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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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After further investigation its both mods its strange the bottom node is there but it deletes the top one im not sure how tweak scale or tweakable anything could be messing with that there's no configs for it i think.

Edit I got tweak scale to work now onto tweakable everything the problem with tweakscale was that i had not installed ksp recall

Edited by Jim123
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Is anyone using Tantares in JNSQ?  If so, how are you getting a Soyuz spacecraft into orbit with a soyuz rocket?  For me, the 1st stage after booster separation is underpowered and the whole craft just ends up staying in the atmosphere.  The Proton on the other hand seems fine as is.

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Regular Soyuz-U has more than enough dV to get into 500km orbit in JNSQ, RV with a station and return - that's the mission I was doing when I took that screenshot earlier today.  It does need a bit of a lofted trajectory because of the low TWR on the core stage after booster sep.  You could try aiming for a higher orbit perhaps?

Edited by Friznit
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  On 6/17/2020 at 8:48 PM, CaptKordite said:

Almaz RKK-B Phase 2


Sweet! I love Almaz!

  On 6/17/2020 at 8:52 PM, MashAndBangers said:

Is anyone using Tantares in JNSQ?  If so, how are you getting a Soyuz spacecraft into orbit with a soyuz rocket?  For me, the 1st stage after booster separation is underpowered and the whole craft just ends up staying in the atmosphere.  The Proton on the other hand seems fine as is.


I have played a little JNSQ and I can echo what you say, it is unoptomized in some areas of TWR - but, I would echo Friznit that you can do okay with a tweaked trajectory.



New rotation RCS


If you followed this mod for a while you know I like to swap in and out the flags pretty often with releases.
The previous flag, bootleg iceland,  is gone. Bootleg rainbow is here!
So, if you like the old flag, back it up.





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  On 6/19/2020 at 1:21 AM, alberro+ said:

Looks rad!


Speaking of Russian station modules, are the antennas on Zarya meant to be extended? They always break during ascent.


which antennas are these? All should be launched in the stowed position, even if inside a fairing (unfortunately).



Mir tiny antennae, one fixed, one folding (30, 60, 90 degree variant options for folding).



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  On 6/19/2020 at 3:19 PM, Beale said:

which antennas are these? All should be launched in the stowed position, even if inside a fairing (unfortunately).


Can’t provide an image right now, but I’ll try my best to describe them. 
I believe right beside the rear docking port of Zarya, there are two radially places antennas. If you keep them extended, they break during ascent, but if they’re retracted, they just collide with the decoupler.

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  On 6/19/2020 at 6:14 PM, alberro+ said:

Can’t provide an image right now, but I’ll try my best to describe them. 
I believe right beside the rear docking port of Zarya, there are two radially places antennas. If you keep them extended, they break during ascent, but if they’re retracted, they just collide with the decoupler.


I think I will need a screenshot, unfortunately I don't understand.

Zarya should have two Kurs antenna, actually maybe not even the deployable kind, need to check.


New antennas, new cream docking ports, new other stuff.


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  On 6/20/2020 at 2:28 PM, Jokkis said:

In the parts list it says that the N1's third stage's name, "kampøks" means something but we don't have technology to translate it.

well, kampøks is the norwegian word for battle axe.


Now you need to translate the other 300 part names :wink:

I made some cheeky choices for some of them.

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Poll up, go nuts.



  On 6/21/2020 at 10:10 AM, adriangm44 said:

Does anyone know where I can find the craft files for the russian iss segment?

Only using Tantares, not TantaresLV. Is that possible?


I actually just made a Zarya craft for testing, unfortunately I did not save that. Hopefully someone else can help you.


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List of craft that more or less arent up to date with the current artstyle (relative to 21.2)



METEOR (arguably)

MIR (currently wip)

MIR-37K (currently wip)

NEP (currently wip)


SALYUT (arguably)



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Edit: Is it possible to add lights animation to endcaps?

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  On 6/20/2020 at 9:00 PM, Beale said:

Now you need to translate the other 300 part names :wink:

I made some cheeky choices for some of them.


Here is the full list of the parts i could translate:
Branntemmet  - Fire tamed
Gnisttemmet  - Spark tamed
Tordenvær    - Thunderstorm
Tordenvær-L  - Thunderstorm... -L?
Regn         - Rain
Duskregn     - Drizzle
Fjær         - Feather
Eremittkreps - Hermit crayfish
Kongekrabbe  - King crab
Vindkast     - Gust
Lynnedslag   - Lightning strike
Dolk         - Dagger
Kampøks      - Battle axe
Sverdstav    - Sword rod 
Komfyr       - Stove
Snøfonn      - Snowdrift
RødSnøfonn   - Red snowdrift
Kamel        - Camel
Hageugle     - Garden owl
Litenugle    - Little owl
Hagehval     - Garden whale

Any other stuff:
(To lazy to translate the other mod)

Alot of these were just two random words put together or i don't know the word.

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  On 6/21/2020 at 5:35 PM, Jokkis said:

Maybe, or it's that i speak norwegian myself.


Kanskje du kan hjelpe meg, når jeg trenger nye navn! :D
Navnene jeg velger er vanligvis tilfeldige. nylig prøvde jeg å velge mer humoristiske navn, men jeg er italiensk og gjør noen feil.

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  On 6/21/2020 at 6:38 PM, Beale said:

Kanskje du kan hjelpe meg, når jeg trenger nye navn! :D
Navnene jeg velger er vanligvis tilfeldige. nylig prøvde jeg å velge mer humoristiske navn, men jeg er italiensk og gjør noen feil.


Beklager, men jeg kan ikke hjelpe deg når det kommer til å lage nye navn.

Jeg er ikke særlig god på å finne opp kreative navn. Så jeg tror at det blir best at du finner opp selv.

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  On 6/21/2020 at 7:35 PM, Jokkis said:

Beklager, men jeg kan ikke hjelpe deg når det kommer til å lage nye navn.

Jeg er ikke særlig god på å finne opp kreative navn. Så jeg tror at det blir best at du finner opp selv.


Ikke noe problem. Det er fremdeles nyttig at du har gitt tilbakemelding - fra en morsmål, jeg er bare en språk elev, takk :) 


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