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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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I just skimmed the Excalibur-Almaz site to see if they had any additional material. Aside from some rather interesting (read: oddball) artist's concept drawings, they do reassure potential investors that the TKS has a cracking good launch escape system. Do skip ahead, because the clip is a real snoozer.


Edited by Jack Wolfe
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22 hours ago, Beale said:

Grey is not exactly popular,  but personally, you cannot really have very colourful parts and parts that all fit together - monochrome is the name of the day.

If anyone has ideas for making practical colour, I would really appreciate it.

You could just have, instead of entirely-colored parts, just have lines and pieces of color that don't go across the entire part, but enough to make it look different from the grey. or even have different shades of grey.

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19 hours ago, Rory Yammomoto said:

You could just have, instead of entirely-colored parts, just have lines and pieces of color that don't go across the entire part, but enough to make it look different from the grey. or even have different shades of grey.

If somebody can show how to put a poll on, I would put it for debate :) 


20 hours ago, Jack Wolfe said:

I just skimmed the Excalibur-Almaz site to see if they had any additional material. Aside from some rather interesting (read: oddball) artist's concept drawings, they do reassure potential investors that the TKS has a cracking good launch escape system. Do skip ahead, because the clip is a real snoozer.

Very cool!

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6 minutes ago, Beale said:

If somebody can show how to put a poll on, I would put it for debate :) 


Very cool!

YES!!! Finally what I need to resupply my stations. I'm going to try to make some Kerbalism configs for the different parts. I just need to figure out how much stuff to put in.

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16 hours ago, Rory Yammomoto said:

ModuleManager has a way to add configurations to other parts.



Okay so i tried adding supplies and mulch to the normal soyuz pod but i don't know what i did wrong. This is how it looks now


name = Tantares_Crew_1
module = Part
author = Tantares

   model = Tantares/Parts/SOYUZ/Soyuz_Crew_A
scale = 1.0
rescaleFactor = 1.0

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.491875, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_top    = 0.0,  0.491875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0

bulkheadProfiles = size1, size0

attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.35, 0.0
CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0
buoyancy = 1.5
buoyancyUseSine = False

TechRequired = flightControl
entryCost = 3500
cost = 1000

category     = Pods
subcategory  = 0
title        = T-N7R "Khleb" Crew Module
manufacturer = Tantares Space Technologies
description  = This capsule will, in a pinch, hold three Kerbals in relative (to the vacuum of space) comfort.

tags = 1.25 0.625 Soyuz Tantares

mass = 0.85

dragModelType  = default
maximum_drag   = 0.20
minimum_drag   = 0.15
angularDrag    = 2
crashTolerance = 20

maxTemp             = 3400
skinMaxTemp         = 3400
heatConductivity    = 0.1
thermalMassModifier = 1.0

vesselType = Ship

CrewCapacity = 3

  name = Tantares_Crew_1_Interior

    name = ModuleCommand
    minimumCrew = 1

    name = ModuleSAS

    name = ModuleReactionWheel
    PitchTorque = 1.5
    YawTorque = 1.5
    RollTorque = 1.5
        name = ElectricCharge
        rate = 0.075

    name = ModuleScienceExperiment    
    experimentID = crewReport
    experimentActionName = Crew Report
    resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    reviewActionName = Review Report
    useStaging = False    
    useActionGroups = True
    hideUIwhenUnavailable = True    
    rerunnable = True
    xmitDataScalar = 1.0

    name = ModuleScienceContainer
    reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
    storeActionName = Store Experiments
    evaOnlyStorage = True
    storageRange = 2.0

    name = ElectricCharge
    amount = 100
    maxAmount = 100

    name = MonoPropellant
    amount = 30
    maxAmount = 30

        name = Supplies
        amount = 50
        maxAmount = 50

        name = Mulch
        amount = 0
        macAmount = 50

    name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    animationName = Tantares_Crew_A_Light
    actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
    startEventGUIName = Lights On
    endEventGUIName = Lights Off

        name = ModuleAblator
        ablativeResource = Ablator
        lossExp = -7500
        lossConst = 0.1
        pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
        reentryConductivity = 0.01
        ablationTempThresh = 500

        name = Ablator
        amount = 200
        maxAmount = 200

      name = FlagDecal
      textureQuadName = Tantares_Crew_A_Flag



Edited by abbe026
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It's best if you use the <> code brackets if you want to dump a config onto the forum pages. I've sifted through it and there was a typo on one of the amounts. Best bet is to re-load the original and try this MM patch below and see if that does what you need:

    	name = Supplies
        amount = 50
        maxAmount = 50
    	name = Mulch
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 50


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6 hours ago, DiscoSlelge said:

@Beale Is that what you are looking for ? http://www.strawpoll.me/

Very much! But I was sure polls could be integrated directly in the forum post, maybe my memory is of VBulletin



Progress Orbital Module, it has KIS space, a little fuel and a crew capacity of one (Funnily enough, the real craft is classified as 'manned' due to its pressurized section and crew access).
Balance feedback is really appreciated here - Maybe remove the fuel from the orbital module?


Edited by Beale
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Looking good! From my understanding, the OM is for supplies and cargo, and the Control Block has the fuel (LF/O/MP). So, you'd be looking at Oxygen/Food/Water/Nitrogen as well as Waste/Waste Water (Kerbalism), and similar setups for the other life support modules, as well as KIS space. Just my $0.02.

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28 minutes ago, DJ Reonic said:

Looking good! From my understanding, the OM is for supplies and cargo, and the Control Block has the fuel (LF/O/MP). So, you'd be looking at Oxygen/Food/Water/Nitrogen as well as Waste/Waste Water (Kerbalism), and similar setups for the other life support modules, as well as KIS space. Just my $0.02.

Yeah, good points here, I will remove the fuel in the OM.

Do the life support mods usually have standalone resource containers? You can put them in the KIS storage maybe? Need to take a look.

25 minutes ago, Deltac said:

Tantares is "Some parts sold separately"  :P

Test of launch escape system (yes, we build whole rocket for best results!)  I also added a node to the top of the VA control antennae :P

Awesome! I love it. But, I am not convinced till seeing the crew capsule safe on the ground :wink: 

Good point to add a node to the controller.

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57 minutes ago, Beale said:

Do the life support mods usually have standalone resource containers? You can put them in the KIS storage maybe? Need to take a look.

Yes, but then you need an engineer to bolt it to the side of the station/ship, transfer it to the main storage, then unbolt it and put the empty container back inside to burn up in the atmosphere when Progress deorbits.

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1 minute ago, overkill13 said:

Yes, but then you need an engineer to bolt it to the side of the station/ship, transfer it to the main storage, then unbolt it and put the empty container back inside to burn up in the atmosphere when Progress deorbits.

Sounds great! When do I start? :D 

To be honest, full life support would be great, but I have no idea how to balance it.

Edited by Beale
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Just now, overkill13 said:

How many days of food, water, o2 should Progress carry up?  I'll probably write up a TAC-LS config if nobody else wants to.

It is around 100 days supplies IRL right? 

That would be very cool if you wrote that, I am not familiar with what flavours of life support exist today?

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Here's code for 90 days supplies for 4 crew.  Standard crew of 3 will get 120 for a little extra leeway.

// Add TAC-LS life support resources to Tantare's Progress module for delivery to space stations
        name = Food
        amount = 131.64
        maxAmount = 131.64
        name = Water
        amount = 87
        maxAmount = 87
        name = Oxygen
        amount = 13324.56
        maxAmount = 13324.56
        name = CarbonDioxide
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 11509.56
        name = Waste
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 12
        name = WasteWater
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 110.88
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On 5/4/2017 at 4:21 PM, Beale said:

Can you try a completely clean installation? Delete old first, then place new in.

I deleted the old update, and placed in the new... and I still have the untextured cargo bay, Spektre, and antennas. Nevermind, antennas were fixed.

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11 hours ago, steedcrugeon said:

It's best if you use the <> code brackets if you want to dump a config onto the forum pages. I've sifted through it and there was a typo on one of the amounts. Best bet is to re-load the original and try this MM patch below and see if that does what you need:

    	name = Supplies
        amount = 50
        maxAmount = 50
    	name = Mulch
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 50


okay now i'm really confused. Where am i suppose to put that code? 

Ps: If you can't already tell, i have never done this before :/

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