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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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That is how I used to do it. Three satellites in ~2858,7km orbit (KEO) with DTS-M1 antennae (that have 45[COLOR=#333333]° cones) pointed at Kerbin. Those alone also give any craft in low orbit communications if the craft has 5Mm range whip antenna.

These days I actually use those 5Mm omni antennae on 3 satellites in 2000km orbit to have the same effect with much smaller satellites. I then have two other satellites in polar orbit (other about 90 degrees behind the first) for longer range comms. I hated having so many communication lines everywhere so started figuring out how to have less of them :)[/COLOR]
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You can try the dll FancyMouse made and [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-1-0-5-RemoteTech-v1-6-9-2015-11-10?p=2302292&viewfull=1#post2302292"]posted[/URL] earlier. Someone mentioned it caused trouble with Outer Planets Mod tho.
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Hello. I have trouble with science transmission in career mode. My lab on Minmus doesn't want to transmit. Link is set up, I see "Transmit 100% complete" but it does not add any of 400+ science that I have in the lab. Before 1.0.5 I played sandbox mode and it worked fine. Now I have no idea what to do.
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Hello. I have trouble with science transmission in career mode. My lab on Minmus doesn't want to transmit. Link is set up, I see "Transmit 100% complete" but it does not add any of 400+ science that I have in the lab. Before 1.0.5 I played sandbox mode and it worked fine. Now I have no idea what to do.
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[quote name='Tarius']Hello. I have trouble with science transmission in career mode. My lab on Minmus doesn't want to transmit. Link is set up, I see "Transmit 100% complete" but it does not add any of 400+ science that I have in the lab. Before 1.0.5 I played sandbox mode and it worked fine. Now I have no idea what to do.[/QUOTE]

I had just come in to complain about the same bug. I get up to 100% and then it just...doesn't transmit the science. Sometimes it'll say "data received" but the science is never actually transmitted. The science stays in the mobile lab, and it wont let me try to transfer again without leaving and returning to the ship. My spacecraft can transmit other data from science modules and Kerbin will receive the science just fine. I can confirm that it's a problem localized to the mobile science lab, and only with remote tech.
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[quote name='evictedSaint']I had just come in to complain about the same bug. I get up to 100% and then it just...doesn't transmit the science. Sometimes it'll say "data received" but the science is never actually transmitted. The science stays in the mobile lab, and it wont let me try to transfer again without leaving and returning to the ship. My spacecraft can transmit other data from science modules and Kerbin will receive the science just fine. I can confirm that it's a problem localized to the mobile science lab, and only with remote tech.[/QUOTE]

This has been mentioned quite a few times in the past few pages. Does planetary survey work for you?
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Serious Bug:  I was swapping out my ground station for a new configuration and recovered the old one, I then went to re-task a few of my satellites that were aimed directly at it (also aimed at an orbital satellite, so I still had comms).  When I switched to the craft, the universe exploded.  Turns out if you recover or otherwise remove a craft from the game that is being targeted by another in Remote Tech, it destroys the universe and restarting the game deletes the offending craft.  Fortunately I had a quicksave not too far before I replaced that rover, but RT needs to do some double checking when the craft loads to make sure it isn't targeting something that no longer exists, bad things happen.

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  On 11/26/2015 at 10:31 PM, Tarius said:

Hello. I have trouble with science transmission in career mode. My lab on Minmus doesn't want to transmit. Link is set up, I see "Transmit 100% complete" but it does not add any of 400+ science that I have in the lab. Before 1.0.5 I played sandbox mode and it worked fine. Now I have no idea what to do.


I have the same problem with science transmission from a science lab. Transmissions from the surface work.

The following is logged:

[LOG 11:42:16.939] RemoteTech: Changing RnDCommsStream timeout from 0.3 to 0.328186
[LOG 11:42:16.939] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 14 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:17.239] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 13 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:17.563] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 12 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:17.876] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 11 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:18.191] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 10 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:18.520] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 9 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:18.827] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 8 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:19.147] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 7 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:19.478] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 6 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:19.789] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 5 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:20.102] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 4 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:20.404] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 3 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:20.722] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 2 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:21.033] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 1 - Files to Go: 0
[LOG 11:42:21.349] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (Research results) - 6.67 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 0 - Files to Go: 0
[EXC 11:42:21.350] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ResearchAndDevelopment.GetScienceValue (Single dataAmount, .ScienceSubject subject, Single xmitScalar)
    ResearchAndDevelopment.SubmitScienceData (Single dataAmount, .ScienceSubject subject, Single xmitScalar, .ProtoVessel source, Boolean reverseEngineered)
    RnDCommsStream.submitStreamData (.ProtoVessel source)
    RnDCommsStream.StreamData (Single dataAmount, .ProtoVessel source)
    RemoteTech.Modules.ModuleRTDataTransmitter+<Transmit>c__Iterator0.MoveNext ()
[EXC 11:42:22.378] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ResearchAndDevelopment.GetScienceValue (Single dataAmount, .ScienceSubject subject, Single xmitScalar)
    ResearchAndDevelopment.SubmitScienceData (Single dataAmount, .ScienceSubject subject, Single xmitScalar, .ProtoVessel source, Boolean reverseEngineered)
    RnDCommsStream.submitStreamData (.ProtoVessel source)
    .MoveNext ()
[LOG 11:43:05.635] RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: Remove TRANSMITTER success.
[LOG 11:43:06.351] [CHATR] Capsule starts the exchange...
[LOG 11:43:07.641] RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: Find TRANSMITTER success.
[LOG 11:43:07.642] RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: Add TRANSMITTER success.
[LOG 11:43:14.996] Sending data to vessel comms. 2 devices to choose from. Will try to pick the best one
[LOG 11:43:14.996] Score for transmitter: 1.275 - Data Rate: 6.667 - Data Cost: 7.500
[LOG 11:43:14.997] Score for transmitter: 1.275 - Data Rate: 6.667 - Data Cost: 7.500
[ERR 11:43:14.997] [R&D]: No Science Subject found with id sciencelab@Mun


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btw whatever happened to those cool dishes that would track their target?


Also, does anyone have a nice small long range dish? I want to make a voyager probe but it'll have to have one of those massive dishes on to get signal.

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Having a similar problem with data transmission to the other people, but in my case no data is being transmitted at all.

It is almost like each craft has to have only one antenna on it, else you can't transmit.

I have a current craft trying to transmit Tarsier Space Telescope data back from the Mun. The network is connected (or else the satellite wouldn't be operational at all). When I tell it to transmit, it behaves as if it had sent the data, but without any transmission notifications and no science received.

The antennae I am using are: DTS-7 (50Mm 45 degree arc), aimed at my network around Kerbin; and a Kommunotronski-16 (2.5Mm omni). In fact, at present, BOTH antennae are connected to the network because I have a SCANSat in polar orbit that is within the omni range.

I have used this setup probably a dozen times over various save games in the past.

I should also note that this has happened from literally 900m from KSC, when I had a contract to Kerbin's Shores for various science related things.


That being said, I have gotten it to work from Kerbin orbit using a single Communotron-32 (5Mm omni).

Is there some sort of issue with multiple dishes and science transmission?


Things I have tried, to clear the issue:

  • Reinstall RemoteTech
  • Remove SETI addon to RemoteTech
  • Reinstall Antennas mod

Removing RemoteTech is not an option for me. It would destroy my entire network since I use RemoteTech specific dishes almost exclusively.

Edited by Aloriel
Updated "Things I have tried"
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  On 12/3/2015 at 7:26 PM, Aegrim said:

btw whatever happened to those cool dishes that would track their target?


Also, does anyone have a nice small long range dish? I want to make a voyager probe but it'll have to have one of those massive dishes on to get signal.


Those target "tracking" antennas, (IIRC, is only ONE antenna), can still be found... Those were the ones in the original RemoteTech mod, before it morphed into RemoteTech2, only to morph back into RemoteTech...lol
They all work, EXCEPT for the target tracking, which the module for was changed in KSP v1.0 IIRC... I've been playing with them all a little bit in 1.0.4 & 1.0.5.

Try AEIS... There are quite a few beautiful, animated dishes included in the mod... Its a large parts pack, but you can safely delete everything but the Antennas folder...

Also, take a look at Blackleg Industries...that mod has several nice antennas, and again, all other parts can just be deleted:


Edited by Stone Blue
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There's a fix earlier in the thread, guys. I looked at the error and was about to check the source for any changes (it looks like something was poorly patched) but found this post:

  On 11/18/2015 at 12:55 PM, FancyMouse said:

OK I think I finally found out what's the problem - it seems like due to the support for aborted transmission and returning back data, those piece of code has been refactored, and one new event is introduced called GameEvents.OnTriggeredDataTransmission. This event calls the lab/surveyor complete method to finish up the transmission, including adding science. Since it's newly added in 1.0.5, 1.0.4 code will certainly break as is.
So I just added

Along with a hack to fix NRE, it seems working now.

zip includes my compiled dll and changed ModuleRTDataTransmitter.cs. Take it as you wish. Don't take it as official version or whatsoever - I'm not familiar with either KSP code base or RT code base. All I did is hacking here and there to make it work for myself.



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  On 12/4/2015 at 10:05 PM, waterlubber said:

There's a fix earlier in the thread, guys. I looked at the error and was about to check the source for any changes (it looks like something was poorly patched) but found this post:



This fix didn't work for me. Copied both files into: ...Kerbal Space Program\GameData\RemoteTech\Plugins

So Remote Tech still needs an urgent fix in my eyes.

If I do the survey it transmits but there is no "done" message after 100%


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  On 12/6/2015 at 9:30 PM, waterlubber said:

Remove ScienceAlert.


I haven't SienceAlert installed. But if you wish here the list of installled mods:

  • ContractConfigurator
  • FligthManagerForReusableStages (Bug occoured before mod installation)
  • HaystackContinued
  • ClampsBeGone
  • KAS
  • KerbalJointReinforcement
  • RecoverAll
  • KIS
  • Loitobrake PartPack
  • MK2Solar Bateries (Bug occoured before mod installation)
  • NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator
  • FinalFrontier
  • PartCommander
  • PilotAssistant
  • PortraitStats (Bug occoured before mod installation)
  • QuickContracts
  • QuickGoTo
  • RemoteTech
  • SafeChute
  • ShipManifest
  • SpaceYExpanded
  • SpaceYLifters
  • TrasierSpaceTech
  • KerbalAlarmClock
  • USI-Colonisation
  • WaypointManager
  • Buffalo PartPack
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Hi folks,

This is not a formal bug notification (otherwise, I would back it up with extra info such as gamelogs, images, etc.), but I was wondering if anyone was having issues with lack of 'lag time' between distant probes and the KSC.


I have probes off to DUNA and beyond, and I have no lag time (in the little upper left window, it does not tell me the delay time, rather, just connected).  I checked my remotetechsettings.cfg, and the lines that determine time delay are all fine:

    SpeedOfLight = 3E+08
    EnableSignalDelay = True

Otherwise, all is well with the latest version.  I firmly believe this is still one of the best mods out there.  It makes me think strategically every time I throw a probe, satellite or manned (kerbaled) mission out to the great beyond.


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  On 12/6/2015 at 11:53 PM, Gaultesian said:

*snip*  I firmly believe this is still one of the best mods out there.  It makes me think strategically every time I throw a probe, satellite or manned (kerbaled) mission out to the great beyond.



Agreed. Best mod for making career and science mode more interesting and it certainly makes probes (satellites) more interesting. This plus SCANsat definitely fill the gap when it comes to orbital unmanned missions.

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Is this mod still being maintained? I haven't seen a dev post in ages.


Either way, now my flight computer won't work. I am using the patch that allows you to transmit science from before. though.


Edit: Nope, it works. The button is just invisible.

Edited by waterlubber
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Hey, I got a question. I play with the Real Solar System mod and have progressed quite far in my save. Then yesterday I installed environmental visual enhancement with an RSS config and got clouds to work, the thing is, EVE changed the name of Earth to Kerbin and I believe this may have caused all my active satellites to bug out.


All my probes in transit suddenly lost signal to Earth and just tell me "Unknown Target" when I right click their dishes, so all my pending missions will fail unless I can fix this somehow. I tried opening up the savefile to see if I could change the target manually, but while I expected a simle "Kerbin/Earth" as the active target, the actual parameters for the dish in the save file is:


RTAntennaTarget = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000


Making it kinda hard to guess what it is supposed to be. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Edited by Tardigrade89
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