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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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  tg626 said:
The ALN decoupler needs it node moved a hair. It overlaps attached parts.

  1. ALN Decoupler overlaps attached parts - misplaced nodes
  2. ALN Decoupler does not fire via Spacebar
  3. Capella Engine makes funky sounds
  4. Capella Engine looses all sounds and visual effects
  5. Capella Engine exploded from over heating with no overheat bar showing at about 175Km while doing a deorbit burn :huh:
  6. Capella Docking port appears to be an attachment point (yellow arrow and X - looks like you are supposed to place a docking port on it?) and not a docking port, although it does work as a docking port.

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  tg626 said:
The ALN decoupler needs it node moved a hair. It overlaps attached parts.

Thanks! Will check it out.

  passinglurker said:
As soon as I saw the V2 I had to do this...


Thank Goodspeed, Biotronic, and the almighty kraken for tweakscale. Though I don't suppose there is an unpainted V2 texture lying around somewhere? Or a painted Spektr? :wink:

Ooh! That's quite a creative use of it! I'm surprised the curve continues so well.

  curtquarquesso said:
Could use a little help designing the FGB for the Mir and ISS modules. I'm trying to make them all as consistent, accurate, and versatile as possible so I don't have to design six or so of them...

Which FGB for the Kvant-2 looks more accurate?


I am eagerly waiting to fly these!

I'd say "long", but I'm no expert...

  tg626 said:
  1. ALN Decoupler overlaps attached parts - misplaced nodes
  2. ALN Decoupler does not fire via Spacebar
  3. Capella Engine makes funky sounds
  4. Capella Engine looses all sounds and visual effects
  5. Capella Engine exploded from over heating with no overheat bar showing at about 175Km while doing a deorbit burn :huh:
  6. Capella Docking port appears to be an attachment point (yellow arrow and X - looks like you are supposed to place a docking port on it?) and not a docking port, although it does work as a docking port.

More bug hunting!

Many thanks for these :)

All the Capella issues are new to me, but I do not check it so much, so I will check it out!

Capella attachment point, yeah it's awkward, but you need to be able to put it on the rocket somehow.

  tg626 said:
Here's what I made with the new Spectre:


Cool name!

It looks a bit like the Apollo D2

I like to think the Spektr looks a little like:

1937 Phantom Corsair, so the name is a good fit!


And, you have caused quite a stir with your nose-to-butt docking! :wink:

  halowraith1 said:
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but maybe you could extend on the V2 rocket by making parts for the other major Aggregate vehicles (A-10, A-11, A-12), maybe as a separate pack?

I'm afraid it's not on the cards, the V2 is just a fun small project :)

  Djolox said:
Not very happy about burn lenght, would like to get the A-4/V-2 for the Sounding Rocket,(Want to use it as an ICBM muahaha!)

Double the ISP! (It's terrible at the moment) :)


It now becomes clear the Spektr was just texturing practice.



Is it obvious what it is? I'm not sure it's obvious...

Edited by Beale
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  pTrevTrevs said:
It looks a little too pointy for Gemini. What size is the bottom node? If it's 1.9 or whatever size the VA is, maybe it would look better with 1.25 meter top node.

Every possible size was tried, 0.625m is by far the best compromise.

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I'm a long-time lurker of this thread (I love these parts so much - KSP feels so empty without them) but I thought I'd chip in on the Gemini pod: I love the colour and the texturing, but I think to get it looking more definitely Gemini-looking you should increase the size of the windows quite a bit. I know how annoying that is to do when you've already modeled and textured everything but at the moment the proportions are the only thing stopping it from screaming 'Gemini!' as soon as you see it.

Still, fantastic. I'm in awe of your texturing skills and the sheer rate you work at!

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Are you sure those windows are gonna be big enough? one of the gemini's plus sides was that it was a fighter pilots spacecraft and had good forward visibility. I'm having a hard time fathoming a tall kerbal head seeing clearly out of one of those windows like they do in the FASA gemini or Corvus Gemini mods.

other than that its looking really good from my perspective n_n

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  benjee10 said:
I'm a long-time lurker of this thread (I love these parts so much - KSP feels so empty without them) but I thought I'd chip in on the Gemini pod: I love the colour and the texturing, but I think to get it looking more definitely Gemini-looking you should increase the size of the windows quite a bit. I know how annoying that is to do when you've already modeled and textured everything but at the moment the proportions are the only thing stopping it from screaming 'Gemini!' as soon as you see it.

Still, fantastic. I'm in awe of your texturing skills and the sheer rate you work at!

Many thanks, I am glad you like them! (I have a small obsession with Interstellar now, so keep developing your mod! :) )

Windows, you have a point for sure.

There is possible for a small size increase, without reworking the texture much, but I am still not so sure...


  passinglurker said:
Are you sure those windows are gonna be big enough? one of the gemini's plus sides was that it was a fighter pilots spacecraft and had good forward visibility. I'm having a hard time fathoming a tall kerbal head seeing clearly out of one of those windows like they do in the FASA gemini or Corvus Gemini mods. other than that its looking really good from my perspective n_n

Thanks! But, yes I think you have the same point. Ehm, time for a window review.

Edited by Beale
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To me it would have good visibility when the window channels carved into the side of the craft are deep enough to reach the tip(this is a trait both the fasa and corvus gemini share) basically if you ran a .625 cylinder through the center of the craft the deepest part of the window would touch it if not go deeper at that point the window would in theory be big enough to give good forward visibility with tall kerbal heads (might also be something to think about when it comes time to IVA the spektr also though unlike the gemini the spektr doesn't have a reputation to uphold...)

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  CrisK said:
I built a quick VTOL SSTO spaceplane/ballistic missile using the new LV rocket. :D

Shortly after taking off the nosecone/Pavonics AC-1 pod started moving forward and floating in the air in front of the plane. The distance got further as I flew around! Crazy Tantares engineering.


That is the one use of these parts I did not expect! But very nice!

The cone: that's super weird, I can ask what mods you use, but it could be anything.

  passinglurker said:
To me it would have good visibility when the window channels carved into the side of the craft are deep enough to reach the tip(this is a trait both the fasa and corvus gemini share) basically if you ran a .625 cylinder through the center of the craft the deepest part of the window would touch it if not go deeper at that point the window would in theory be big enough to give good forward visibility with tall kerbal heads (might also be something to think about when it comes time to IVA the spektr also though unlike the gemini the spektr doesn't have a reputation to uphold...)

Yeah, It was a small choice to not extend the windows to the end, I do understand what you are saying here though.

Here is what I can mockup in Unity for window visibility. Viewing forward out of the right hand window.


Very vague recreation of this photo:


So, it is not so bad I think, not quite as wide FOV as in reality, but "good enough".

The Corvus, FASA Gemini and Radish have all set high standards in this craft, so I am being fairly playful with the style and shape a bit.

This is all just my opinion.

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Just changing the windows slightly like that has greatly helped I think. Looks very Gemini now! Visibility looks good too.

Will you be making the service module too? The Gemini spacecraft has always been my favourite of the capsules, has that retro vibe as well as looking somewhat more futuristic than Mercury or Apollo did.

(also the fact that you knew about the Interstellar mod made me squee a little inside. Stay awesome Beale, stay awesome)

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  benjee10 said:
Just changing the windows slightly like that has greatly helped I think. Looks very Gemini now! Visibility looks good too.

Will you be making the service module too? The Gemini spacecraft has always been my favourite of the capsules, has that retro vibe as well as looking somewhat more futuristic than Mercury or Apollo did.

(also the fact that you knew about the Interstellar mod made me squee a little inside. Stay awesome Beale, stay awesome)

Of course! Yeah!

Very ugly placeholder models! :)

The nose is slightly shorter than IRL, but it is proportional to the now slightly smaller top diameter.

May play around with this.

Let me also mention: This is the replacement American spacecraft for the old D2/Spica, marking that craft officially dead, sorry to fans of it!


Still playing with window size, it may actually go much bigger, but there are some texture distortion troubles.


You stay awesome! I want to fly a Ranger so badly.

Edited by Beale
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  Beale said:
Yeah, It was a small choice to not extend the windows to the end, I do understand what you are saying here though.

Here is what I can mockup in Unity for window visibility. Viewing forward out of the right hand window.


Very vague recreation of this photo:


So, it is not so bad I think, not quite as wide FOV as in reality, but "good enough".

The Corvus, FASA Gemini and Radish have all set high standards in this craft, so I am being fairly playful with the style and shape a bit.

This is all just my opinion.

is that view from where the kerbals eyes will be and are you certain the head won't clip through the ceiling? thats the big concern really orionkerman didn't take this into consideration when he made the radish and as a result it had poor visibility(a mistake he made sure to avoid when he made the corvus thankfully)

  Beale said:

Very ugly placeholder models! :)

The nose is slightly shorter than IRL, but it is proportional to the now slightly smaller top diameter.

May play around with this.

Let me also mention: This is the replacement American spacecraft for the old D2/Spica, marking that craft officially dead, sorry to fans of it!


Still playing with window size, it may actually go much bigger, but there are some texture distortion troubles.


You stay awesome! I want to fly a Ranger so badly.

does that mean the bottom of the gemini is gonna be an odd size or its service module/nose? or is that mockup so ugly its not reflective of final part sizes?

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  passinglurker said:
is that view from where the kerbals eyes will be and are you certain the head won't clip through the ceiling? thats the big concern really orionkerman didn't take this into consideration when he made the radish and as a result it had poor visibility(a mistake he made sure to avoid when he made the corvus thankfully)

does that mean the bottom of the gemini is gonna be an odd size or its service module/nose? or is that mockup so ugly its not reflective of final part sizes?

Basically the view in the mockup is for when you double click the window, standard IVA seating views will not be like that (instead more focused on the control panels, etc.)

The bottom of the Gemini will be a 2.5m node, lemme mockup a "Titan" rocket for you!

TKS placeholders for Gemini "Skirt"


AB Launchers Beta!

Many thanks to hoojiwana for tidying up the configs and pulling this beta together so soon!

I hope you folks enjoy it!

Now get those Buran flying!

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