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Dragon V2 - SpaceX's new manned capsule!

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Build 0.1

With stock parts, I made a Dragon V2 Capsule.

It is based on the real Dragon V2, check out SpaceX's website for info on that.

Action Groups:

Abort = Separates the Dragon Capsule from the trunk and fires the SuperDraco side-mounted engine.

9 = Fires the emergency parachute.

Download Instructions:

Download and place in the ships - VAB folder. It's that simple!



Edited by MikeFox1
--- OUTDATED ---
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Download Link: http://www./view/bf24bc5abrpzyl8/Dragon_v2.craft Just put in your Ships folder!

Version 0.2

SpaceX's new capsule is the Dragon v2, formerly known as DragonRider. This is my stock capsule made to resemble it.

Action Groups

Abort: Decouples the capsule from the rocket and fires the SuperDraco engines.

9: Fires the emergency chutes.

Change Log:

1. Made ALL FOUR chutes fire when you press 9!


Edited by MikeFox1
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I checked it out, it's pretty cool! Nice work! :)

A cool trick: if you clip a cubic strut inside of a Hitchhiker can you can place winglets on it and only a portion will be showing, like on the Dragon V2. (I modified Majorjim's ^^ Dragon craft, link here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78847-Space-X-7-Kerbal-Dragon-Rider-Falcon-9

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since it's built with majorjim's rocket, it has one flaw that his falcon has for me: I can't open it, since it says it has invalid parts, which I think are mechjeb or something. could you please remove any non-stock parts from the craft and upload again?

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since it's built with majorjim's rocket, it has one flaw that his falcon has for me: I can't open it, since it says it has invalid parts, which I think are mechjeb or something. could you please remove any non-stock parts from the craft and upload again?

Hi Manfredatee, If it says you are missing parts its at your end. The craft is 100% stock and the download link is good.

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Well, I do use MechJeb for test flights but I believe that I only put the MechJeb part on after I uploaded the file. I'll go check! :)

Edit: I thought you were talking about my modified version of Majorjim's. I modified it to represent the Dragon V2.

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