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[1.0.x] [V1.9f] Kerbal Foundries wheels, anti-grav repulsors and tracks


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  1. 1. What to work on next?

    • More wheels
    • More tracks
    • Rover bodies
    • Landing gear
    • Landing legs
    • Something completely different

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Ah, you'll find the height option only updates after you retract and deploy. The UI stuff needs some work, but it's in a long list. You'll find there are a few action groups.

Thanks :)

It's funny, the model from the OP was a 2 minute bodge I threw together to see if it would actually work. I always felt it was too.... simple? Several different versions and some alternate textures are on the way, so we can have a bit of a discussion about which version goes into production.

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Just out of curiosity and because i dont know if anybody else has tried it, I added the smooth steering module to a std configured set of wheels without any other deviations from ksp design apart from our preferred position for wheelColliders and excepting they look a lot cooler and the results, compared to the stock steering it could actually make stock rover wheels useful, aside from their extreme fragility.

I hate to mention this in polite company but any further thoughts regarding ackerman? my short wheel base test rigs are getting in a bind, (and any chance you could slip in a cruise control gizmo or not :P)

Must say that since the first dev copy the handling is sooooooooo nice, wheel control is at a point I could quite happily take it as it is, as you know i dont care much what it looks like as long as it works like it should.



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Hehe. I should add a disclaimer in the OP explaining that silly questions/statements will be met with sarcasm or simply ignored. Possibly both.

I'll write some instructions for the repulsors, they do probably need a little explanation...

Interesting, spanner. Ackerman is on the way, though it's an interesting algorithm to create given the range of design possible in KSP.

Repulsor wheels should be out next, by the way.

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  lo-fi said:
Hehe. I should add a disclaimer in the OP explaining that silly questions/statements will be met with sarcasm or simply ignored. Possibly both.

I'll write some instructions for the repulsors, they do probably need a little explanation...

mmm... :huh: not very kind of you, in starwars or other sci-fi movies/animations they can brake AFAIK, don't know how, but they can ! Even McFly have brakes on his hoverboard, I guess.

And in KSP is more "no we can't" (to quote Mr. Kerbama) :D

Disclaimer is welcome, it should be also repeated later in the readme (but people don't read such thing, maybe it can also be put on the repulsors themselves: "WARNING: brakes not included")

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Definitely put the warning on the model. In backwards Spanish, of course ;)

The ideal place for instructions is in the editor info field - I'll update the .cfg

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˙ƃuᴉʎÉÂs ÇÂɹ,ÊŽÇÂɥʇ ʇÉÂɥʠÉÂÇÂpá´‰ ON ÇÂÊŒÉÂÉ¥ I puÉ 'É¥sá´‰uÉÂdS ƃuᴉʞÉÂÇÂds llÉ ÇÂɹ,ÊŽÇÂɥʇ ʇnq 'pÉÂÇÂÉ¥ ʎɯ uá´‰ sÇÂÉâ€Ã¡Â´â€°oÊŒ ÇÂÊŒÉÂÉ¥ I

¡pÇÂpnlÉâ€uá´‰ ʇou sÇÂÊžÉÂɹq :פNINɹ∀M

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  Wacoede said:
˙ƃuᴉʎÉÂs ÇÂɹ,ÊŽÇÂɥʇ ʇÉÂɥʠÉÂÇÂpá´‰ ON ÇÂÊŒÉÂÉ¥ I puÉ 'É¥sá´‰uÉÂdS ƃuᴉʞÉÂÇÂds llÉ ÇÂɹ,ÊŽÇÂɥʇ ʇnq 'pÉÂÇÂÉ¥ ʎɯ uá´‰ sÇÂÉâ€Ã¡Â´â€°oÊŒ ÇÂÊŒÉÂÉ¥ I

¡pÇÂpnlÉâ€uá´‰ ʇou sÇÂÊžÉÂɹq :פNINɹ∀M

Hahahaha! That looks suitably Kerbalish, I like it :D

Is it odd that it took me a few seconds to realise that was backwards an upside down? Strangely, I can read it fine! Not sure how I feel about that.. :huh:

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  Justin Kerbice said:
mmm... :huh: not very kind of you, in starwars or other sci-fi movies/animations they can brake AFAIK, don't know how, but they can ! Even McFly have brakes on his hoverboard, I guess.

Actually, as far as I'm aware, the hoverboard didn't have true brakes. What it did have was a tendency to travel towards the front of the board, so that the driver could steer in similar fashion to the skateboard. To stop, one only needed to angle the board's repulsors so that they were both repulsing the ground and pushing backwards. Other ways to stop could include turning sharply which achieves the same thing basically, except that you slow down instead of stopping quickly. I imagine similar speed-reduction could be created by increasing pressure front the foot into the back of the board, angling it upwards slightly during forward travel.

For these repulsor-wheels, we would simply need a way to add a subtle amount of downwards thrust to the repulsion effect. This small amount of thrust would not be enough to crease any upward movement, but to break you could simply angle the craft's underside towards the direction you want to brake. To stop completely, however, I'd suggest something like the KAS anchor. It seems a little ridiculous that we'd need such a thing but, unless the repulsors can be completely shut off and cause the craft to settle down on the ground (or other suitable landing-gear), we'll need something to hold us stationary.

- - - Updated - - -

  Wacoede said:
˙ƃuᴉʎÉÂs ÇÂɹ,ÊŽÇÂɥʇ ʇÉÂɥʠÉÂÇÂpá´‰ ON ÇÂÊŒÉÂÉ¥ I puÉ 'É¥sá´‰uÉÂdS ƃuᴉʞÉÂÇÂds llÉ ÇÂɹ,ÊŽÇÂɥʇ ʇnq 'pÉÂÇÂÉ¥ ʎɯ uá´‰ sÇÂÉâ€Ã¡Â´â€°oÊŒ ÇÂÊŒÉÂÉ¥ I

¡pÇÂpnlÉâ€uá´‰ ʇou sÇÂÊžÉÂɹq :פNINɹ∀M

How the heck did you manage to even type that? My mind is completely boggled right now.

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Comes from spending years trying to see into small spaces using mirrors, if your experience of engineering is like mine, i could read it fine also.

Re latest edition of tracks, are they a bit soggy, they seem to start retracted deploy then the suspension seems to collapse? or perhaps its just me again.

I'd imagine it's quite a bit of code to work out the precise angles required for the ackerman, but some would be better than none even on multi wheel setups in which normally the center wheels would have a different rate. I suppose the real killer is, how is the plugin going to know that one side is outside and the other inside of the curve? It'll be no issue for you then, i'll expect it by say saturday afternoon :sticktongue:

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I can now initialise WheelColliders without ModuleWheel. This. changes. everything.

Thanks to the RBI guys for some clues in their code.

This probably won't mean a lot to most of you, but it opens up a great many possibilities and lots of limitations are lifted. Testing team, expect some crazy stuff to start appearing :D

Lots of work ahead to recreate the stuff ModuleWheel does that I want to retain (rotating the wheel mesh and moving suspension helpers, for example), but it will be worth it to have complete control, and I can _possibly_ set up the anti-roll how I want now. Tracks are back on too, though ignore them for the moment. They were set up for a very light craft and don't work well as they are anyway.

:P thanks for your confidence, spanner ;)

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@Gaalidas: didn't remember that, thanks for the little story ;)

We (with lo-fi) talked about an anchor but something much more heavier than KAS' anchor I guess, funny talks. I don't think lo-fi still add his super-RCS thruster in archives, it helps to moves even on Kerbin, to stop it's quite funny to find the right amount of dV to add in each of 3 (or 6 if you need some practice) directions.

@lo-fi: I think WC are also used in landing gears (take a look at unity screenshot for example). I can't imagine what crazy stuff you'll bring to kerbals. Jeb's will made jealous friends, again !

I'm dysfunctional :confused: too, I have no problem reading backward upside-down text.

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Nice, thanks for posting :) I'm thinking of making a separate thread for people to post their creations. I love seeing how people use the stuff I'm creating and it's quite useful to know how they're being used.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
@Gaalidas: didn't remember that, thanks for the little story ;)

We (with lo-fi) talked about an anchor but something much more heavier than KAS' anchor I guess, funny talks. I don't think lo-fi still add his super-RCS thruster in archives, it helps to moves even on Kerbin, to stop it's quite funny to find the right amount of dV to add in each of 3 (or 6 if you need some practice) directions.

@lo-fi: I think WC are also used in landing gears (take a look at unity screenshot for example). I can't imagine what crazy stuff you'll bring to kerbals. Jeb's will made jealous friends, again !

I'm dysfunctional :confused: too, I have no problem reading backward upside-down text.

Ah yes, the anchor. Quite.... Kerbal, I suppose! Thanks for the reminder, I'll add the heavy-duty RCS .cfg. Someone has already mentioned landing gear, I'll get round to it eventually. That may be where the repulsors really make a difference...

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Oooh, looking forward to the tracks! I shouldn't finish work too late tonight so I'll have a lovely few hours play time :D Excellent stuff!

I wish I had more time, I have about a thousand ideas for more parts and little finishing touches for the plugin :/

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