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The Official Kerbin Cup Tournament Thread - Final Entries Posted


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  ArmchairGravy said:
According to the forum stats there are 6,326 active members. 16 people is .2% of the active forum community. I can't call it good, sorry. It's way too exclusionary for me to call it good.

Glad I'm not the only one wondering what was up with this. The reasonably large reddit and forum communities, both of which heavily overlap, are supposed to come to a consensus on 32 people for this? Exclusionary indeed and very poorly thought out.

If you want to do it with a small number of people, then just pick 32 of the more prominent video/craft makers or something. Not really fair, but it saves the community some drama that way.

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  Boomerang said:
  ArmchairGravy said:
According to the forum stats there are 6,326 active members. 16 people is .2% of the active forum community. I can't call it good, sorry. It's way too exclusionary for me to call it good.

Glad I'm not the only one wondering what was up with this. The reasonably large reddit and forum communities, both of which heavily overlap, are supposed to come to a consensus on 32 people for this? Exclusionary indeed and very poorly thought out.

I just have to ask, how many people out of forums + Reddit would not be exclusionary?

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  regex said:
I just have to ask, how many people out of forums + Reddit would not be exclusionary?

There really isn't a number for that. The best way I can see this working is whoever wants to play to form teams, then we battle it out until there's only 4 left on each side. It would be a lot easier with Squad oversight, though.

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Why am I so... lost ? oO

I mean, I'm happy of this Event and for the work it probably took but what is the proper gameplay that will be involved here ? :o

Maybe we'll have more information later, but this is a bit frustrating ^^

To my mind, there is a crual lack of explications in the announcement. Wait and see then !

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Too bad I will be on vacation, so can not participate.

  Rowsdower said:
I must stress that as the challenges are of a mysterious nature, you may want to balance your teams out to include members who are talented at several different skill sets that would normally get the attention of the KSP community. If you have four people who are only good at one thing, there’s a risk of little advancement through the competition.

Since I want the forum to win, pick teams with experts in

- rocket building

- gravity turns

- plane building

- plane flying & landing

- VTOL building

- VTOL flying & landing

- rover building

- rover driving

- interplanetary transfer

- landing on airless bodies

- gathering Science data

- precision landing

- gravity assists

- aerobraking

- other possible areas ...

and who have time.

Good luck to all.

Sounds like a great competition!

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  mhoram said:
and who have time.

Mostly this.

And find people dedicated to this and to see it through.

In German "team" has a nice backronym: "Toll, ein anderer machts!" ("Great, someone else does the work!") ...

Good luck, have fun, I hope noone gets seriously injured! :D

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  ArmchairGravy said:
According to the forum stats there are 6,326 active members. 16 people is .2% of the active forum community. I can't call it good, sorry. It's way too exclusionary for me to call it good.

The FIFA World Cup sees national teams attend that are comprised of 20-something players each. They represent countries which have hundreds of millions of residents on average. What an incredibly exclusionary tourney! How could it possibly be that anyone aside from the chosen 20-something could ever enjoy it? It's got to be the single most unpopular tournament on the planet.

<serious mode on>

The reality is that not only is it impossible for Squad to allow everyone to participate in this contest from a sheer management/logistics perspective, it also is not in any way, shape or form required, nor even expected. This is a representation tournament, much like the FIFA World Cup it is accompanying. Being the representative and competing on behalf of your community is a privilege, not a right, and securing that privilege is part of the tournament in itself. If you cannot even convince the community that you are a great choice, then you have no business competing in a representation tournament format in the first place. :P

The participation of the non-competing members of the community revolves around choosing their representatives, supporting their idols as fans, and generally being excited for the fun and awesome stuff we're going to get to see from all involved parties. It works for hundreds of millions of football fans worldwide who get to do even less; surely it can work for a mature gaming community a couple thousand strong?

Besides, the community as a whole even gets an additional treat, which is being able to vote on team elimination in every single round except the final. That is, again, way more than any sports tournament offers to the common sports fan.

Edited by Streetwind
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Hey guys, I am willing to participate in a forum team if anyone wants to take me in.

One advantage (I think) I have is that I live on the other side of the world, so what ever the challenge is, I will be able to work on it while everyone else is asleep. I am an expert builder in rockets and have been so far able to make interplanetary trips otu of the kerbin system in KSP game.


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Well I have plenty of time to do this. I'd love to do it!

Expert in:

Rocket Building


Direct Lander Style Landings

Having a nasty ear infection


Orbital Mechanics. (I look at some KSPTV Streamers like "Ur Doin it Wrong!")

Airless Precision landing (Mun, Minmus, Ike, Dres, etc)

Rover building

Crazy Useless Contraptions

Super-Duper-Mega-Heavy Lifters

Gravity Turns

I can do but am not very good at:



VTOL Flying (If it's rocket powered and not Jet powered)

Rover Driving

EVA Orbital Mechanics

landing of tall rockets, but not on slopes

I can't do:

VTOL Construction in SPH

I have done: (No particular order, may be missing somethings)

A box full of Kerbals to Orbit (No reason)

Duna Landing and return

Ike Landing and flight down to Duna ^

Mun Station

Minmus Science station

Minmus landing (SO MANY)

Mun Landing (SO MANY)

Kerbin Space Stations (SO MANY)

Precision landing at Mun Arch

Precision Landing at the Peak of "Judy Crater", the small crater inside the bigger one. Named after my dead aunt. RIP.

A mission to the Joolean system, although the Lander ran out of fuel at Vall, higher gravity than expected.

Gilly Landing and return (My first interplanetary mission, actually)

Eve Precision-ish landing in ocean and land to deploy two different probes on the same ship.

Flight to Mun, then flight to Minmus.

Flight the Mun with only Mainsails.

Flight to Mun orbit and back with only SRBs.

I've done this in RealSolarSystem:

Probe orbit

1 man capsule orbit

3 man spacecraft orbit

Rendezvous and Docking in orbit

Mun landing probe

I've done this in 64:10 scale Kerbin (Using stockalike mods such as HGR, KSPX, and RLA)

Sputnik Orbit

Vostok Orbit

Mercury-Ish Capsule Orbit

Mun Orbit Probe that turned into an impromptu landing when I realized I had enough fuel.

LEO Rendezvous with Super-Heavy launch vehicle for Apollo/Gemini Style Mun Mission (two Kerbals in total, Bob and Jeb, Bob got Collins Duty)

Soy-Juice to orbit

Who will join me?

Edited by GregroxMun
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  acc said:
Oh no. I am nowhere safe from this soccer stuff?

I am usually of the mentaility that "SPORTS SUCK LOLOL", but COME ON! It's KERBAL Sports. That takes all the bad right out of it! SPACE FRICKEN SOCCER. All you need is the SPACE FRICKEN part, and just ignore the SOCCER part, and it should make it worthwhile.

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  GregroxMun said:
so are there still two slots left for forum?

So far I've seen one forum team posted:

Crotchety Old Modders

  • ferram4
  • Majiir
  • NathanKell
  • r4m0n

Cmdr. Arn1e's post seems like a wishlist, judging from his last comment, though I could be wrong. And I also don't know how Rowsdower will select the teams if more than four apply... so we'll have to wait for him to clear things up :)

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  KasperVld said:
So far I've seen one forum team posted:

Crotchety Old Modders

  • ferram4
  • Majiir
  • NathanKell
  • r4m0n

Cmdr. Arn1e's post seems like a wishlist, judging from his last comment, though I could be wrong. And I also don't know how Rowsdower will select the teams if more than four apply... so we'll have to wait for him to clear things up :)

Plus some more explanation about the rules. Otherwise we could just mod the hell out of the ball... He did say, any skills...

Anyway, cheering for the Forum(IRC) Team (Crotchety Old Modders)...

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  Cmdr. Arn1e said:
Cmdr. Arn1e's Dream Team:



Red Iron Crown


Winning forum team for sure!!!

Not sure if I should volunteer or not, I seem to have got very stuck on my Jool 5 mission...

Having seen Kashua build, I would definitely go with that team if he flies half as good! Then again, as a pilot, my dream team would also have cupcake. Maybe he'll get the hint? If we need a joystick jockey to defend the forum's honour, I can think of no better one.

Now let's see, as a resume to justify me being in one of the four teams, I would say my forte is that I do pretty much anything passably, with an emphasis on making the VAB's UI sing arias and being quite decent at navigation (I hit a <500km rendezvous with an asteroid in solar orbit the first time I went for one). I would really be an asset to a team if there is something to do involving a very, very tight delta-v and/or part budgets. And docking, anyone that has seen my builder's page knows I tackle very difficult dockings routinely.

So yeah, I don't really have any preferences as long as I'm in a team of people that want to have fun and maybe try to (at the very least) fail in a very spectacular way! And if I have to win the cup for Spain... well, that wouldn't be the first cup that comes here :)

  KasperVld said:
So far I've seen one forum team posted:

Crotchety Old Modders

  • ferram4
  • Majiir
  • NathanKell
  • r4m0n

Cmdr. Arn1e's post seems like a wishlist, judging from his last comment, though I could be wrong. And I also don't know how Rowsdower will select the teams if more than four apply... so we'll have to wait for him to clear things up :)

Yup, as far as I know (and I'm on the list) it's a suggestion. But all good things start as suggestions, right? I know I want to participate, and I don't care much who with as long as they want to have fun!

Rune. Whackjob would bring the kerbalness to that team, the rest of us are waaay to serious to win.

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I volunteer for the forum!

I'm good at planes, docking (including rendezvous) and stuff with wheels (from rovers to 50m gantry crane and beyond). I can do rockets reasonably well also... It's been a while since I did an interplanetary mission but that was a 3 man Duna return mission in career (taking all the science) which worked without flaw on the first try. I have enough free time and I do not cause drama :P

PM to hire. Let's show those reddit people how pretending to be a bunch of little green men is done!

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  KasperVld said:

Cmdr. Arn1e's post seems like a wishlist, judging from his last comment, though I could be wrong. And I also don't know how Rowsdower will select the teams if more than four apply... so we'll have to wait for him to clear things up :)

If more than four apply, we should do a showcase poll where each team builds something like a team resume... and then have a community poll to see which top-four everyone likes!

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