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The Official Kerbin Cup Tournament Thread - Final Entries Posted


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Well, ferram4 did update our progress thread with pics of the moon landing in the alternate history...

You have a progress thread? Oh wait, in the "alternate history?" What does that mean? I assume it means you actually don't have a progress thread. I may be misunderstanding this.

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Not to much longer now. 'Bout a day right?

I had this idea for the "forum team song" thread, but wasn't able to flesh it out until now.

Let's get some hype going!

(The tune is that of the Marines' Hymn)

♪♫ We are the mighty Forum, ♫♪

♫♫ The Vbulletin breed. ♪♫

♫♪ We've got the skill, ♪♫

♫♪ Got the right stuff, ♫♫

♪♫ We're the greatest on the web. ♫♪

♪♪ We've a mighty pack of mod makers, ♫♫

♫♪ An A-Team, Jedi, and Youtubers. ♫♪

♪♫ And a skilful bunch of soloists, ♪♫

♫♫ Who came along just for the fun. ♫♫

♪♫ So come on mighty Forum, ♫

♫♪ Let's show them how it's done. ♫♪

♪♫ With skill, and speed ♪♫

♪♪ The Forum team ♪♫

♪♫ Will have Reddit on the run.... ♫♪


Edited by Tw1
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Now we wait...

Since it's post-deadline, I kinda want to show people our submission. Can we?

Edit: Don't do it :blush:.

I'd guess so... Don't quote me (I should probably put that in my sig I say it so much).

Come on modders! And nice song Tw1 xD

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Indeed. It makes me want to see it done in real life.

My thoughts exactly as I reviewed the album! Really gets you excited about actual space exploration.

Personally, I think we both did an extremely good job within the rules of our own specific challenges. I don't envy the devs having to pick because the challenges have almost nothing in common with each other. At this point, I am just happy to have had the chance to meet and compete against such a great group of people. Hell, they *created* a good bit of what we all use to play every day. If we lose, it will be to very worthy competitors. :)

Edited by chicknblender
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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