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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Your link says "Drat, No results CaptKordite doesn't have any craft"

Really? I just clicked the link and it worked just fine. 15 Results. When I log out, it fails as you say. Do you need to be signed on? That's a weird way to set up the system if you do. Try searching for "tantares" or "russian." That seems to work whether you are signed on or not.

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Really? I just clicked the link and it worked just fine. 15 Results. When I log out, it fails as you say. Do you need to be signed on? That's a weird way to set up the system if you do. Try searching for "tantares" or "russian." That seems to work whether you are signed on or not.

Huh. For me I HAVE to be signed out. Odd.

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X-1 Engine.

It's a bit stylized, as the real deal ends in an oval shaped nozzle cluster.



Action shot.

What I learned: Current Mk1 parts are not even the right number of cylinder sides, so looks like I need to build the body too.



Edited by Beale
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Huzzah, more bits!

Body + Tail LFO Tanks.


Body Assembly.


All a single 1024x1024!


Something I thought about today by the way... I think I speak for everyone when I say that you should make more fairing bases!

It is quite tempting. But, first I would like to see how much the stock fairings can be customized (For example, can they be clam-shell? Can I off-set the face rotation to match 24-sided cylinders exactly?).

Edited by Beale
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It is quite tempting. But, first I would like to see how much the stock fairings can be customized (For example, can they be clam-shell? Can I off-set the face rotation to match 24-sided cylinders exactly?).

On clamshels: A mod lets you do that. Also, I believe there is another mod (Stock Fairing Tweaker? Is that the name?) Which lets you edit certain parameters, although......results vary :wink:

- - - Updated - - -

Also, would love to use that engine for an Me-163 :-)

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Hooray for stuff! It's been awfully slow on here lately.

Maybe you could just make the fairings how you made the Soyuz fairing but add some kind of config that mades it a procedural fairing if PF is installed? That's possible, isn't it?

Because from what I can tell, PF is in almost everyone's GameData anyway. :b

Edited by VenomousRequiem
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Dear Beale,

I found probably a BIG issue on your releases (both Tantares v.29.1 and TantaresLV v.13):

ALL (or almost, as I checked) your engines are MISSING the thermal definitions they need to NOT be sort of "thermal time bombs" for ALL the crafts using them.

I noticed doing a "Gemini"-alike mission: when I staged from the rocket's 2nd stage (mostly, if not totally) build with stock parts, as soon the Spica engine started to burn, all the other parts had a BIG thermal spike.

I added manually the missing lines to all the parts with an engine, using Squad parts as reference:

something like that for liquid fueled engines (I used it for your Castor LARJ Thruster too) :

skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0

emissiveConstant = 0.8

this, for solid fueled boosters, LES and sepatron:

skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0

emissiveConstant = 0.5

and also, for your C200 "Eva" Nuclear-Thermal Rocket Motor

skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0 <--- this line missing

emissiveConstant = 0.83 <--- this line, a little different from Squad Nerva (0.85), is already in your cfg file

(Mi stavi facendo cuocere due turisti spaziali :P)

Edited by Araym
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Nice! Once again I gotta say: looks way better than stock! :D

Now for the love of sanity please, PLEASE! Pretty please, add THREE. Yes! Three! Three RPM monitors (bare minimum) or else I'm gonna headdesk real hard and probably break my skull while at it.

I swear If it only comes with one or two RPM monitors only, ugh. It's just not gonna be an alternative cockpit to the stock's Mk1's for me. All this shortage of RPM screens in your mod is really driving me bananas, it's not even funny! :mad:

Sorry for the rant but this has been bothering me for far too long and I'm at a breaking point over this. I wanna use YOUR cockpits over stock's but it's the lack of RPM screens that bug me to no end. I'm a builder of Sci-Fi ships and a proper starship HAS to HAVE multiple RPM monitors for the Pilot's comfort of piloting his ship! Being in a starship and only having just one or two Monitors to look at is a death sentence in deep space! Especially when you are the only one piloting the ship!

Again I'm terribly sorry for this rant but I really needed to get this off my chest. :(

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I'm not so sure the X-1 is the best place to ask for RPM screens


That would however be perfect for ASET avionics and maybe a few of ASET props in general. With these 2 available prop packs I think all mod IVAs should use these if they want function why try to recreate what has been done so nicely. They are sooooo useful.

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While waiting with bated breath for the Beale X-1 to make her debut, I decided to try my hand at a Chelomei-style lunniy korabl craft. I give you the Cýõöøýúð ("Snowflake", thanks to the patterns that appear on the outrigger tanks).



Now to see if she actually lands as softly as her namesake...

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I'm not so sure the X-1 is the best place to ask for RPM screens


I don't give a dren, all these gauges are useless and primitive to me as I'm having hard time reading anything off of them especially when dealing with huge numbers. Now gauges are fine for atmospheric flight but between planets/stars.. yeah right. :huh: This after all is A GAME, I don't want in my game to deal with real life space history boll yotz and RPM is a must have mod for us Sci-Fi fahrbots! You can have your gauges but when RPM is installed just remove the gauges with three screens. :mad: Seriously, I don't see a problem with that, win-win for both. Unless somebody wants both the screens and the gauges which I don't.

Edit: No offense meant to anyone, it's late night and I'm as you can see extremely upset about this.

Edited by T'Flok
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Tantares Craft Files v2.1!CURRENTLY BROKEN

Showcase Album v2.1


Showcase Album v2.0


Venera 9 Demonstration Flight

  • Antares with Cygnus
  • Ariane with ATV
  • Apollo Soyuz Test Project (Alpha)
  • Gemini and Agena
  • HII-B with Fuji
  • ISS Nauka MLM
  • ISS Pirs and Poisk (Alpha)
  • ISS Rassvet Module
  • ISS Zarya FGB
  • ISS Zvezda Service Module
  • Minotaur
  • Mir Core Module
  • Mir Kristall Module
  • Mir Kvant-1
  • Mir Kvant-2
  • Mir Priroda Module
  • Mir Spektr Module
  • OPSEK NEM Module
  • N1 with Soyuz 7K-LOK and LK (Broken for update 28)
  • Salyut Almaz
  • Salyut 1, 4, 6, and 7
  • Shenzhou
  • Soyuz 7K-OK
  • Soyuz 7K-T
  • Soyuz TMA
  • Tiangong
  • Sputnik 1
  • TKS Crew
  • TKS Cargo
  • Venera 9
  • Virgo Lunar Lander (Fallout 3)
  • Vostok
  • Zond

Dependencies: (Seriously, I mean it...)

Tantares TweakScale Config:

Created to scale parts to reasonable sizes based on purpose.

A few notes on how it works:

  • Surface Attatchable parts are scaled in reference to the thing that they were meant to attatch to.
  • 0.9375m and 1.875m are standard sizes for most parts.
  • Crew pods have strict scaling factors.
  • Installation instructions are in the README. PM me for support.

v1.1: (Simplified models, reduced part counts, improved authenticity, consistent FGB's, additional .crafts.)

v1.2: (Improved Soyuz and Progress authenticity, added Soyuz-TMA (XLT) soft-landing jets!)


  • Major updates and revamps to every single vehicles in light of all the parts that have come out since v1.1.
  • Utilizes parts Beale just recently released
  • Removed some ISS stuff in anticipation of 0.9375m docking ports
  • Added many Soyuz variants
  • Added and removed some vehicles ("Khleb" removed, because Beale ended up making it the name of the Soyuz capsule... :P)


  • Update nearly all docking ports to new 0.9375m size
  • Added ISS modules, Gemini, ASTP, and Sputnik
  • Added useful Subassemblies
  • Cleaned up crafts for smaller part counts
  • Improved historical accuracy

Alpha 1.0.0: Initial Release

Alpha 1.0.1: Added various parts, and fixed a few bugs

Alpha 1.0.2: Internal, not released

Alpha 1.0.3: Added TKS Abort tower, fixed 1x2 solar panel not scaling

Alpha 1.0.4: Added and removed certain configs for Tantares 28 part additions.

Alpha 1.0.5: Added TantaresLV config file. Place in TantaresLV like you would with the Tantares config.

  • N-1 with Soyuz 7K-LOK and LK (Really close to being done.)
  • Buran (Think I might get someone else's to throw in the pack, because I suck at Shuttles. Might make it AB Launchers dependent.
  • More "Q - SkunkWorks" originals.
  • Probes:, Luna, Sputnik, Phobos Grunt, and Surveyor possibly courtesy of gooddog15
  • TMK.
  • HTV and HTV-R on H-IIB
  • planeguy868 retexture dependent?

Soyuz-TMA (XLT) Flight Test/Demo (Old)

No download link?

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Hey all. To quickly respond:

Yes, .craft files are currently broken, so I took them down to avoid confusion. The next version is fairly time consuming. It contains "Vanilla" craft files that are simple, low-part count, and are but as they were meant to be built. The full version contains the detailed replicas I normally like doing. This will include one or two dependencies most people here will already have.

Bell X-1 is amazing. Just what I wanted to replace the Mk1 cockpit. :)

I'm taking a full load this semester, so I may be scarce here.

I'm very much in support of a TantaresLight. Even if it breaks crafts, the Tantares parts catalog could use some culling down perhaps.

Kliper (when it's done) might be a good candidate to migrate over to Taerobee Space Technologies.

Cheers all. :)

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Here's a quick and dirt antenna range remix for Tantares. Can't wait to see what they do with antennas in 1.1 and integrate it to Tanta

You can just name this whatever.cfg and slap it in your KSP gamedata folder anywhere, so long as you have AntennaRange. It just essentially assigns a range you would roughly expect to each antenna, perhaps not too historically perfect but gets the idea out there. I'd love to use the needle antenna to enable or disable DPAI where only crafts with the needle or a couple others can let your ship use DPAI, that would be some great next level mod integration!


// Specifications:
// nominalRange: The distance from Kerbin at which the antenna will perform exactly as prescribed by
// packetResourceCost and packetSize.
// maxPowerFactor: The multiplier on packetResourceCost that defines the maximum power output of the antenna. When the
// power cost exceeds packetResourceCost * maxPowerFactor, transmission will fail.
// maxDataFactor: The multipler on packetSize that defines the maximum data bandwidth of the antenna.
@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
nominalRange = 6364
simpleRange = 20500000
maxPowerFactor = 8
maxDataFactor = 4

name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2
@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
nominalRange = 6364
simpleRange = 20500000
maxPowerFactor = 8
maxDataFactor = 4

name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2
@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
nominalRange = 6364
simpleRange = 20500000
maxPowerFactor = 8
maxDataFactor = 4

name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2
@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
nominalRange = 6364
simpleRange = 20500000
maxPowerFactor = 8
maxDataFactor = 4

name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2
@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
nominalRange = 3150000000
simpleRange = 18000000000
maxPowerFactor = 4
maxDataFactor = 8

name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2
@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
nominalRange = 3150000000
simpleRange = 18000000000
maxPowerFactor = 4
maxDataFactor = 8

name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2
@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
nominalRange = 3150000000
simpleRange = 18000000000
maxPowerFactor = 4
maxDataFactor = 8

name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2
@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
@packetResourceCost /= 1.414213
nominalRange = 9250000000
simpleRange = 56250000000
maxPowerFactor = 16
maxDataFactor = 2

name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2
@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
@packetResourceCost /= 1.414213
nominalRange = 9250000000
simpleRange = 56250000000
maxPowerFactor = 16
maxDataFactor = 2

name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2
@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
@packetResourceCost /= 1.414213
nominalRange = 9250000000
simpleRange = 56250000000
maxPowerFactor = 16
maxDataFactor = 2

name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2

Edited by Lucius
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