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ksp 0.38 thread


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hey guys, haven't you heard? 0.38 is going into the test phase this year! it should be ready by new year!

Screw watching the hoverball drop! i'm going to celebrate 2089 with the new Gas Giant 2! :D

I know they've alluded to a New Year release, but I believe the official release date is SoonTM.

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After playing it for a month, I wonder why they still haven't fixed the Not-matter Collection Units. They're still buggy as hell since the update that added the MatterDrive X-99.

Also, the 30m parts aren't powerful enough. Either buff or add 50m parts plz :wink:

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I think the supercollider should be nerfed. It's far too easy to get enough satellites up to create a dyson bubble with the space elevator they added in 0.37, so creating a wormhole isn't really a challenge. It'd be great if you had to mine the class R asteroids in the main belt to build the collider.

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I really wish they would fix those bugs with persistent tracks, footprints, contrails and reentry trails.

Oh, and the volumetric clouds really need to be added to Jool. Kerbin and Eve look pretty and all, but Jool's not cool enough yet.

Will they finally add wind loading to 0.39? Please?

Oh, have any of you seen this cool WIP mod to add procedural volcanoes?

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I'm still not used to the female kerbals that were added in 0.35. Jeb's focus seems to have shifted from "Moar boosters!" to "Moar *****!".

Voluntarily self-censored. Use your imagination.

On a side note, male Kerbals with high stupidity should ogle at female Kerbals.

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The wheat farming mechanic is cheaply hacked together, and noone really wanted it anyway. They should have spend that time adding the heavily-requested plasma cannon.

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The wheat farming mechanic is cheaply hacked together, and noone really wanted it anyway. They should have spend that time adding the heavily-requested plasma cannon.

What?! How would the bakery modules work without wheat farming? We'd have to ship all the wheat or flour up from Kerbin, and no one wants that.

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My mage always keeps ending up in the black hole of the Kelestra galaxy, no matter where I try to teleport. Also, the Rockomax BH-11 Battlehammer is broken I think, it barely damages the Dres spiders, which are easy targets for my orbital Ion cannon. Also, for some reason, I lost my Kerbal Clothing DLC with all my hats purchased from the KerbalStore. I hope they eliminate these annoying bugs in 0.38.

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Personally, I liked the .34 colored exhaust modules, even if they are a bit heavy, until they changed the color slider GUI. It overlaps with the ammunition window and it's not sensitive enough anymore. I'm also sore about the lack of sliders for the clouds, rain, lightning, snow... basically, weather should be more customizable than "on" and "off."

As for the supervolcanoes, I'm pretty sure they did move them from .39 to .38, so that's something to look forward to.

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I wish they would release the names of all high-ranking NASA officials who are now helping to work on the game. It's annoying how they keep leaving hints that aren't quite specific enough to tell what they mean for sure.

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I wish they would release the names of all high-ranking NASA officials who are now helping to work on the game. It's annoying how they keep leaving hints that aren't quite specific enough to tell what they mean for sure.

NASA hushed up when it was revealed they were using KSP to plot their real world missions. I think that was right after n-body physics were implemented in 0.34.

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Sorry guys, didn't you hear? EA bought ksp and they are halting all development on .38 so they can work on kerbal space program 2. I heard you can get it in jeb, bill; and janitor edition!!! Apparently the base game will cost $10 with basic parts with each dlc hanging around $50- ish while bug fix and update packages sit around $5 a piece ( at least they promised 20 updates a year!!!) Also does anyone know where I can find a mod that boosts the effects of the nuke launcher? I'm having some reall trouble with the bug blatr beasts on trol, heck I even lit my fusion engine off in its face and it still didn't do $#%+!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by DerpenWolf
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