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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [16.1][28.05.2024][Mars Expedition WIP]


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13th April 1970: the day that Apollo 13 had it's accident when one of it's oxygen tanks exploded due to a fualty coil that sparked during sturring of the tanks.

Well, I was referring to April 12th, 1961, the date of the Vostok 1 mission, 54 years ago today. I suppose I forgot about time zones, it must be April 13 in some places already.

Edit: I almost forgot, STS-1 began on this day as well, 34 years ago

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Hello, you got the semiorka core and you can litteraly do anything with it, from spoutnik to molniya, vostok, soyuz... Be sure to use procedural fairings ! :D

The colours of the R-7 parts are most used to launch soyuz rockets anyway :P

I just put some fins and vernier engines on it and called it a Molniya to be honest. :P

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Not really "shut down-able", but have the ability to blow out a thrust redirect-dispersion hole(s)..

I will try to find pics and documentation.

Once solid candle is lit, it stays lit, until no more go juice/powder/goo.....

Actually might be an interesting avenue (I.E. you can switch modes, and stop gaining velocity, but still burn off all fuel!).

That pol launcher looks pretty close to release.

I have five dollars that says Beale is just teasing us, and has it (and probably PPTS and other stuff) done and ready to release, but is sitting there laughing at us with his mouse cursor hovering over the "upload" button :D

Ask and ye shall receive (see below!) :)

Yes, there is one that i know of: SpaceShipOne has a hybrid rocket

Nice info!

I had no idea.

Being able to bee shut down and restarted (but not throttled) is beyond the capability of many modern liquid fueled rocket engines, and equalled by almost all of them.

That's true, but relatively speaking: Being throttle-locked still puts it at a disadvantage compared to almost all other KSP engines.

To be honest, I would like (I think I would anyway) a little more realism with engine ignitions and such (in stock game).

Nah, must be another Bread-friend's poochie. :rolleyes:

Mine (Expertly cropped and very off-topic, end-of dog-talk to stay the wrath of the mods):


Also! I notice you didn't have a picture for the L3 assembly, so maybe you could use this too?




I'm sorry if this has been diskussed already. There´s over 600 pages and I have probably missed some.

There is a problem with the LARJ engine being really overpowered. It is possible (and not very hard) to build an SSO rocket with space for seven kerbals (!) that can start from Kerbin, go to Eeloo and return without refuelling, twice (!!), by using the LARJ engine. Furter more, the amount of energy needed can be provided by batteries alone during ascent through the atmosphere (I use around 3000 units of electricity for six engines).

I think there is a misunderstanding about the limits of resitojet augmented engines that needs to be adressed. A fairly normal resistojet thruster has a thrust of around 0.5 N using 750 W of Power. This can easily be increased to 1 N by using chemical combustion of around 1 kW and then heating it further with 750 W of electrical power. The problems are that there is an upper limit to the temperatures you can handle as well as how much propellant flow the resistojet can handle.

Let's first make two three assumptions that will break immediately when applied to real world physics.

1. There is no upper limit to how hot emission gases we can handle in the resistojet.

2. The temperature increase is linear to the amount of electrical power we use for heating.

3. The exhaust of a chemical rocket has the same molecular weight as hydrogen gas. :-)

If, under those assumptions, we have a resistojet that produces 0.5 N at 750 W we can built a 25 N thruster using 37.5 kW of electricity. We could do this either by heating 50 times as much reaction mass or by heating it to a temperature that is about 50 times higher (creating a massive increase in Isp).

If we have a chemical rocket of 0.5 N using we could heat that exhaust gas and double the exhaust velocity to produce 1 N thust by adding 750 W of resistojet augmentation.

To make a 18 kN resistojet with an Isp of 600 s, we would then have to provide an amount of chemical fuel that provides is burned at a temperature of around 4000 K to achieve the first 400 s of Isp, and then heat it 50% more to 6000 K to get our 600 s Isp. That means that we will have to provide around 6 kN extra thrust using electricity which equates to around 12 MW (!) of electrical power.

When applying real world physics we will probably melt the parts of the engine that cannot be cooled (the resistor), we will further more have a much heavier exhaust than hydrogen, for example water, and even with all that not taken into account we need to have batteries capable of providing 12 MW of power for three minutes to get to a low Kerbin orbit.

In short. The engine has far too high thrust and/or too low electrical consumption. As the engine is based on, and balanced against (the also severely overpowered) RLA resistojet, we cannot make it realistic without making it obsolete in game terms. What could be done is to reduce the thrust increase of the LARJ mode to 12 kN and not reducing the electrical need compared to the normal resistojet mode (it is halved now which there is no reason for). It's still hilariously OP, but that problem has to be adressed in the RLA mod too.

I haven't play tested the change but I guess it would require more than double the battery power to get to orbit, and probably halve my delta-V. I can still fly my SSO to Eeloo and back, but only once. :-)

I began reading and thought "Oh dear, I've included the cheat config again".

But, no, this is the real deal!

I think electric engines in KSP just exist in a different universe, they're no fun without being ridiculously 'unengineerable' (English?).

Though I do appreciate the write up you've made here, some good points (especially on the heating front). :)

Your proposed changes sound pretty nice, whilst still keeping the LARJ fun to use, I'll give it a look.

Hi, I don't know if this was already answered elsewhere, and if it was, sorry if it's being asked again, but I'd like to ask if there's a way to reenable KAS storage functionality in the present Tantares release (instead of KIS)? As much as KIS carries greater advantages, I don't know if I want to use it yet, at least until it and EPL can play nice. Also considering I can't trust myself around file edits, in case that is the solution, I want to be sure I'm plugging in the right module in the right way. Thanks in advance for any help!

I'm sorry to say I don'y have them anymore. If someone else can provide them, all is well. :)

Beale, small thing I noticed with the solar panels: They appear to have the raycast transform very very close to the base of the panel, so they get blocked by parts of the vessel that stick out slightly.

Would it be possible to move the raycast transform to the center of each panel? (I have no idea how many are affected, I only tested the V-SA and the V-MNP)

Here's what I mean:

http://i.imgur.com/RnrYx5I.pngOf the 7 panels on the station itself, only 3 of them (the 2 V-SAs and the bottom right V-MNP) are producing power, and as you can see, there are shadows only at the base.

Ah okay!

Yeah, this will be reasonably easy to fix (You can do it yourself in the meantine), change in config reference from "Panel1" to "Panel2" or "Panel3", etc.

Thanks for finding.


Truth is, it is pretty much close to finished, apart from a bit of polish (Engine fairings, descriptions and etc.)

Grab it here.


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Ah okay!

Yeah, this will be reasonably easy to fix (You can do it yourself in the meantine), change in config reference from "Panel1" to "Panel2" or "Panel3", etc.

Thanks for finding.

Works perfectly for the V-MNP, but it seems the V-SA only has a "Panel" transform and no "Panel1" or so. I guess because it extends differently? (The problem isn't as bad for it though)

Thanks for the help! (And the Antares!)

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And it's incidents like that one that give me the belief that SpaceX is the superior commercial company. Unless CRS-6 explodes tomorrow or something.

Maybe if my computer gets fixed, I will try and learn Wings3D so I can attempt a Dragon V1. I'm tired of waiting, so I'll just do it myself.

No promises though, it depends on how hard it turns out to be, how long it will take, and how much motivation I still have by the time Toshiba fixes my machine.

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Cool Antares rocket!



Works perfectly for the V-MNP, but it seems the V-SA only has a "Panel" transform and no "Panel1" or so. I guess because it extends differently? (The problem isn't as bad for it though)

Thanks for the help! (And the Antares!)


Yes, some of the parts have more lazy-named panel transforms.

Ehm, at risk of a crash I wouldn't edit those.

I'll try and get a fix out soon.

And it's incidents like that one that give me the belief that SpaceX is the superior commercial company. Unless CRS-6 explodes tomorrow or something.

Maybe if my computer gets fixed, I will try and learn Wings3D so I can attempt a Dragon V1. I'm tired of waiting, so I'll just do it myself.

No promises though, it depends on how hard it turns out to be, how long it will take, and how much motivation I still have by the time Toshiba fixes my machine.

I'm quite fond of Orbital ATK, they seem a little less crazy than SpaceX (Though nothing wrong with a bit of crazy).

Speaking of...

New Cygnus.

A minor revamp, I'll call it. But the new texture offers a bit more fidelity.



Fairings go!


Um I've been using the last KAS config on the latest tantares packs and it seems to work fine. (Today's release not withstanding I haven't gotten it yet. )

Ah! That's good to know.

Yes, you may also find that KAS configs in the KerbalStuff changelog, for all who need them.

- - - Updated - - -

TantaresLV 7.0 Release


- Added Antares rocket and Castor SRB.


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I started a project... (mostly used your mods + TweakScales + Infernal Robotics + various bits from here and there coupled with some edited cgf by me):



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Hi, I don't know if this was already answered elsewhere, and if it was, sorry if it's being asked again, but I'd like to ask if there's a way to reenable KAS storage functionality in the present Tantares release (instead of KIS)? As much as KIS carries greater advantages, I don't know if I want to use it yet, at least until it and EPL can play nice. Also considering I can't trust myself around file edits, in case that is the solution, I want to be sure I'm plugging in the right module in the right way. Thanks in advance for any help!

If you have ModuleManager (like I think you have), and because I still haven't switched to KIS (my career mode, from previously 0.24-0.25 saves, it's too much "old KAS" related and I'll probably start a new one only from 1.0 release and onward) I can help our fellow Beale:

I redone the KAS dependecies for mostly of the Tantares ships for my use (from old releases and some assumptions of mine):


Feel free to use them :D

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*flops dead due to an overdose of awesomeness at too long a time*
Beale: You, sir, are amazing.

That is all.

Beale, you've outdone yourself. Take a break from makingn things. We're patient (:

Many thanks!

I started a project... (mostly used your mods + TweakScales + Infernal Robotics + various bits from here and there coupled with some edited cgf by me):



Nice stuff!

I like the robotics use a lot in this :)

I had an idea to weaponize the Castor, but then I remembered that I cannot do it right now

Damn you, Toshiba!

Don't leave me hanging!

With the antares/SOAR/pol combo, I was able to get a Cygnus to Duna :)

Couldn't slow down for orbit, but got a pretty close flyby!

It is quite capable, at least when the Cygnus is empty!

What happened to the Almach IVA?

Actually, the Vostok IVA in particular was deleted mistakenly - but, it needed a new one anyway, so...


More modest Cygnus revamp.

The node-positions are being kept exactly the same, no save-breaking.

All except the solar panels, which will now have 3 sections, rather than 2.





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The new Cygnus looks awesome! Great choice for the color of the pressureized module. Keep that one around for future stuff. I really like it. Is it possible we could get an alternatively textured gold-foiled propulsion module packaged in there when you ship it out?

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The new Cygnus looks awesome! Great choice for the color of the pressureized module. Keep that one around for future stuff. I really like it. Is it possible we could get an alternatively textured gold-foiled propulsion module packaged in there when you ship it out?


And possible, is quite a simple recolour:


As for the default colour, thanks. I wouldn't mind moving the ATV to that colour scheme (I.E. a bit more dull and scratchy) to get a beige family started.


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Nice new Cygnus! :) To be frank, I've only launched one or two probes/satellites since I first started playing KSP over a year ago. Just comes down to my preference of playing style. To me unmanned stuff lack the appeal, there are a few exceptions though.

EDIT: Nice alternate texture. :D

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Nice new Cygnus! :) To be frank' date=' I've only launched one or two probes/satellites since I first started playing KSP over a year ago. Just comes down to my preference of playing style. To me unmanned stuff lack the appeal, there are a few exceptions though.

EDIT: Nice alternate texture. :D[/quote']


And nice to hear :)

Solar panel



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There is an expanded version of Cygnus planned to be launched with round panels instead of rectangular ones. Would you consider making those? They would be great for old Orion like ships.


Sorry I can't directly embed the image, phone interface is stupid.

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