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Survey - Help Calisker Name 0.24 Update!


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I went with xX| Kerbal Space Program MLG_PRO_SKILL | NO_MECHJEB | 360°_ORBITS |Xx

Haha! At least the release trailer is already done.

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I put The Financial Frontier but I like "No Free Launch" the best.

I didn't think of that one either, but I'll vote for that as well.

Technically I already voted but if calisker sees this, you have my permission to take a vote away from Space Tycoon and add one to Financial Frontier.

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I wonder if this quiz will be active until (rather, very close until) release, or if there is a more immediate end time for when they stop tallying votes (and probably stick the chosen name onto the release video).

Lots of great names to pile through definitely, although as selfish or egoistic as it definitely is, I still prefer the one I posted:

"Kerbal Space Program: Limited Liability Incorporated"

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So now all updates have names from now on?

I think it depends on the size and nature/importance of an update (visibly). There were previous updates that only really introduced stuff like new parts/engine tweaks/etc. Stuff that while improved game-play significantly and laid the groundwork for future updates, didn't do much in way of actually changing how the game works. It's the difference between 0.22's introduction of Career Mode and Science, and Research and Sub-Assemblies. To 0.23's balancing/tweakables/interface updates/etc. Both are great updates, but while you could call 0.22 anything Science Related, 0.23 is more of an under the hood update.

I'm sure if a future update is going to introduce *insert amzetacular thing that everybody is super stoked about, and is along the lines of stuff you'd put on the back of a physical game box HERE* they are going to name it. (Like the ARM one, which wasn't all that HUGE either, but definitely something to be exited about due to its nature.)

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Kerbal Space Program: What's Your Career?

Sooooo can't wait....

Edit: WAIT........can I submit another name?

Kerbal Space Program: What Would Jeb Do?

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