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[1.1.2] Kerbin-Side (v1.1.0) & Supplements


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v1.6 of Kerbin-Side Air-Race available from KerbalStuff.


  • Made some improvements to the track at Dundard's Edge.
  • Added several large bridges allowing easy crossing of the river canyon by ground vehicles as well as providing additional race hazards in the river canyon. Lots of ways to fly under the bridges.
  • Also added some ruined bridges that can be used as ramps by repulsor/anti-grav craft to get out of and across the river canyon.
  • Included the latest Kerbal Konstructs (v0.9.1).

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I have probably installed this wrong since I use CKAN on 64-bit Linux, but when I look at the map, I see red dots and they connect to Remote Tech just fine, but when I click the KK button, it just says Selected launchsite is LauchPad. Can anyone help me select a different launchsite? Thanks.

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I have probably installed this wrong...

You have.

Everything in the GameData folder of the zip archive goes in the GameData folder of your KSP install, just as it is.

Then grab the latest version of Kerbal Konstructs and copy that over the top of the existing one.

CKAN is notorious for installing KerbinSide and Kerbal Konstructs incorrectly and sounds like that's still the case.

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A good question in a polite PM that I wanted to address in the thread.

Why does content get cut sometimes? Something you have to learn being a prolific and very productive artist in the games industry is that not everything you produce is "good". Sometimes you need to be honest with yourself and admit when something is not your best work and actually kind of bleargh or even probably utter crap.

It's even truer when you're doing something for bucks. Good games designers and producers won't hesitate to tell you something is garbage and you won't always be able to revise a piece of work. Sometimes you just have to scrap it and start again.

I've made the hard-choice to scrap a number of assets a few times for this project for a few reasons: They were poorly optimised. They were bloody ugly. If I still had the source, I got fed up trying to revise it and gave up. Or I lost some source to one of half a dozen hard-disk failures I've had since I started this project.

If there's something you particularly miss the good news is you can probably find it in an older version of KerbinSide and I think you can get them from KerbalStuff. You'll have to make the effort to identify the right files but if you do get stuck just let me know and if I can find some time, I can probably help.

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I've noticed the Kerbinside and Konstructs assets have got steadily better looking. It's not a bad idea to evolve the pack.

I've been AFK all this week, so could somebody show me some eye-candy of the new bridges? I've been wanting those a while!

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How do I remove things so that just the air race sites are loaded and not everything else? I tried installing just the air race package, but it didn't work.

I'm just trying to reduce the memory footprint by removing the sites that I don't want to use.

EDOOT: Okay, this is wierd, I somehow collided into something called a ModuleWaterSlider.collider, whie in midair surveying the route.

Just as the explosion happened:




Better view of the spot:


Edited by smjjames
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How do I remove things so that just the air race sites are loaded and not everything else? I tried installing just the air race package, but it didn't work.

I'm just trying to reduce the memory footprint by removing the sites that I don't want to use.

Install Air Race and Kerbal Konstructs. As I recall, there's nothing in Air Race that depends explicitly on Kerbinside, though of course you'll have difficulty accessing the other race site without a runway there.

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How do I remove things so that just the air race sites are loaded and not everything else? I tried installing just the air race package, but it didn't work.

Delete the entire KerbinSide directory. Install the KerbinSide directory from Air-Race. Done.

EDOOT: Okay, this is wierd, I somehow collided into something called a ModuleWaterSlider.collider, whie in midair surveying the route.

I'd guess a clipping issue with the parts on the craft. There's no such collider on any of the statics.

- - - Updated - - -

...though of course you'll have difficulty accessing the other race site without a runway there.

Not anymore. Air-Race now includes dedicated launch points so it can stand-alone without KerbinSide All in 1.

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Now available from KerbalStuff.


Ground-Control is a supplement for KerbinSide, but it can also stand-alone. It makes use of the latest features of Kerbal Konstructs to update some of the facilities provided by KerbinSide, so that they can function as tracking stations, and as receivers for communications from vessels in the Kerbol system, using a Downlink.


If you have KerbinSide installed, just install what's in the zip over-the-top - that is, merge and replace existing KerbinSide content with this content. Also update Kerbal Konstructs with the version included in Ground-Control.

If you don't have KerbinSide installed, you can still enjoy this mod without it. Just put everything in the GameData folder in the zip in the GameData folder of your KSP folder, as-it-is.

Ground-Control requires the latest version of Kerbal Konstructs and it's included. It's in GameData/medsouz and that's where it should go in your KSP install.

User Manual:

Coming soon.


  • Power requirements and draw for a downlink.
  • Extended relay networks.
  • Linking of multiple comms devices to improve a connection.
  • More interactive communications.
  • Chatterer support(?) to improve audio feature.
  • 'Clean' option to make static less annoying.
  • 'Boost' option to improve a signal with more power.
  • Difficulty settings for making occlusion softer or harder.
  • Additional gameplay impact and affect. More reasons to use stations and downlinks.
  • Station XP, upgrades and staff management.
  • Integration with science transmission functions.
  • Integration of the new features coming in KSP v1.1.

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Now available from KerbalStuff.

Ground-Control is a supplement for KerbinSide, but it can also stand-alone. It makes use of the latest features of Kerbal Konstructs to update some of the facilities provided by KerbinSide, so that they can function as tracking stations, and as receivers for communications from vessels in the Kerbol system, using a Downlink.


If you have KerbinSide installed, just install what's in the zip over-the-top - that is, merge and replace existing KerbinSide content with this content. Also update Kerbal Konstructs with the version included in Ground-Control.

If you don't have KerbinSide installed, you can still enjoy this mod without it. Just put everything in the GameData folder in the zip in the GameData folder of your KSP folder, as-it-is.

Ground-Control requires the latest version of Kerbal Konstructs and it's included. It's in GameData/medsouz and that's where it should go in your KSP install.

User Manual:

Coming soon.


  • Power requirements and draw for a downlink.
  • Extended relay networks.
  • Linking of multiple comms devices to improve a connection.
  • More interactive communications.
  • Chatterer support(?) to improve audio feature.
  • 'Clean' option to make static less annoying.
  • 'Boost' option to improve a signal with more power.
  • Difficulty settings for making occlusion softer or harder.
  • Additional gameplay impact and affect. More reasons to use stations and downlinks.
  • Station XP, upgrades and staff management.
  • Integration with science transmission functions.
  • Integration of the new features coming in KSP v1.1.

Downloading now! Will this also work with RT?

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Downloading now! Will this also work with RT?

It's very early days to be thinking about that. I've a lot of features planned and that includes utilising the relevant features coming in v1.1 which are more in line with what I want to do than RT.

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I've spent a few hours tooling around with KerbinSide (it's been a while, everything looks so much better than it did!), and was wondering where these big bridges where (in the Air Race pack, d'oh!).

I note instances of statics are saved in the static's .cfg. The consequence of this is they appear in all saves, which is fine if using the KS pack as-is (indeed helpful if I start tweaking the sites to work in medium terrain quality, high quality is beyond my old PC's capability, so there's a lot of clipping and dead ends), but it's a bit of a pain if you want to start with a blank slate and DIY your own. I presume this is how Konstructs organises things?

Much like the Air Race, I'm interested in constructing combat arenas for my 2v2 dogfights. There's some lovely assets in there that could make a nice centrepiece, for just such an arena. I'm of a mind to find the less or completely unused ones and have a stab at designing new bases.

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I note instances of statics are saved in the static's .cfg. The consequence of this is they appear in all saves, which is fine if using the KS pack as-is (indeed helpful if I start tweaking the sites to work in medium terrain quality, high quality is beyond my old PC's capability, so there's a lot of clipping and dead ends), but it's a bit of a pain if you want to start with a blank slate and DIY your own. I presume this is how Konstructs organises things?

In order to better support custom changes and additions made with KerbinSide's assets, there's an export/import feature in the works for Kerbal Konstructs.

The export feature is sort of workng, in that any changes or additions you make can be exported out to a specific folder in Kerbal Konstructs.

The import feature will take anything in the export folder, compare it with any currently loaded instances and then merge the exported instances in. The comparison will be keyed to RadialPosition and the imported instances will take priority (in case you've just rotated something, for example).

The export/import should thus make it a lot simpler to make custom bases and the like and distribute them, without worrying about what existing instances someone already has.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh okay, I wish there was a mod that added a second KSC that you can launch from, and it uses the same buildings from the normal KSC so the second one is destructible.

Sorry chap, that won't be KerbinSide.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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AlphaAsh, just to clarify, are the other collaborators in this project still working on it? I haven't seen any of them post in this thread in quite a while. Sorry for any misunderstanding here, but I'm just curious on whether or not they are still actively contributing to the mod.

I've not heard from medsouz for months. Eskandare and SPC have also been out of contact for several weeks.

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Is there a list of precise coordinates for the facilities in Kerbinside? I'd like to add more RT ground stations, but the Lat/Lon info in the mod on-screen doesn't seem precise enough. Is it in the mod folder somewhere?

KK statics are defined by cartesian x,y,z coordinates rather than latitude/longitude, so no, the information doesn't exist in the mod folder (unless you want to do some trigonometry).

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Is there a list of precise coordinates for the facilities in Kerbinside? I'd like to add more RT ground stations, but the Lat/Lon info in the mod on-screen doesn't seem precise enough. Is it in the mod folder somewhere?

Latitude and longitude is displayed in the Instance Editor, by the Nav Guidance System and as a reference in the instance definition in a config. IIRC the reference co-ords in the config have the most decimal places.

EDIT - 5 decimal places in the configs. Look for RefLatitude and RefLongitude. But it's only defined for bases and any instances I've edited since I added that output feature. It was added specifically to support displaying lat and lon for bases in the Base Manager.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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