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Is it appropriate for adult adult watching cartoons


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In many places cartoons=animation in the popular culture, this isn't true.  Consider the list:

Bugs bunny

Perfect Blue



All VERY different works, all with different intended audiences.  The only animation that gives me pause are the "30 minute commercials" that started in the 1980s, but then again, I loves me some Transformers....  in fact I caught all of the last series Transformers Prime as it aired at age 45.

Never be ashamed of what you enjoy.


Oh, and Talespin? Check my avatar bud!

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Enjoying cartoons is fine. 

Non-child cartoon viewers are only a problem when they start trying to make their fandom the most important thing in their lives.*


On 6/8/2014 at 7:14 AM, Vaporized Steel said:

Or what about all the daddies and mommys whom are watching snow white with their 2-3 year old. You think they are just watching with boredom hoping for the movie to end?

It depends on the movie.  Sometimes you sit there and just want the horror to end.  The good filmmakers are the ones that put in stuff for the parents stuck watching it with their kids.






*Of course, this is where most fandoms become an issue.

Edited by razark
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Ive recently discovered the kissanime website, which also has cartoons. Tailspin was a favorite of mine when i was a kid, i had given up every watching it again because its so hard to find copies. Now that you have reminded me of it, im off to stream.

Im 35 with three kids. Some of the newer stuff isnt too bad, it seems that what is considered acceptable quality of animation has changed alot. Some of the original transformers are now just painfull to watch. Missing cell colors, wobbly lines, and objects whose geometry change depending on scene. A llot of that kind of sloppiness is missing these days. Its good.

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I still watch the odd cartoon when the mood takes me.

On 5/6/2014 at 11:52 PM, Pawelk198604 said:

Or my beloved "Mysterious Cities of Gold " :D

Coincidentally, my most recent cartoon spree came from discovering that a second series of the Mysterious Cities of Gold was made a few years ago.  When I get through that, I'll be rewatching Ulysses 31.  Nothing wrong with a bit of good old nostalgia.

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Some of my fondest memories growing up were of getting up early on Sunday morning with my brother and dad, eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, and watching The Bugs Bunny and Road Runner Hour on TV. My dad had grown up in the era when they showed Looney Toons before the movies, so they were a total childhood thing for him as well, and he laughed louder than we did. 

And now, I have three kids. And on weekends when my wife is working, I get up and make everyone breakfast, and after my wife leaves for work the kids and I dig out the Looney Tunes DVDs and watch them for an hour or so. And I laugh louder than my kids. :)

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It's rather painful to think about just how many opportunities were missed because cartoons were labelled "for kids only" in the U.S.A. Some of those children's cartoons ended up being very deep and complex anyhow, but now after seeing some of the things that came out of Japan (I mean aside from the X-rated content :P ), just how much brilliant work never got a chance in the West? And now though we might be wiser, classic animation is dead and never coming back.

I can still remember how miffed people got that Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" won feature film awards. Miffed enough that after it happened, animated films were given their own category, almost as if to say, "This isn't real cinema, so get in your place."

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