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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Hmm, maybe you could rescale Cygnus to be 1.25 meters. It would still be smaller than the ATV, but it would be much closer to its actual size. I have always thought of the small docking nodes being like the docking ports used in Soyuz, ATV, and the shuttle, and the medium sized ones as beig like the Common Berthing Mechanism, which Cygnus, HTV, Dragon, and all of the modules in the USOS use.

Well, the description of the junior docking node says that it's too small for kerbals to pass through, so I don't think that's how the devs envisioned it. Of course, that doesn't mean that it can't be used that way. I fully support rescaling the cygnus to 1.25m, though.

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Well, the description of the junior docking node says that it's too small for kerbals to pass through, so I don't think that's how the devs envisioned it. Of course, that doesn't mean that it can't be used that way. I fully support rescaling the cygnus to 1.25m, though.
Hmm, maybe you could rescale Cygnus to be 1.25 meters. It would still be smaller than the ATV, but it would be much closer to its actual size. I have always thought of the small docking nodes being like the docking ports used in Soyuz, ATV, and the shuttle, and the medium sized ones as beig like the Common Berthing Mechanism, which Cygnus, HTV, Dragon, and all of the modules in the USOS use.

The problem with that is the Progress/Hamal is a 1.25 sized unmanned cargo craft resizing the cygnus/pollux to 1.25 would break the three unmanned cargo vessesls small->medium->large relation ship. Kerbals have been fitted to spaces smaller than a .625m cylinder(see USI exploration pack) but unlike the ATV there wouldn't be much room left for cargo and dynamic crew capacity based on whether you are carrying cargo is "plugin that get broken on an update" turf. That being said how about instead of trying to cram the kerbal inside we give the cygnus a built in external command seat? :D

Also on the subject of automated cargo vessels how much like the HTV would the ATV look if you lost the nose cone and added a hollow segment with cargo bay doors in between the capsule and the engine?

Edited by passinglurker
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Hrm, I've been fiddling with adding the crossfeed module to various parts and nothing seems to help. I get the 'enable/disable fuel crossfeed' button on the tank in the editor, but the fuel still won't flow.

Does anybody have a working example they would be willing to share?

In slightly related suggestion territory, I did eventually convert the spheroid tank into a TAC LS oxygen container, since the spherical tanks were apparently used to hold atmosphere as well as fuel on the real Vostok/Voskhod vessel.

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Well, that's my answer... the 11D53M, a modification of the NK-19/NK-31/NK-39... see why GRAU index is the better choice here? Anyway, the original 11D53 was used as the engine for the 3rd and 4th stages of the N-I. The 11D53M modification simply means a larger turbopump=>greater chamber pressure=> 1.83 times the thrust (402kN=>735kN)

If you wish, I can PM you the new and improved .cfgs which add Blok R and S, aswell as hydrolox and 11D5XM modifications to the N series pack...

(Now I'm just waiting for a gorgeous 5m fuel tank from the Energia to stretch it and squeeze it to my liking => create N-IM, V-II and V-III stages ^^)

Yeah I was 1st debating with myself if it would be a good idea to make the Almaz-K unmanned as in real life and decided against it as it's overcomplicating... I'll go with the semi-plausible excuse of mostly automated maintenance on the station, so the cosmonauts may spy as much as they wish to...

Ah, I get you now! Gah yes, the naming scheme is confusing...

I would really like to see those configs :)

Great work! Especially I like stockalike concept of design. May be somethings need to be improved (textures), but anyway - it is best MOD that I'd seen, which implement stockalike parts from real life. How about USA, ESA and others stockalike parts in the future?


Textures, some are due an overhaul (Proton, LK and TKS capsule), yeah :)

Hmm, maybe you could rescale Cygnus to be 1.25 meters. It would still be smaller than the ATV, but it would be much closer to its actual size. I have always thought of the small docking nodes being like the docking ports used in Soyuz, ATV, and the shuttle, and the medium sized ones as beig like the Common Berthing Mechanism, which Cygnus, HTV, Dragon, and all of the modules in the USOS use.
Well, the description of the junior docking node says that it's too small for kerbals to pass through, so I don't think that's how the devs envisioned it. Of course, that doesn't mean that it can't be used that way. I fully support rescaling the cygnus to 1.25m, though.
The problem with that is the Progress/Hamal is a 1.25 sized unmanned cargo craft resizing the cygnus/pollux to 1.25 would break the three unmanned cargo vessesls small->medium->large relation ship. Kerbals have been fitted to spaces smaller than a .625m cylinder(see USI exploration pack) but unlike the ATV there wouldn't be much room left for cargo and dynamic crew capacity based on whether you are carrying cargo is "plugin that get broken on an update" turf. That being said how about instead of trying to cram the kerbal inside we give the cygnus a built in external command seat? :D

It's been brought up before, the Cygnus size. passinglurker has it right, the sizes are to maintain a hierarchy of sizes between supply vessels (Such that a HTV would fit nicely in 1.875m).

The docking port size, I thought it best considering Kerbal size compared to human. The ports they squeeze through on the ISS are very small.

In the end, I know not everyone likes the liberties taken with sizes of supply vessels and would prefer realism. - Hopefully we can solve that with MM Tweaks.

Also on the subject of automated cargo vessels how much like the HTV would the ATV look if you lost the nose cone and added a hollow segment with cargo bay doors in between the capsule and the engine?

The Fuji is lonely... But I would rather do HTV brand new! :)

Beale: I have used your mod for a while and it is AMAZING. Also, that is a really good ATV IVA.

Thanks! Much appreciated. :)

ATV IVA, doing it from scratch again (Though the style will remain very similar to old one)!


Due to some major changes being needed.

Since it's kinda welcomed, I can make a small MM config to rescale Cygnus to 1.25 (or 1.875?) without replacing the old one.

That would be fantastic!

I had in mind a "Goodies" folder attached to every Tantares download that would contain some of these popular tweaks requested (Cygnus to 1.25m, different Electric charges for Vostok and etc...)

Hrm, I've been fiddling with adding the crossfeed module to various parts and nothing seems to help. I get the 'enable/disable fuel crossfeed' button on the tank in the editor, but the fuel still won't flow.

Does anybody have a working example they would be willing to share?

In slightly related suggestion territory, I did eventually convert the spheroid tank into a TAC LS oxygen container, since the spherical tanks were apparently used to hold atmosphere as well as fuel on the real Vostok/Voskhod vessel.

I would really like to help with this, but I am not so sure.

Any chance you could post the configs you have edited? I'll take a look and see...

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ATV IVA, doing it from scratch again (Though the style will remain very similar to old one)!


Due to some major changes being needed.

OOH! Oh! pick me! *waves arm like little kid in a class room*

You should put one of the kerbals on top of a stack of cargo looking out the window for docking visibility, and semi-improved seating reasons

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I had in mind a "Goodies" folder attached to every Tantares download that would contain some of these popular tweaks requested (Cygnus to 1.25m, different Electric charges for Vostok and etc...)

This would be nice to see. Would it be possible to make a tweak which adds a larger, three seat Soyuz? The IVA for the TKS VA capsule could be used for the DM.

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Vostok can be an ideal satellite bus for early RT commsats, like my Foton:


8 of them are on 150km equatorial orbit, and are used to control orbital test launches.

Another 6 of them are on 1000km orbit, and are used as a bridge from LKO to KSO.

(Terrible overdesign and probably a waste of money, but I don't like the very idea of sending manned flights to deploy a commsat.)

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Finally able to show the first mission to Kalmaz 1


Launch of TKS spacecraft on a Proton


The rendezvous window was at night, so I didnt get very many good images of the ascent.:P

This is one of the better ones, after first stage separation and escape tower jettison


Orbit achieved, the third stage was mostly useless, I probably could have put this ship in orbit using only the first and second stages.


Rendezvous took about three or four hours to complete, which in my opinion is quite good, especially considering the altitude and inclination of the orbit.


Approaching Kalmaz 1


The clearance between the solar arrays worried me at first. I forgot to test to make sure that the FGB could dock at the aft port


Clearance is a little tight, but it fits.


Beginning reconnaissance operations. Kalmaz 1 has several other cameras onboard, I just took the screenshot from this camera because the filter looks cool.:D


Kalmaz sees all, knows all, feels all.

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