IspV = 1.3183
throttle = 0
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 12
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 2.75

name = LqdMethane+LqdOxygen
maxThrust = 264
heatProduction = 130
name = LqdMethane
ratio = 53.82321738305951
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 46.17678261694049
IspSL = 1.5450
IspV = 1.0691
throttle = 0
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 12
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 2.75

!MODULE[ModuleEngineIgnitor] {}
name = ModuleEngineIgnitor
ignitionsAvailable = 12
autoIgnitionTemperature = 800
ignitorType = Electric
useUllageSimulation = true
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 2.75


They load and everything (the web app really works well), but I don't know if the config are balanced when compared with the rest of the pack or if the conversions are ok.

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Although it might be slightly out of scope for an "engine config" pack, I was hoping you'd consider including configs for the fuel cells included in stock and some mods which convert LiquidFuel and Oxidizer into electricity.

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Another quick bug report: the OPT fuselages are stock LF/LFO and not RF; probably RF's fault. I whipped up this quick config to try and fix that:

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 300
type = Default

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 300
type = Default

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 2500
type = Default

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 2500
type = Default

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 400
type = Default

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 3200
type = Default

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 5000
type = Default

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 7500
type = Default

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 1600
type = Default

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 5000
type = Default

It doesn't seem to be deleting the Firespitter modules properly; I'll ask on the RF and/or Firespitter threads about that.

Also, almost 500 isp seems a bit much, even for a futuristic aerospike running off of hydrolox. (I'm referring to the aerospike from OPT; I don't remember what it's called.)

Edited by Whovian
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Try curly brackets when you remove something, eg. "!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}" This is definitely needed for resources (had that issue two days ago ;) and I bet Jebediahs life on it being important for modules too.

On another note, the latest NFP clashes with RealFuels - specifically the Xenon using engines have scary electric charge usage as a result of RF changing Xenon's density. ArgonGas and LqdHydrogen are the same for NFP and RF because the CRP is great. NFP Tank masses are also balanced against stock, meaning RF tanks would greatly outperform them. I have clumsily attempted to fix those issues in a little patch here, for anyone who is interested.

Edited by Tellion
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Try curly brackets when you remove something, eg. "!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}" This is definitely needed for resources (had that issue two days ago ;) and I bet Jebediahs life on it being important for modules too.

Worked like a charm; thanks!

EDIT: Dangit. Looks like someone beat me to the RF config for OPM.

Edited by Whovian
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useRealisticMass is a flag for RF that tells it to use a realistic mass for engines and fuel tanks. If you flip it to false, it will add mass to the fuel tanks and engines so that they resemble stock mass ratios. On a stock-sized Kerbin, it'll force you to use stock-like rockets again, and not tiny rockets that get you to Moho.

back to this...

If we are using '= false ' for this parameter...does that make it close to stock difficulty or MORE difficult than stock?

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Here's a prerelease of RF v10.3. Please try it out, but NOTE: if you are using AJE as well, you will need to update it to the latest version on the AJE repo (i.e. go to https://github.com/camlost2/AJE and download zip and use the GameData/AJE folder).

RF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vrtnru9i86h0yrn/RFv10.3.zip?dl=0

The major thing this adds is unlock costs for engine configs and TLs. RF Stockalike doesn't give configs costs, so you'll only pay for TL upgrades.

Please try it in career and see what you think!

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Sorry guys. Been a bit busy with RL, plus have been playing some different games in my free time.

@TomTheHand: Duly noted. Don't play with those myself. Can you tell me if the RD-0124 is working? Seems like there might be a few glitches with those engines...

@jstnj: The intention is to bring the mass ratios in-line with what stock was. As of now, it might be harder than stock, after they rebalanced everything. Not sure exactly; NathanKell might know more precisely. Alternative, if you want, keep the useRealisticMass = true and use KIDS to adjust the Isp down to achieve the same thing. You can tweak that to get whatever feel you're after.

@NathanKell: Costs for TL upgrades? For configs? I'll take those. :) It appears I am late to the party as well, judging by the fact that RF 10.3.1 is out.

For anyone doing career installs with Stockalike, post your thoughts here on the costs/science needed for unlocking. I can certainly add that to my (ever growing) list of features here, if there's a need for variation.

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Raptor, I'm begging you to update the download with the current ModuleRCSFX. About every 3 days someone posts in the RF thread, having downloaded this, that their RCS doesn't work.

Or you could not bundle it at all and just require it. :)

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Raptor, I'm begging you to update the download with the current ModuleRCSFX. About every 3 days someone posts in the RF thread, having downloaded this, that their RCS doesn't work.

Or you could not bundle it at all and just require it. :)

I am actually in process of doing just that. I saw like the third "bug report" dealing with that on the RF thread. :(

EDIT: MRCSFX is updated on the release to 4.1.

Edited by Raptor831
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