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[1.0+] B.Dynamics - Retracting/vectoring engines etc. v1.2.0 (May 6)


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  On 3/16/2016 at 2:45 PM, IceKirby said:

Love the retractable engines, but the critter crawler legs only work for me on Kerbin. I sent a science "rover" using the legs. Every time I move I kick myself upside down. I am crushed by this. Can anyone help?


If you turn "sticky feet" on, it shouldn't fling you about.

  On 3/12/2016 at 8:07 PM, Andem said:

Spacedock plz?


I second this. I can't seem to get the Curse download to work through my school's firewall, and I can't find the parts on the GitHub page. If anyone has a workaround, please tell us!


I'm gonna go poke BD now.

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  On 5/1/2016 at 10:10 PM, Haze-Zero said:

I am also hoping for an update for 1.1.2. I love my retractable RCS 


See here

Retract animations should work once you have a properly-compiled BDAnimationModules.dll, the parts should all still be okay

Edit: yep it works! For anyone not familiar with Github, you want to click the Download Zip button, then use the DLL from BDAnimationModules-master/BDAnimationModules/bin/Release

did not test critter crawler, just engine/rcs

Edited by Gaiiden
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Is this mod still being officially supported, or just unofficial / community support?  I see the post above mine, and I think it's saying that if I download the otherwise-latest version of this mod, and overwrite that with the Animation Modules item from the embedded link, everything will work in v1.1.2.

Others have already asked about possible posting this to SpaceDock, but I'd simply be happy with an updated OP in this thread if that's possible.  (SpaceDock would be awesome though, can't lie about that.)

Note, I do see BahamutoD Animation Modules listed on CKAN as v1.1.2 compliant, tagged as being from the same github location as that described with the embedded post.  Could THAT item be posted to SpaceDock?

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i have 1.1.2 ksp will it work?

-----------------------------------------------------ISSUE FOR OTHER MODS------------------------------------------------------------

also fix your cameratools to 1.1.2

i tested cameratools 1.6.0 on 1.1.2 ksp and sonic boom doesn't correctly but doppler sound bit different went 300+ mph no sonicboom yet.

Edited by CraftedDoge20PlaysKSP1.0.5
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  On 5/11/2016 at 9:59 AM, CraftedDoge20PlaysKSP1.0.5 said:

i have 1.1.2 ksp will it work?


Yes, your KSP v1.1.2 will most definitely work, especially if you have no mods installed. [Edit: Yeah, that was rather snarky.  In my defense, I typed it trying to be funny, but I can see now that I missed that particular target here.] For best results, be sure to completely uninstall the game, delete all leftover folders, and then reinstall a fresh copy, especially if you purchased through Steam.  Be wary, though, landing legs and anything with wheels on it will be a tad... wonky.

  On 5/11/2016 at 9:59 AM, CraftedDoge20PlaysKSP1.0.5 said:

-----------------------------------------------------ISSUE FOR OTHER MODS------------------------------------------------------------

  On 5/4/2016 at 8:34 AM, CraftedDoge20PlaysKSP1.0.5 said:
  On 5/3/2016 at 7:28 PM, HatBat said:

Request: For the full 1.1 version of Camera Tools could you consider looking at how Kerbcam did smoothing? As far as I know the compound mode in Kerbcam took into account all the keys in a path and they would all influence each other throughout the playing of the path. In the Camera Tools, when set to the smoothest setting, it still feels like it will play one movement from key to key without much influence from the keys ahead of it. It's somewhat hard to explain but Camera Tools seems to complete one transition then do the next with smoothing inbetween. Whilst Kerbcam compound mode would weave the keys into a more graceful and combined movement.

Thanks for making sure a pathing tool is still available for KSP filmmakers, it really does mean a lot. :)


Quadruple Yes :D




Hmm.  Given that you have posted in that other mod's (singular, you only address and issue with CameraTools here) thread, I'm confused why you're posting this here.

Also, 300mph is nowhere near sonic speed.  Even if someone were flying at 300 m/s, not only is that still not quite fast enough to create a sonic shockfront, the boom would be inaudible to both a craft flying at sonic speeds as well as any item in a close-astern following position.


Now if you'd intended to ask if B.Dynamics Parts has been updated to work in the newest version of KSP.  First of all, there's an actual forum rule that prohibits you from asking that question, especially the way you asked it.  Second, that information is already available in the OP of that thread I linked to :wink:, as well as on its CKAN listing, as well as here, here, here, then again here, and discussed here.  Third, see the first item, about it being a forum rule that you are not allowed to bug mod authors, especially after seeing the second item, that the information already exists in so many other locations. [Edit: Even apologizing for the snarkitude, I still think it's legitimate to point out that the question was previously answered.]

Edited by MisterFister
Apologies for snarkitude
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  On 5/12/2016 at 12:29 AM, MisterFister said:

Now if you'd intended to ask if B.Dynamics Parts has been updated to work in the newest version of KSP.  First of all, there's an actual forum rule that prohibits you from asking that question, especially the way you asked it.  Second, that information is already available in the OP of that thread I linked to :wink:, as well as on its CKAN listing, as well as here, here, here, then again here, and discussed here.  Third, see the first item, about it being a forum rule that you are not allowed to bug mod authors, especially after seeing the second item, that the information already exists in so many other locations.


Sorry to butt in here, MisterFister, but I take exception to a few things you said here.

1. First of all, CraftedDoge... the guy who needs to get a shorter username!... Anyway, the guy didn't ask 'when will the mod be updated to 1.1.2, he (she?) just asked if it will work.  Also, please note that, with only 18 posts on the forum to-date, I think we can be a bit forgiving for them not yet knowing all of the ins and outs of this particular forum, don't you?

2. Here is the text of the forum rule in question: 

     2.3 Forbidden messages
     f.  Messages that repeat inquiries about updates or content from modders.

Again, CraftedDogeEtc. was only asking if the mod will work, not requesting an update or anything of the kind.  Also, to my mind, this rule doesn't "prohibit" anyone from asking that question, it only does so when done so repeatedly.  Now, again, yes, there have been several recent posts along those lines, which you sited, but again, new forum user, so I don't see that he/she was being particularly obnoxious.  But, if YOU think so, then how about avoiding posting snarky and chastising comments yourself, and just report the post to a forum moderator and let THEM deal with the issue.  I really dislike posts that deliberately try to make someone feel bad for asking a simple question, as you might be able to tell.

Now, @CraftedDoge20PlaysKSP1.0.5, 3 things:  One, please consider a shorter username, lol!  :D  Two, welcome to the KSP Forums, friend.  :)  Three, in answer to your actual question, no, as far as I can tell this mod probably won't work in KSP 1.1.2, but I could be mistaken.  I haven't been able to find a download that states definitively whether it works in the latest version of KSP or not, and since I already have a lot of other mods installed in my game, I haven't yet tried this one in 1.1.2.  If I'm wrong, I hope someone will correct that information, or otherwise provide a link or point the way to a version of the mod that does work.

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  On 5/12/2016 at 12:29 AM, MisterFister said:

Now if you'd intended to ask if B.Dynamics Parts has been updated to work in the newest version of KSP.  First of all, there's an actual forum rule that prohibits you from asking that question, especially the way you asked it.  Second, that information is already available in the OP of that thread I linked to :wink:, as well as on its CKAN listing, as well as here, here, here, then again here, and discussed here.  Third, see the first item, about it being a forum rule that you are not allowed to bug mod authors, especially after seeing the second item, that the information already exists in so many other locations.


Yeah unfortunately I've got this thread on subscribe so your post here cluttered up my inbox and caught my eye. You came down really hard on a relatively new user who. while deserving of a polite prod saying 'hey, you should really have read the most recent replies here before posting' did not need the smack down you delivered and, worse, you were objectively incorrect about the rule (actually, they're called guidelines here). You misquoted it and, worse, applied a stricter interpretation than even the moderators do. The guidelines are designed to enforce things in accordance with a specific spirit in which they have been enacted, not applied as black and white do or do not regulations. Even if a rule had been listed overtly forbidding asking such a question, the spirit behind said rule is to prevent spam and harassment of mod authors. By contrast, a single request in a thread for a modder whose last post on the topic was months ago is not violating that spirit, and further that's not even what was asked. The guy didn't read, that much is obvious, but he didn't violate a rule.

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@Neutrinovore, I think you're very right to call me out on this.  I edited, and I apologize.  Please see above.

As for the rest of your point, frankly I hadn't checked the person's profile.  That was quite silly of me to overlook that simple step.  (Though, so few posts only increases how odd it seems, at least to me, that a person would forget having so recently addressing a post to another mod's thread.  I'm not making fun, I'm just scratching my head at it, is all.)

Though, I submit that "will this mod work" is asking if a mod is updated.  To simply read it verbatim (especially for someone who might apparently be communicating through a language barrier -- something I DID NOT poke fun at, despite the other semantic puns I pointed out, of course) I think is unnecessary and even itself rather unfair to the person asking the question.  Whether a person is non-English speaking or non-technical speaking, "will it work" means "has it been updated," in my view.  I understand that someone has to rather strenuously distinguish the other question, "I'm not asking if it's been updated, I just want to know if I can get by with the old version, despite the numerous posts above me which are describing bugs and errors of some sort or another."  Which is not a common question, though I will grant you that version migrations do rarely result in incompatibilities so severe that a mod author will warn you to uninstall it and not even try it as it'll break your game / computer / destroy your savefile, etc.  (Indeed, we've seen that it's often the mod update itself that breaks savefiles.)

Ha, and yes, I agree on the person's name length, I lol'd at your comment on it.

@Fallarnon see my reply and apology above, your reply hit while I was composing it.

Oh, and @CraftedDoge20PlaysKSP1.0.5, you deserve to be tagged as well.  I apologize for my unhelpful reply.

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  On 5/12/2016 at 3:14 AM, MisterFister said:

@Neutrinovore, I think you're very right to call me out on this.  I edited, and I apologize.  Please see above.

As for the rest of your point, frankly I hadn't checked the person's profile.  That was quite silly of me to overlook that simple step.  (Though, so few posts only increases how odd it seems, at least to me, that a person would forget having so recently addressing a post to another mod's thread.  I'm not making fun, I'm just scratching my head at it, is all.)

Though, I submit that "will this mod work" is asking if a mod is updated.  To simply read it verbatim (especially for someone who might apparently be communicating through a language barrier -- something I DID NOT poke fun at, despite the other semantic puns I pointed out, of course) I think is unnecessary and even itself rather unfair to the person asking the question.  Whether a person is non-English speaking or non-technical speaking, "will it work" means "has it been updated," in my view.  I understand that someone has to rather strenuously distinguish the other question, "I'm not asking if it's been updated, I just want to know if I can get by with the old version, despite the numerous posts above me which are describing bugs and errors of some sort or another."  Which is not a common question, though I will grant you that version migrations do rarely result in incompatibilities so severe that a mod author will warn you to uninstall it and not even try it as it'll break your game / computer / destroy your savefile, etc.  (Indeed, we've seen that it's often the mod update itself that breaks savefiles.)

Ha, and yes, I agree on the person's name length, I lol'd at your comment on it.

@Fallarnon see my reply and apology above, your reply hit while I was composing it.

Oh, and @CraftedDoge20PlaysKSP1.0.5, you deserve to be tagged as well.  I apologize for my unhelpful reply.


Alrighty then, we're all cool.  :)  I also apologize for getting my dander up a bit, and you're right the new rule is kind of a 'gray' area type of thing, it's easy to interpret in a variety of ways.

So, situation resolved, apparently to the satisfaction of all concerned.  Later all!  :D 

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  On 5/18/2016 at 8:16 AM, CraftedDoge20PlaysKSP1.0.5 said:

sorry about my name i need changed my name but it just changed signature "Kdoge20" <--- My name not CraftedDoge20PlaysKSP1.0.5

i always misspelled or bad english because i use crappy keyboard or i live another country


Ah, it's cool, I'm sorry if I sounded overly critical.  :blush:  You can use whatever screen name you like, I really was mostly (like, 98.7%) joking about how long it is.  :)  But, if you'd like to inform us folks about your 'nickname', just put something in your signature like, maybe "You can call me 'Kdoge20', just don't call me 'late for dinner', ha ha!"  Or, well, you know, something that's actually funny or witty...


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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 6/15/2016 at 6:31 AM, Fixitman said:

I can't get the engine animations to work on this wonderful mod. I got the BDanimationsModules.dll & master, but still no go. Can anyone offer some advise? Sorry for being a modding newbie!


You have the *updated* DLL I linked in my earlier post above? Works for me

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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