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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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if you need to change the poll, you don't need to call for help

My prayers, answered.

@Beale: balance your rockets against STOCK parts and atmospheric model. there is no sense in balancing it for FAR or NEAR (espacily 1.0 is around teh corner) most people only use stock atmos model and it wpuld be a shame if tehy get underpowered rockets...

and every stock rocket is overpowered for FAR and NEAR.

Yep, that's the plan currently, and going forward :)

And I agree, a Poisk/Rassvet would be really cool! I hope the docking module won't be orange however...

PS:Could you actually be going for a physics bachelor or master? And you got time for building such beautiful parts?! Are you a god or something?

(Yeah, I'd like to study physics but I'm really unsure if someone with a miserable IQ of 120 (yes, yes, not really an accurate measurement of intelligence...) could pull off such a thing with decent enough marks to work for the industry)

Orange? No no no... :)

But I'm thinking about making it with a thermal blanket texture of some kind.

I'm studying for a master, but physics? no way! I can't do general physics so well (apart from N-body stuff for my thesis).

It's computer science of course! The most useless of all degrees!

I have plenty of free time, sometimes. And sometimes, not so much, in between work and study.

Study physics! Do it.

It's no matter of IQ (which is pretty discredited for anything more than finding if people have mental disabilities, as far as I understand), but it is just a matter of your focus and enthusiasm for the subject.

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the "mesh=" thing does not work for me - because more than one mesh in the same folder, it still seems to cause problems.

So, MODEL{} nodes seem the only way to do it, unfortunately.

Hmmm. Having several "incidents" and reverts with an A9/A10 I'm playing with spurred me to try. So I made an MM config like this:

-MODEL,* {}
mesh = V2_Control.mu

This removed the MODEL node and added "mesh=V2_Control.mu" - Bug squashed, no ill effects observed.

Nice ROMBUS! :)

Thanks! Thanks to you I'm now visiting the A9/A10 concept as well...


Your PSR Nose cone is on top, and the Engine is tucked in there on the bottom providing 1st stage thrust. (BTW earlier, before I stuck it on a FASA launch clamp and it was "sitting" on it's engine, it seemed to stay stuck to the launch pad until the TWR got to 1.9 (started at about 1.3ish) don't know if that's a KSP Bug or a collider issue...)

Edited by tg626
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Hmmm. Having several "incidents" and reverts with an A9/A10 I'm playing with spurred me to try. So I made an MM config like this:

-MODEL,* {}
mesh = V2_Control.mu

This removed the MODEL node and added "mesh=V2_Control.mu" - Bug squashed, no ill effects observed.

Thanks! Thanks to you I'm now visiting the A9/A10 concept as well...


Your PSR Nose cone is on top, and the Engine is tucked in there on the bottom providing 1st stage thrust. (BTW earlier, before I stuck it on a FASA launch clamp and it was "sitting" on it's engine, it seemed to stay stuck to the launch pad until the TWR got to 1.9 (started at about 1.3ish) don't know if that's a KSP Bug or a collider issue...)

That's a very interesting way of going about it...

At least until SQUAD fixes it, this could be a solution.

Mmmm... I'll try this out yeah. :)

The A series is interesting! I look forward to see more!

I don't think either of those two, sadly.

The CARV maybe at some point, there is a lot of leftover ATV texture.

I am currently modelling the Gemini IVA, because the N1 is frustrating.


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Study physics! Do it.

It's no matter of IQ (which is pretty discredited for anything more than finding if people have mental disabilities, as far as I understand), but it is just a matter of your focus and enthusiasm for the subject.

I agree 100%. There are some people at my college who have some learning disabilities who excel at physics. One of them is a physics instructor!

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Nice Atla-emin...i?

I like it though.

The DV readings, yep, it's a pain.

But, basically both MJ and KE disregard and part that has moduleDecouple, even if it is not activated by staging.

Cannot fix it really. The alternative is to make the Gemini SM a "docking port" with its own unique port ID, that way you can decouple from it, but nothing will be able to re-connect with it. But that brings its own quirks, like being able to "control from here".

Edit: Actually, kerbal engineer works in flight for Delta V, just not in the VAB for some reason. FYI total Tantini Delta V is just under 1k m/s IIRC, still a little higher than it should be.

why not do the docking port thing but give it and the bottom of the gemini a standard docking ID anyway? this is space legos afterall who says we can't mix and match? plus how many times have you accidentally decoupled a pod and wished you could glue your ship back together? Also think of the Manned Orbital Labritory and its Gemini 2.0 with a through the heatshield access hatch :D640px-Gemini-B_Heat_Shield.jpg

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Speaking of IVAs, any idea how big a command seat is? I have some IVAs to do as well, but don't know what dimensions to use.

Check ya PMs buddy! :)

why not do the docking port thing but give it and the bottom of the gemini a standard docking ID anyway? this is space legos afterall who says we can't mix and match? plus how many times have you accidentally decoupled a pod and wished you could glue your ship back together? Also think of the Manned Orbital Labritory and its Gemini 2.0 with a through the heatshield access hatch :Dhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/Gemini-B_Heat_Shield.jpg/640px-Gemini-B_Heat_Shield.jpg

This would cause a small problem with "Control from here" on the command pod, sadly.

A 1.875m docking port on the other hand...


Look at that forward viewing visibility!

It's significantly worse than the real Gemini!

But, it's pretty nice, better than most stock pod windows.

The IVA still needs a thorough cleanup (You can see a bit of clipping there)..

The texture is also downsized to 512x512, which looks a little rough, so I might up-size it again.



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Oh right I forgot about that "control from here" issue... :/

also yay IVA's XD

as for feedback part of the gemini's original concept was runway landings and practicing orbital rendezvous/docking so I'd say if you have enough forward visibility to pull those two off in IVA then you have enough. Otherwise is might lose out to HGR, FASA, or corvus in the competition for the users ram space.

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as for feedback part of the gemini's original concept was runway landings and practicing orbital rendezvous/docking so I'd say if you have enough forward visibility to pull those two off in IVA then you have enough. Otherwise is might lose out to HGR, FASA, or corvus in the competition for the users ram space.

It's understandable, people may prefer the visibility of other pods.

Double-clicking the window does bring up this little bit though, where you can see those nose of the Tantini.

I have to say, flying around in "first person" like this is just stunning. :D


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Oh nice! I can already tell I'm gonna love this version of Gemini more than the FASA one. Be nice to have at least one RasterPropMonitor smuggled in there and from the screenshots the monitor should fit in the middle somewhere. I need my orbital info on the screen. :D

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Oh nice! I can already tell I'm gonna love this version of Gemini more than the FASA one. Be nice to have at least one RasterPropMonitor smuggled in there and from the screenshots the monitor should fit in the middle somewhere. I need my orbital info on the screen. :D

Thankyou! :)

Yep, left and right menu central is where RPM will go. One for each pilot and probably one in the middle for luck.

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Part Gemini, part TKS, part Kliper, and all Proton:


It's like every space design got together had a child!

You were so close! Looks like you need landing skids like the proposed Gemini paraglider. How difficult was it to fly with the CoL so far forward? Every time I try a Dreamchaser mission, my rocket folds on itself and flips.

Also, off-topic, but I have to share my view of the DSCOVR Falcon 9 launch. Wish you guys could have seen it. :)

It's understandable, people may prefer the visibility of other pods.

Double-clicking the window does bring up this little bit though, where you can see those nose of the Tantini.

I have to say, flying around in "first person" like this is just stunning. :D


This is a shot in the dark, but have you ever seen docking crosshairs and docking targets be of any use in IVA's? I'm trying to think of a way that a docking target, such as your IGLA antenna, could be positioned on the nose of an Agena clone, or another Tantini pod, that could be targeted through a crosshair superimposed on the window. Are there any mods out there that have a system where that's remotely useful?

Edited by curtquarquesso
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I keep staring at the picture but no progress is being made. What is this devilry????????

Try refreshing the page a bunch of times, and the percentage on the progress bar should increase. :D

Video is coming today! :)

It will take quite a long time to render, upload and process though.

And yes, curtquarquesso, I used two of your ships, but you will see it later, I don't want to spoil anything. :)


Fantastic! Can't wait!

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Here it is, guys. :)

"Tsiolkovsky", my first attempt at a non-trailer stuff. :)


First bit looks fantastic! For some reason though, the video freezes during the launch of the N-1. On mobile, so it may be me.

Here I go nitpicking, but on the Vostok, the CD-01 antenna dish that opens on the side, functions as the umbilical connection, not as an antenna. Should be detailed in the .craft description, unless I've made a terrible mistake setting up the action groups. :huh:

Thank you for confirming the issue @dimovski

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Sorry to say this, but there seems to be a rather serious problem with your video past the 2 minute mark.

I'd like to know if you managed to get these visual effects by mods or if they were added later on.

Yes, I also suffer this.

But if N-1 onward is as good as the first bit, my god :cool:

You have outdone yourself!

My deepest thanks Niemand!

Part Gemini, part TKS, part Kliper, and all Proton:


It's like every space design got together had a child!

I like it :)

It's like Dyna-soar's strange cousin (And I don't mean that in a bad way).

This is a shot in the dark, but have you ever seen docking crosshairs and docking targets be of any use in IVA's? I'm trying to think of a way that a docking target, such as your IGLA antenna, could be positioned on the nose of an Agena clone, or another Tantini pod, that could be targeted through a crosshair superimposed on the window. Are there any mods out there that have a system where that's remotely useful?

I suppose once it's all working properly, I can play with an antenna on the tip of the nose, see if it is at all useful.

But, nice idea :)

As for other mods: I can only draw a blank there, sorry.

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First bit looks fantastic! For some reason though, the video freezes during the launch of the N-1. On mobile, so it may be me.

Here I go nitpicking, but on the Vostok, the CD-01 antenna dish that opens on the side, functions as the umbilical connection, not as an antenna. Should be detailed in the .craft description, unless I've made a terrible mistake setting up the action groups. :huh:

Thank you for confirming the issue @dimovski

Sorry to say this, but there seems to be a rather serious problem with your video past the 2 minute mark.

I'd like to know if you managed to get these visual effects by mods or if they were added later on.

Thanks for noticing! Reuploading it.

For the dish, yeah, that must be my clumsy fingers, haven't noticed that. :)

Edit: argh, this youtube, denied the video upload because "it was uploaded before"

Edit 2: reupload didn't help, I'll try to recompile the video. Weirf bug is weird, the first video worked for several minutes before that glitch.

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Aaaand, reuploaded (hope this time it will work :)):

To reveal the mods:

RSS, MovieTime for film/TV effects, CameraTools for surface and initial velocity shots and Astronomer's pack for clouds, sandstorms (dududu) an other cool stuff. :)

And, of course, the power of Adobe editing tools with saturations and other plugins. :)

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