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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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It's back there!

Ehm, check the sheet soon, I'll probably chuck down the parts I think it will need.

But basically it is in line behind N-1 > LK > PPTS > Angara > Titan (Poor Titan).

If you're reading this: That's right! I actually have a road map for this thing, finally!

N-1 - Tantares Munar Launch Vehicle

PPTS - Cassiopeia

Angara - Cassiopeia Launch Vehicle

Titan - Spica (?) Launch Vehicle (as the files in the GEMINI part folder show it as Spica)

Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

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supposedly the only guy to fly it inadvertently broke the sound barrier, but because of ww2 the guinness book of world records or whatever people weren't on hand so the spot in the history books went to chuck instead. ;)


Movietime is fun:



Images from the launch of my K-1 sounding rocket, the first of my career with the glorious UKKR, detailed here:


Nice little album!

I really should try out movie time :)

Please goddamn make sure that there is a Blok-D included!

Kraken also forgive me for this

Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

It won't be with the N-1, the Blok-D will be included with the LK revamp.

Finally sat down and made a proper MTK-VP, my favorite alt-history space shuttle.


- - - Updated - - -

Directly Ascented:


So cool!

It's a shame lifting bodies don't work so great, but it looks like a functional little thing!

Beale can you make a Buran engine just as a castor part because we have enough Shuttle Parts to make a nice Buran but we only miss an engine. (Maybe a nosecone too?)

BTW wings and gears come in the next update so even better!

I guess you main space shuttle engine? The Buran didn't really have massive gimballing engines, but only "small" OMS.


Definitely a nice idea, maybe :)

N-1 - Tantares Munar Launch Vehicle

PPTS - Cassiopeia

Angara - Cassiopeia Launch Vehicle

Titan - Spica (?) Launch Vehicle (as the files in the GEMINI part folder show it as Spica)

Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

N-1 = LLV Libra Launch Vehicle

PPTS - Centaurus

Angara - CLV Centaurus Launch Vehicle

Titan - SLV


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Tantares .craft Files v1.1 Dropbox Download!

(Simplified models, reduced part counts, improved authenticity, consistent FGB's, additional .crafts.)

Imgur album:


  • ATV – Capella
  • Cygnus – Pollux
  • Fuji – Polaris
  • Apollo with Docking Module
  • Progress – Hamal
  • Soyuz-TMA – Tantares
  • Soyuz-7K-LOK – Tantares 'Farshot'
  • Shenzhou – Mianbao
  • TKS - Crew – Alnair
  • TKS - Cargo – Alnair
  • Vostok – Almach Ballistic Capsule
  • Stayputnik

  • Salyut (Almaz) – Vega
  • Salyut 4 – Vega
  • Salyut 6 and 7 – Vega

  • Mir Core Module
  • Mir Kvant-1 Module
  • Mir Kvant-2 Module
  • Mir Kristall Module
  • Mir Priroda Module
  • Mir Spektr Module

  • 'Drakon' (Dragon clone)
  • 'Khleb' (Sentient bread)
  • Minotaur (from alternate history)

  • Zarya FGB
  • Zvezda Service Module
  • Nauka MLM (planned module)

  • Soyuz FG R-7 Rocket
  • Protok-K (for all large modules)

  • Gemini – Tantini (once it's a little more proven)
  • Poisk, Rassvet, Pirs, and Mir Docking Module (waiting for the right parts to get made...)
  • Mir-2 Modules (one day...)
  • PPTS (coming soon...)
  • N-1 (http://i.imgur.com/XkVToWM.gif)
  • HTV
  • LK Once it's finished cooking in the Beale part-kitchen...


  • Procedural Fairings
  • RLA_Stockalile (Only for Apollo)
  • TweakScale (Sorry, there were a few things that just had to get scaled to be accurate)

Pictures are purely informative, I can't run full textures or enhancement mods, so if you grab any nice shots, put them up!

Should be good for posting if you like, Beale. I've nitpicked and completely redone every .craft enough times over, so they should be fairly authentic. :wink:

Please nitpick and critique! :)

Only things I can think of that would interfere would be TweakableEverything and Animated Decouplers. I'll troubleshoot the Kerbal way...

First, Beale, thanks for the mod and curtquarquesso for all of the craft files. I am however unable to load as there are parts missing. the parts seem to all start with ALV. ?????

what am i missing??? I have tweakscale and PF ..

thanks for any help.

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Nice little album!

I really should try out movie time :)

It won't be with the N-1, the Blok-D will be included with the LK revamp.

So cool!

It's a shame lifting bodies don't work so great, but it looks like a functional little thing!

I guess you main space shuttle engine? The Buran didn't really have massive gimballing engines, but only "small" OMS.


Definitely a nice idea, maybe :)

N-1 = LLV Libra Launch Vehicle

PPTS - Centaurus

Angara - CLV Centaurus Launch Vehicle

Titan - SLV


I know the buran I meant the oms. It looks better than that giant ugly shuttle engine.

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First, Beale, thanks for the mod and curtquarquesso for all of the craft files. I am however unable to load as there are parts missing. the parts seem to all start with ALV. ?????

what am i missing??? I have tweakscale and PF ..

thanks for any help.

Had me worried there for a bit! Thanks to dimovski for working the problem. :)

Be sure to let me know how they fly, I could use the feedback! I was unable to intensively test every craft file. Each one should be solid for at least LKO.

Edited by curtquarquesso
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I know the buran I meant the oms. It looks better than that giant ugly shuttle engine.

Ah okay.

Hmm, Have you tried the Fuji engines?

Me dumb.....

I thought the LV was for 'light version' , less detail....


many thanks....

That's an interesting point.

Though a little too late for a name change now :sealed:

2,700 Polygons (Most ever!)

What has science done?


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oooooooooooooooooh lovely

Thanks :)



Hey Beale, regarding the N-1 you seem to be going with the black textures, right? Is there any chance that you might also include the white/tan version as an alternative texture? I really liked that variation.

I suppose so, it's quite a simple edit to do! :)

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*grumbles* He must've hired some modellers with all the øýþÑÂтрðýýþù òðûютõ he gained whilst making stuff for the capitalist pigdogs. */grumbles*

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